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5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   5 ways to embrace
    HTML5 today
    Daniel Ryan
    March 2010
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   What is HTML5?
    ⊛   HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML
(   What is HTML5?
    ⊛   HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML

    ⊛   It is currently in “Last Call” phase at the
(   What is HTML5?
    ⊛   HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML

    ⊛   It is currently in “Last Call” phase at the

    ⊛   It was written both to define new features and
        ratify current behavior.
(   What is HTML5?
    ⊛   HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML

    ⊛   It is currently in “Last Call” phase at the

    ⊛   It was written both to define new features and
        ratify current behavior.

    ⊛   It is scheduled to be a “Proposed
        Recommendation” in 2022.
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   What browsers
    support HTML5?              )
    ⊛   All of them. Sort of.
(   What browsers
    support HTML5?                                    )
    ⊛   All of them. Sort of.

    ⊛   Most of the proposed features can be
        implemented today through either native
        browser support or a combination of CSS and
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   5 Features Ready to
    Implement                                )
    ⊛   New elements (tags) and attributes
(   5 Features Ready to
    Implement                                )
    ⊛   New elements (tags) and attributes

    ⊛   Client side storage
(   5 Features Ready to
    Implement                                )
    ⊛   New elements (tags) and attributes

    ⊛   Client side storage

    ⊛   <audio> and <video>
(   5 Features Ready to
    Implement                                )
    ⊛   New elements (tags) and attributes

    ⊛   Client side storage

    ⊛   <audio> and <video>

    ⊛   Geolocation
(   5 Features Ready to
    Implement                                )
    ⊛   New elements (tags) and attributes

    ⊛   Client side storage

    ⊛   <audio> and <video>

    ⊛   Geolocation

    ⊛   New form types
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
<!doctype HTML>
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   1: New Elements

    ⊛   section     ⊛   video      ⊛   rp
    ⊛   article     ⊛   audio      ⊛   canvas

    ⊛   aside       ⊛   embed      ⊛   command

    ⊛   hgroup      ⊛   mark       ⊛   details

    ⊛   header      ⊛   progress   ⊛   datalist

    ⊛   footer      ⊛   meter      ⊛   keygen

    ⊛   nav         ⊛   time       ⊛   output

    ⊛   figure       ⊛   ruby       ⊛   dialog

    ⊛   figcaption   ⊛   rt
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   1: New Elements —
    Implementation                                        )
    ⊛   Add this <script> tag just after <head>:
(   1: New Elements —
    Implementation                                                    )
    ⊛   Add this <script> tag just after <head>:

    ⊛   Add this line to the top of your CSS file:
        section, article, aside, header, footer, nav, figure, dialog
        { display: block; }
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
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     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
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     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
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   <article class="hentry">
     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
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     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
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     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
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   <article class="hentry">
     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
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   <article class="hentry">
     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
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   <article class="hentry">
     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
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  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
     <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
    <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
    <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
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  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
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  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
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      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
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   <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a>
      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
  <footer id="ft">
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   <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a>
      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
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   <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p>
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   <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a>
      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
  <footer id="ft">
   <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p>
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   <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a>
      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
  <footer id="ft">
   <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p>
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   <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a>
      <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  <section id="main">
   <article class="hentry">
      <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1>
     <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
     <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  <section id="sb">
   <section class="summary-article">
     <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to
maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's
zone. </div>
  <footer id="ft">
   <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p>
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   1: New Attributes —
    Forms & Inputs        )
    ⊛   autofocus
(   1: New Attributes —
    Forms & Inputs        )
    ⊛   autofocus

    ⊛   form
(   1: New Attributes —
    Forms & Inputs        )
    ⊛   autofocus

    ⊛   form

    ⊛   required
(   1: New Attributes —
    Forms & Inputs                                   )
    ⊛   autofocus

    ⊛   form

    ⊛   required

    ⊛   autocomplete, min, max, multiple, pattern,
(   1: New Attributes —
    Forms & Inputs                                   )
    ⊛   autofocus

    ⊛   form

    ⊛   required

    ⊛   autocomplete, min, max, multiple, pattern,

    ⊛   novalidate
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   1: New Attributes —
    Miscellaneous         )
    ⊛   ol[reversed]
(   1: New Attributes —
    Miscellaneous         )
    ⊛   ol[reversed]

    ⊛   iframe[sandbox]
(   1: New Attributes —
    Miscellaneous         )
    ⊛   ol[reversed]

    ⊛   iframe[sandbox]

    ⊛   script[async]
(   1: New Attributes —
    Miscellaneous                                      )
    ⊛   ol[reversed]

    ⊛   iframe[sandbox]

    ⊛   script[async]

    ⊛   see more at
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                )
    ⊛   contenteditable
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu

    ⊛   data-*
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu

    ⊛   data-*

    ⊛   draggable
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu

    ⊛   data-*

    ⊛   draggable

    ⊛   hidden
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                                           )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu

    ⊛   data-*

    ⊛   draggable

    ⊛   hidden

    ⊛   role and aria-* (
(   1: New Attributes —
    Global                                           )
    ⊛   contenteditable

    ⊛   contextmenu

    ⊛   data-*

    ⊛   draggable

    ⊛   hidden

    ⊛   role and aria-* (

    ⊛   spellcheck
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   2: Client Side
    Storage                                              )
    ⊛   Store data in the browser via a JavaScript API
(   2: Client Side
    Storage                                              )
    ⊛   Store data in the browser via a JavaScript API

    ⊛   Enable offline syncing or speed up heavy web
(   2: Client Side
    Storage                                              )
    ⊛   Store data in the browser via a JavaScript API

    ⊛   Enable offline syncing or speed up heavy web

    ⊛   Gracefully degrade with http://
(   2: Client Side
    Storage                                              )
    ⊛   Store data in the browser via a JavaScript API

    ⊛   Enable offline syncing or speed up heavy web

    ⊛   Gracefully degrade with http://

    ⊛   Store static assets in a manifest for offline
        access (
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   3: <audio>
    ⊛   Native support for audio file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls
(   3: <audio>
    ⊛   Native support for audio file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (
(   3: <audio>
    ⊛   Native support for audio file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (

    ⊛   Fallback with
        <audio src=”file.mp3”>
          <embed src=”flashplayer.swf”></embed>
(   3: <audio>
    ⊛   Native support for audio file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (

    ⊛   Fallback with
        <audio src=”file.mp3”>
          <embed src=”flashplayer.swf”></embed>

    ⊛   Or, get around the format war with
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   4: <video>
    ⊛   Native support for video file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls
(   4: <video>
    ⊛   Native support for video file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (
(   4: <video>
    ⊛   Native support for video file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (

    ⊛   Fallback with
        <video src=”file.mp3”>
          <embed src=”flashplayer.swf”></embed>
(   4: <video>
    ⊛   Native support for video file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (

    ⊛   Fallback with
        <video src=”file.mp3”>
          <embed src=”flashplayer.swf”></embed>

    ⊛   Or, get around the format war with
(   4: <video>
    ⊛   Native support for video file playback with a
        full JavaScript API for controls

    ⊛   Go full native (

    ⊛   Fallback with
        <video src=”file.mp3”>
          <embed src=”flashplayer.swf”></embed>

    ⊛   Or, get around the format war with

    ⊛   See some demos at
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   5: New Form Types

    ⊛   search     ⊛   time
    ⊛   tel        ⊛   datetime-local

    ⊛   url        ⊛   number

    ⊛   email      ⊛   range

    ⊛   datetime   ⊛   color

    ⊛   date

    ⊛   month

    ⊛   week
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   5: New Form Types

    ⊛   Write your own JavaScript validation
    ⊛   Use

    ⊛   Be sure to still do server-side validation, the
        client-side is mainly to benefit your users
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today
(   Thanks for
    listening for more info
5 ways to embrace HTML5 today

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5 ways to embrace HTML5 today

  • 2. ( 5 ways to embrace HTML5 today Daniel Ryan DevChatt March 2010 )
  • 5. ( What is HTML5? ) ⊛ HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML spec.
  • 6. ( What is HTML5? ) ⊛ HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML spec. ⊛ It is currently in “Last Call” phase at the WHATWG.
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  • 8. ( What is HTML5? ) ⊛ HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML spec. ⊛ It is currently in “Last Call” phase at the WHATWG. ⊛ It was written both to define new features and ratify current behavior. ⊛ It is scheduled to be a “Proposed Recommendation” in 2022.
  • 11. ( What browsers support HTML5? ) ⊛ All of them. Sort of.
  • 12. ( What browsers support HTML5? ) ⊛ All of them. Sort of. ⊛ Most of the proposed features can be implemented today through either native browser support or a combination of CSS and JavaScript.
  • 15. ( 5 Features Ready to Implement ) ⊛ New elements (tags) and attributes
  • 16. ( 5 Features Ready to Implement ) ⊛ New elements (tags) and attributes ⊛ Client side storage
  • 17. ( 5 Features Ready to Implement ) ⊛ New elements (tags) and attributes ⊛ Client side storage ⊛ <audio> and <video>
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  • 19. ( 5 Features Ready to Implement ) ⊛ New elements (tags) and attributes ⊛ Client side storage ⊛ <audio> and <video> ⊛ Geolocation ⊛ New form types
  • 25. ( 1: New Elements ⊛ section ⊛ video ⊛ rp ) ⊛ article ⊛ audio ⊛ canvas ⊛ aside ⊛ embed ⊛ command ⊛ hgroup ⊛ mark ⊛ details ⊛ header ⊛ progress ⊛ datalist ⊛ footer ⊛ meter ⊛ keygen ⊛ nav ⊛ time ⊛ output ⊛ figure ⊛ ruby ⊛ dialog ⊛ figcaption ⊛ rt
  • 28. ( 1: New Elements — Implementation ) ⊛ Add this <script> tag just after <head>: <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="http://"></ script><![endif]-->
  • 29. ( 1: New Elements — Implementation ) ⊛ Add this <script> tag just after <head>: <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="http://"></ script><![endif]--> ⊛ Add this line to the top of your CSS file: section, article, aside, header, footer, nav, figure, dialog { display: block; }
  • 35. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
  • 36. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head>
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  • 42. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li>
  • 43. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul>
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  • 50. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header>
  • 51. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer>
  • 52. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p>
  • 53. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article>
  • 54. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section>
  • 55. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb">
  • 56. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article">
  • 57. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2>
  • 58. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div>
  • 59. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section>
  • 60. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section>
  • 61. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section> <footer id="ft">
  • 62. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section> <footer id="ft"> <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p>
  • 63. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section> <footer id="ft"> <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p> </footer>
  • 64. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section> <footer id="ft"> <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p> </footer> </body>
  • 65. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--[if IE]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> </head> <body> <header> <a href="/" title="Chattarati Homepage">Chattarati</a> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/metro/" title="Metro" class="metro ancestor" rel="metro">Metro</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="hentry"> <header> <h1>School Board Upholds Normal Park's Current Zone</h1> </header> <footer>By <a href="/author/acollier/" class="author vcard url fn">Aaron Collier</a></footer> <p>The debate over Normal Park Museum Magnet's zone came to a head Thursday evening when the</p> </article> </section> <section id="sb"> <section class="summary-article"> <h2>Summary</h2> <div class="summary">Thursday evening, the Hamilton County School Board voted 6 to 3 to approve a plan to maintain Normal Park Museum Magnet's current zone and pre-K program despite a 2007 decision to expand the school's zone. </div> </section> </section> <footer id="ft"> <p class="copyright">&copy;2008-2010 Chattarati.</p> </footer> </body> </html>
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Editor's Notes