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Deep Learning to help student’s
Deep Learning
Hak Kim | AI Team
The return of the MOOC
● Education is no longer a one-time event but
a lifelong experience
● Working lives are now so lengthy and
● People must be able to acquire new skill
throughout their careers
● MOOC is broadening access to cutting-edge
vocational subjects
Hak Kim |
● Significant increase in student numbers
● Impracticality to assess each student’s
level of engagement by human instructors
● Increasingly fast dev and update cycle of
course contents
● Diverse demographics of students in each
online classroom
In the World of MOOCs
Hak Kim |
● Challenging problem to forecast the future
performance of students as they interact
with online coursework
● Reliable early-stage prediction of a student’s
future performance is critical to facilitate
timely (educational) interventions during a
Only a few prior works have explored the problem
from a deep learning perspective!
Student Perf. Prediction
Hak Kim |

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The document summarizes an internship report for a full-stack developer internship at Professional Computer System (PCS). The internship involved learning Spring as a backend framework and React as a frontend framework to develop a Canteen Management System web application. Key activities included research, installing software, and working on the specific project. The expected outcome was a functional web application for managing a canteen with features like record keeping, user and admin portals, and an ordering system.

Project template
Project templateProject template
Project template

This document summarizes a final year defense presentation on leveraging an interactive web-based virtual classroom. The presentation outlines the introduction, aim and objectives, hypothesis, research questions, literature review, proposed model, design and development, testing and evaluation, result analysis, performance analysis, and conclusion. It discusses designing a virtual classroom to allow interactive teaching and learning between teachers and students. Testing showed the classroom was an effective environment for both learning and teaching. The presentation concludes that a virtual classroom can benefit teachers and students and hopes it will support learning and teaching in the future.


Shobha Rani Kondapalli is a testing professional with over 3 years of experience in manual and automation testing. She has expertise in banking payments domains, ISO8583 and ISO20022 protocols, and the full software development and testing lifecycles. She is proficient in testing techniques including manual testing, regression testing, UI automation testing, and automation testing using Groovy. She is skilled in testing tools such as Selenium, Jira, and has experience in programming languages including Java and Groovy. She has worked on several projects for clients such as ACI Payment Systems and DBS, focusing on automation testing for financial applications.

Graduate (user 1122)
● First views four lecture videos, then gets a quiz correct
● In the subsequent 13 events, watches a series of videos, answers quizzes
and submits first project three times and finally get it passed
Drop-out (user 2214)
● Views four lectures sparsely and fails the first project three times in a row
With this raw student activity data, GritNet can make a prediction as to
whether or not student would graduate (or any other student outcomes)
Student Event Sequence
Hak Kim |
● Feed time-stamped students’ raw event sequence
(w/o engineered features)
● Encode them by one-hot encoding of possible event tuple
{action, timestamp} - to reserve ordering information and to
capture student’s learning speed
● Probability of a student performance
● E.g., graduation or any other student outcomes
● GMP layer is able to capture most relevant part of the input
event sequence and to deal with imbalanced nature of data!
Hak Kim |
Training objective is the negative log likelihood of the observed
event sequence of student activities
● Binary cross entropy is minimized using stochastic gradient descent on mini-batches (size of 32)
Model optimization
● BLSTM layers of 128 cell dimensions per direction
● Embedding layer dimension grid-searched
● Dropout applied to the BLSTM output
● Note: Baseline model (logistic regression based) was also optimized extensively
Trained a different model for different weeks based on student’s week-by-week event records
GritNet Training
Hak Kim |

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This paper proposes two approaches for document-level question answering: a pipeline approach and a confidence-based approach. The pipeline approach selects a single paragraph and extracts an answer from it. The confidence-based approach assigns confidence scores to answers from multiple paragraphs and returns the highest scoring answer. The paper experiments with different training methods for the confidence model and evaluates on several datasets, finding the shared normalization and no-answer option methods perform best. Error analysis shows the model still struggles with connecting statements across sentences and paragraphs.

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Webinar: How We Evaluated MongoDB as a Relational Database Replacement
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Online course registration system development software engineering project pr...
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Autometed Online Course Registration System is a software development project final presentation. here , I applyed . and software development waterfall feedback model. Development Software Engineering Project Presentation

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On Udacity Data
● ND-A program: 777 graduated out of 1,853 students (41.9%)
● ND-B program: 1,005 graduated from 8,301 students (12.1%)
● Compared student graduation prediction accuracy in terms of
mean area under the ROC curve (AUC) over 5-fold cross validation
● GritNet consistently outperforms the baseline and provides
superior performance by more than 5% abs on both ND-{A,B}
● On ND-B dataset, the baseline model requires a wait of two
months to reach the same performance that the GritNet shows
within three weeks
I.e., improvements of GritNet are substantially pronounced in the first few
weeks when accurate predictions are most challenging!
Prediction Performance
5.3% abs (7.7% rel)
5% abs
Hak Kim |
GritNet is the current state of the art for student prediction problem
● P1: Does not need any feature engineering (learns from raw input)
● P2: Can operate on any student event data associated with a timestamp
(even when highly imbalanced)
Hak Kim |
Remaining challenges
● Significant increase in student numbers
● Impracticality to assess each student’s
level of engagement by human instructors
● Increasingly fast dev and update cycle of
course contents
● Diverse demographics of students in each
online classroom
In the World of MOOCs
Hak Kim |
What’s Next
● So far GritNet trained and tested on the same course
● Real-time prediction during on-going course
(before the course finishes)
Hak Kim |

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The document discusses OSGeo's participation in the 2017 Google Code-in competition. Some key points: - OSGeo had 20 volunteers who mentored over 600 students on tasks for 11 OSGeo projects. - The majority of students were from India and the US and completed tasks in areas like outreach, documentation, and coding. - Mentors provided feedback that it was a learning experience for OSGeo's first time participating and that some students struggled without sufficient guidance. - Lessons included preventing plagiarism, clarifying task requirements, and managing the large time commitment required from mentors.

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1) The document proposes a new continual user representation learning method called TERACON that learns from a continuous stream of tasks while retaining knowledge from previous tasks and capturing relationships between tasks. 2) TERACON uses task embeddings to generate relation-aware task-specific masks that maintain learning ability and facilitate capturing task relationships. 3) It prevents "catastrophic forgetting" using a knowledge retention module with pseudo-labeling on past tasks.

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Colorado Community College System's CHAMP Instructional Design meeting presentation from Pam Packer and Joe Martin of Red Rocks Community College discussing "flipped" hybrid project-based course design.

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Real-Time Prediction
● GMP layer output captures generalizable sequential
representation of input event sequence
● FC layer learns the course-specific features
GritNet can be viewed as a sequence-level feature (or
embedding) extractor plus a classifier
Hak Kim |
Unsupervised DA framework
● Trained from previous (source) course
but to be deployed on another (target) course
● E.g., v1 → v2, existing → newly-launched ND program
Ordinal Input Encoding
● Group (raw) content IDs into subcategories
● Normalize them using natural ordering implicit
in the content paths within each category
Domain Adaptation
Hak Kim |
Domain Adaptation
Hak Kim |
Unsupervised DA framework
● Trained from previous (source) course
but to be deployed on another (target) course
● E.g., v1 → v2, existing → newly-launched ND program
Ordinal Input Encoding
● Group (raw) content IDs into subcategories
● Normalize them using natural ordering implicit
in the content paths within each category

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This document describes work to develop an auto-grading system for a parallel programming course at Rice University. The key points are: - The current grading process is manual, time-consuming, and provides limited feedback to students. An auto-grading system was developed to address these issues. - The auto-grading system extends the Web-CAT tool to support auto-grading of parallel programs written in Habanero Java (HJ). - Features implemented include correctness testing, performance testing on a cluster, backup of submissions, static analysis tools, and profiling to provide feedback to students. This provides a more efficient, consistent and transparent grading process.

Pseudo-Labels generation
● No target labels from the target course
● Use a trained GritNet to assign hard
one-hot labels (Step 4)
Domain Adaptation
Hak Kim |
Transfer Learning
● Continue training the last FC layer on the
target course while keeping the GritNet
core fixed (Step 6 and Step 7)
● The last FC layer limits the number of
params to learn
Very practical solution for faster adaptation time and applicability for even a smaller size target course!
Domain Adaptation
Hak Kim |
Udacity Data
● Vanilla baseline: LR trained on source course, evaluated on target course
● GritNet baseline: GritNet trained on source course, evaluated on target course
○ BLSTM layers of 256 cell dimensions per direction and embedding layer of 512 dimension
● Domain adaptation
● Oracle: use oracle target labels instead of pseudo-labels
Experimental Setup
Hak Kim |
Generalization Performance
Hak Kim |
70.60% ARR
58.06% ARR
Up to 84.88% ARR at week 3Up to 75.07% ARR at week 3
● AUC Recovery Rate (ARR): AUC reduction that unsupervised domain adaptation provides divided by
the absolute reduction that oracle training produces
○ Clear wins of GritNet baseline vs. vanilla baseline
○ Domain adaptation enhances real-time predictions explicitly in the first few weeks!

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This document describes work to extend the Web-CAT auto-grading system to support a parallel programming course (COMP 322) at Rice University. The extensions allow Web-CAT to automatically grade student submissions on correctness, performance, and code quality. This provides faster feedback to students, reduces grading workload, and enables large online offerings of the course. Key features added include automated testing of parallel programs written in Habanero Java, performance evaluation on a cluster, backup of submissions, static analysis, profiling, and a leaderboard. The goal is to create a transparent, consistent and scalable grading process.

Stefan Mohacsi - 15 years of Evolving Model-Based Testing - EuroSTAR 2012
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This document summarizes Stefan Mohacsi's 15 years of experience with model-based testing. It describes the evolution of his automated test case generator from early Prolog tools to modern model-based testing tools integrated with test management systems. Key developments included adding support for graphical user interfaces, task flow modeling, requirements tracing, test data generation, and integration with test execution tools. The experience showed that model-based testing improves test efficiency and reduces maintenance costs compared to manual testing when applied correctly with a focus on reusable test models and integration within a test framework.

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Relational knowledge distillation
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The document discusses relational knowledge distillation (RKD), a technique for transferring knowledge from a teacher model to a student model. It begins by providing background on knowledge distillation and recent approaches. It then introduces RKD, which transfers relational information between examples in the teacher's embedding space, such as distances and angles, rather than just individual example outputs. The document describes experiments applying RKD to metric learning, image classification, and few-shot learning, finding it improves student model performance over other distillation methods. It concludes RKD effectively leverages relational information to transfer knowledge between models.

GritNet is the current state of the art for student prediction problem
● P1: Does not need any feature engineering (learns from raw input)
● P2: Can operate on any student event data associated with a timestamp
(even when highly imbalanced)
● P3: Can be transferred to new courses without any (students’ outcome) label!
Full papers available on arXiv (GritNet, GritNet2)
Hak Kim |
Looking ahead
Is a student likely to benefit from (sequential) interventions?
Student, X Intervention, T
Learning outcomes, Y
? ... ...
... ...
Hak Kim |
Wrap Up
Hak Kim |
Thank You!

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[243] Deep Learning to help student’s Deep Learning

  • 1. Deep Learning to help student’s Deep Learning Hak Kim | AI Team
  • 2. The return of the MOOC ● Education is no longer a one-time event but a lifelong experience ● Working lives are now so lengthy and fast-changing ● People must be able to acquire new skill throughout their careers ● MOOC is broadening access to cutting-edge vocational subjects Backgrounds Hak Kim |
  • 3. Challenges ● Significant increase in student numbers ● Impracticality to assess each student’s level of engagement by human instructors ● Increasingly fast dev and update cycle of course contents ● Diverse demographics of students in each online classroom In the World of MOOCs Hak Kim |
  • 4. ● Challenging problem to forecast the future performance of students as they interact with online coursework ● Reliable early-stage prediction of a student’s future performance is critical to facilitate timely (educational) interventions during a course Only a few prior works have explored the problem from a deep learning perspective! Student Perf. Prediction Hak Kim |
  • 6. Graduate (user 1122) ● First views four lecture videos, then gets a quiz correct ● In the subsequent 13 events, watches a series of videos, answers quizzes and submits first project three times and finally get it passed Drop-out (user 2214) ● Views four lectures sparsely and fails the first project three times in a row With this raw student activity data, GritNet can make a prediction as to whether or not student would graduate (or any other student outcomes) Student Event Sequence Hak Kim |
  • 7. Input ● Feed time-stamped students’ raw event sequence (w/o engineered features) ● Encode them by one-hot encoding of possible event tuple {action, timestamp} - to reserve ordering information and to capture student’s learning speed Output ● Probability of a student performance ● E.g., graduation or any other student outcomes Model ● GMP layer is able to capture most relevant part of the input event sequence and to deal with imbalanced nature of data! GritNet Hak Kim |
  • 8. Training objective is the negative log likelihood of the observed event sequence of student activities ● Binary cross entropy is minimized using stochastic gradient descent on mini-batches (size of 32) Model optimization ● BLSTM layers of 128 cell dimensions per direction ● Embedding layer dimension grid-searched ● Dropout applied to the BLSTM output ● Note: Baseline model (logistic regression based) was also optimized extensively Trained a different model for different weeks based on student’s week-by-week event records GritNet Training Hak Kim |
  • 9. On Udacity Data ● ND-A program: 777 graduated out of 1,853 students (41.9%) ● ND-B program: 1,005 graduated from 8,301 students (12.1%) Results ● Compared student graduation prediction accuracy in terms of mean area under the ROC curve (AUC) over 5-fold cross validation ● GritNet consistently outperforms the baseline and provides superior performance by more than 5% abs on both ND-{A,B} dataset ● On ND-B dataset, the baseline model requires a wait of two months to reach the same performance that the GritNet shows within three weeks I.e., improvements of GritNet are substantially pronounced in the first few weeks when accurate predictions are most challenging! Prediction Performance 5.3% abs (7.7% rel) 5% abs Hak Kim |
  • 10. Intermission GritNet is the current state of the art for student prediction problem ● P1: Does not need any feature engineering (learns from raw input) ● P2: Can operate on any student event data associated with a timestamp (even when highly imbalanced) Hak Kim |
  • 11. Remaining challenges ● Significant increase in student numbers ● Impracticality to assess each student’s level of engagement by human instructors ● Increasingly fast dev and update cycle of course contents ● Diverse demographics of students in each online classroom In the World of MOOCs Hak Kim |
  • 12. What’s Next ● So far GritNet trained and tested on the same course data ● Real-time prediction during on-going course (before the course finishes) Hak Kim |
  • 14. Observation ● GMP layer output captures generalizable sequential representation of input event sequence ● FC layer learns the course-specific features GritNet can be viewed as a sequence-level feature (or embedding) extractor plus a classifier Intuition Hak Kim |
  • 15. Unsupervised DA framework ● Trained from previous (source) course but to be deployed on another (target) course ● E.g., v1 → v2, existing → newly-launched ND program Ordinal Input Encoding ● Group (raw) content IDs into subcategories ● Normalize them using natural ordering implicit in the content paths within each category Domain Adaptation Hak Kim |
  • 16. Domain Adaptation Hak Kim | Unsupervised DA framework ● Trained from previous (source) course but to be deployed on another (target) course ● E.g., v1 → v2, existing → newly-launched ND program Ordinal Input Encoding ● Group (raw) content IDs into subcategories ● Normalize them using natural ordering implicit in the content paths within each category
  • 17. Pseudo-Labels generation ● No target labels from the target course ● Use a trained GritNet to assign hard one-hot labels (Step 4) Domain Adaptation (cont’d) Hak Kim |
  • 18. Transfer Learning ● Continue training the last FC layer on the target course while keeping the GritNet core fixed (Step 6 and Step 7) ● The last FC layer limits the number of params to learn Very practical solution for faster adaptation time and applicability for even a smaller size target course! Domain Adaptation (cont’d) Hak Kim |
  • 19. Udacity Data Setup ● Vanilla baseline: LR trained on source course, evaluated on target course ● GritNet baseline: GritNet trained on source course, evaluated on target course ○ BLSTM layers of 256 cell dimensions per direction and embedding layer of 512 dimension ● Domain adaptation ● Oracle: use oracle target labels instead of pseudo-labels Experimental Setup Hak Kim |
  • 20. Generalization Performance Hak Kim | 70.60% ARR 58.06% ARR Up to 84.88% ARR at week 3Up to 75.07% ARR at week 3 Results ● AUC Recovery Rate (ARR): AUC reduction that unsupervised domain adaptation provides divided by the absolute reduction that oracle training produces ○ Clear wins of GritNet baseline vs. vanilla baseline ○ Domain adaptation enhances real-time predictions explicitly in the first few weeks!
  • 21. Summary GritNet is the current state of the art for student prediction problem ● P1: Does not need any feature engineering (learns from raw input) ● P2: Can operate on any student event data associated with a timestamp (even when highly imbalanced) ● P3: Can be transferred to new courses without any (students’ outcome) label! Full papers available on arXiv (GritNet, GritNet2) Hak Kim |
  • 22. Looking ahead Is a student likely to benefit from (sequential) interventions? Student, X Intervention, T Learning outcomes, Y ? ... ... ... ... Hak Kim |