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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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GO programming language
GO programming languageGO programming language
GO programming language

This document provides an outline on learning the Go programming language. It discusses Go's history as a language developed by Google in 2007. Key features include being statically typed with garbage collection and support for concurrency. The document outlines disadvantages like Go still being a young language. It provides guidance on setting up a Go environment and learning basics like types, variables, functions, control structures, object orientation, and concurrency using goroutines and channels.


PyTorch is an open source machine learning library that provides two main features: tensor computing with strong GPU acceleration and built-in support for deep neural networks through an autodiff tape-based system. It includes packages for optimization algorithms, neural networks, multiprocessing, utilities, and computer vision tasks. PyTorch uses an imperative programming style and defines computation graphs at runtime, compared to TensorFlow which uses both static and dynamic graphs.

پایتورچهوش مصنوعیفیسبوک
Golang execution modes
Golang execution modesGolang execution modes
Golang execution modes

Golang supports several execution modes that determine how code is built and linked. The main modes are: - exe: Default for main packages, builds everything into a single executable. - shared: Combines packages into a shared library for dynamic linking, reducing binary size. Currently only supported on Linux. - archive: Default for non-main packages, builds into a .a library file. - c-shared/c-archive: Builds packages into a single C shared library/archive file for calling from C/C++. - plugin: Builds packages into a shared library that can be dynamically loaded at runtime, similar to dlopen. Currently only supported on Linux.

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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Python과 Tensorflow를 활용한  AI Chatbot 개발 및 실무 적용Python과 Tensorflow를 활용한  AI Chatbot 개발 및 실무 적용
Python과 Tensorflow를 활용한 AI Chatbot 개발 및 실무 적용

도입 AI Chatbot 소개 Chatbot Ecosystem Closed vs Open Domain Rule Based vs AI Chat IF Flow and Story Slot AI기반의 학습을 위한 Data 구성 방법 Data를 구하는 법 / Train을 위한 Word Representation Data의 구성 / Data Augmentation(Intent, NER) 자연어처리 위한 AI 적용 방안 Intent (Char-CNN) / QnA (Seq2Seq) Named Entity Recognition (Bi-LSTM CRF) / Ontology (Graph DB) Chatbot Service를 위한 Architecture 구성 Chatbot Architecture NLP Architecture Web Service Architecture Bot builder / Chatbot API Test Codes for Chatbot 실무에서 발생하는 문제와 해결 Tips Ensemble and voting / Trigger / Synonym(N-Gram) Tone Generator / Parallel processing / Response Speed 마무리 [설명 코드] Text Augmentation / Slot Bot / QA Bot / Graph DB / Response Generator

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
Step 1: TF모델을 TRT 포맷으로 변환
Step 2: 모델 Parser 생성
Step 3: 입/출력 레이어 정보 입력
Step 4: 모델의 최적화 및
런타임 Engine 생성
Step 5: 엔진을 파일로 저장
Step 6: 엔진을 파일에서 읽음
Step 7: Inference 수행
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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Ready for a deep dive into the world's most challenging programming paradigm? Reactive programming can simplify asynchronous and event-driven applications, but without a strong understanding, it can lead to frustration, recurring patchwork, missed deadlines, and costly bugs. In this intensive three-hour session, we'll transition a traditional Spring application to WebFlux, revealing patterns and aanti-patterns when working with repositories, REST APIs, queues, and legacy libraries. You'll gain a clear understanding of often overlooked but critical aspects like subscribe signal, errors, cancellation, and signal loss. As a bonus, we'll debate the future of Reactive vs Virtual Threads, production-ready in Java 21. This session is crucial for developers already working with reactive programming or those intending to make the leap.

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
PReLUPlugin::PReLUPlugin(const Weights *weights, int nbWeights) {
mWeights = weights[0];
mWeights.values = malloc(mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type));
memcpy(const_cast<void *>(mWeights.values), weights[0].values, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type));

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This document contains information about a mentoring program from Baabtra-Mentoring Partner. It includes a disclaimer, tables tracking a mentee's typing speed and job applications over 4 weeks, an introduction to multiprocessing in Python with examples of processes, queues, and locks, contact information for Baabtra, and a request to like their Facebook page.

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服务框架: Thrift & PasteScript
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Thrift and PasteScript are frameworks for building distributed applications and services. Thrift allows defining data types and interfaces using a simple definition language that can generate code in multiple languages. It uses a compact binary protocol for efficient RPC-style communication between clients and servers. PasteScript builds on WSGI and provides tools like paster for deploying and managing Python web applications, along with reloading and logging capabilities. It integrates with Thrift via server runners and application factories.

int PReLUPlugin::enqueue(int batchSize, const void *const *inputs, void **outputs, void *workspace,
cudaStream_t stream) {
const float zerof{0.0f}; const __half zeroh = fp16::__float2half(0.0f);
if (mWeights.type == DataType::__float) {
CHECK(Forward_gpu<__float>(batchSize * mNbInputCount, mNbInputChannels,
mNbInputHeight * mNbInputHeight, reinterpret_cast<const __float *>(mDeviceKernel),
reinterpret_cast<const __float *>(inputs[0]), reinterpret_cast<__float *>(outputs[0]),
zerof, mChannelShared ? mNbInputChannels : 1, stream));
} else { // DataType::kFLOAT }
return 0;
template <typename Ftype>
__global__ void PReLUForward(const int n, const int channels, const int dim, const Ftype* slope_data, const
Ftype* in, Ftype* out, const Ftype zero, const int div_factor) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n) {
int c = (index / dim) % channels / div_factor;
out[index] = (in[index] > (Ftype(zero))) ? in[index] :
in[index] * *(reinterpret_cast<const Ftype*>(slope_data)+c);
template <typename Ftype>
cudaError_t Forward_gpu(const int count, const int channels, const int dim, const Ftype* mDeviceKernel,
const Ftype* bottom_data, Ftype* top_data, const Ftype zero, const int div_factor, const cudaStream_t stream) {
PReLUForward<<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(count), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS, 0, stream>>>
(count, channels, dim, mDeviceKernel, bottom_data, top_data, zero, div_factor);
return cudaGetLastError();
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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In Class Assignmetz/CST280W13a-1.pdf CST 280 In-Class Practice – Week 13 Manually determine the configuration of the priority queue (stored as a heap) created by the following operations. Trace the following logic and define the output: enqueue(7); enqueue(17); enqueue(2); enqueue(5); enqueue(22); enqueue(19); enqueue(6); enqueue(11); enqueue(13); write the queue contents dequeue and write front item enqueue(15); enqueue(8); dequeue and write front item dequeue and write front item enqueue(24); enqueue(14); write the queue contents Part 2 Then, verify the output by implementing the algorithm by rewriting the priority queue demonstration program discussed in class. Files needed: testPQueue.cpp pqType.h heap.cpp Deliverables • This cover sheet (with your names on it) • Driver source code and output for verification program exectution. In Class Assignmetz/CST280W13b.pdf CST 280 In-Class Practice – Week 13 Use this page as a worksheet to sketch the progression of the elements up to the first split for the QuickSort algorithm. Use the middle array element as the split value: 15 34 99 42 11 41 66 23 55 93 48 Next, access the file quickSort.cpp from the course web page. Tailor the program by entering the array values above in place of the integer values used for an in-class demonstration. Be sure to adjust the index range to match the size of this array. Remember that the parameters to the QuickSort algorithm are starting and ending index values, not the size of the array. Next, insert code to demonstrate the state of the array after the first split. This should verify what you did by hand above. Insert the following code at various points within the partition function to “see” the array at various stages of processing: for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) // <== ADD cout << set[i] << ' '; cout << endl; Insert the code at these positions: int partition(int set[], int start, int end) { int pivotValue, pivotIndex, mid; mid = (start + end) / 2; swap(set[start], set[mid]); pivotIndex = start; pivotValue = set[start]; ç HERE for (int scan = start + 1; scan <= end; scan++) { if (set[scan] < pivotValue) { pivotIndex++; swap(set[pivotIndex], set[scan]); } ç HERE } swap(set[start], set[pivotIndex]); ç HERE return pivotIndex; } Finally, identify the line that matches what you concluded above. Deliverables: Deliver the following for this assignment: • This work sheet with a sketch of the array first split • Program source code with required change • Program output demonstrating array configuration after first split .

Protocol handler in Gecko
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The document discusses protocol handlers in Gecko. It explains that protocol handlers allow Gecko to interact with different URI schemes like http, ftp, file etc. It provides an overview of how the awesome bar, browser UI, DocShell and Necko components work together to handle protocol requests from inputting a URL in the awesome bar to creating a channel and loading content. It also briefly introduces channels and stream listeners in Necko which are used for asynchronous loading of content.

Kapacitor - Real Time Data Processing Engine
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Kapacitor is a native data processing engine.Kapacitor is a native data processing engine.It can process both stream and batch data from InfluxDB.It lets you plug in your own custom logic or user-defined functions to process alerts with dynamic thresholds. Key Kapacitor Capabilities -Alerting -ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) -Action Oriented -Streaming Analytics -Anomaly Detection Kapacitor uses a DSL (Domain Specific Language) called TICKscript to define tasks.

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IPluginExt *PReLUPlugin::clone() const override {
return new PReLUPlugin(&mWeights, 1);
IPlugin* pluginFactory::createPlugin(const char* layerName, const Weights* serialData, int nbWeights) override {
return new PReLUPlugin(serialData, serialLength);
PluginFactory parserPluginFactory;
const IBlobNameToTensor *blobNameToTensor =
parser->parse(gParams.deployFile.c_str(), // caffe deploy file
gParams.modelFile.c_str(), // caffe model file
*network, // network definition that the parser will populate
gParams.fp16 ? DataType::kHALF : DataType::kFLOAT);
builder->setMaxWorkspaceSize(size_t(gParams.workspaceSize) << 20);
ICudaEngine* engine = builder->buildCudaEngine(*network);
void PReLUPlugin::serialize(void *buffer) {
char *d = static_cast<char *>(buffer), *a = d;
write(d, mNbInputChannels); write(d, mNbInputHeight); write(d, mNbInputWidth); write(d, mNbInputCount);
write(d, mChannelShared); write(d, mWeights.count); write(d, mWeights.type);
convertAndCopyToBuffer(d, mWeights);
assert(d == a + getSerializationSize());

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Instruction1. Please read the two articles. (Kincheloe part 1 &.docxInstruction1. Please read the two articles. (Kincheloe part 1 &.docx
Instruction1. Please read the two articles. (Kincheloe part 1 &.docx

Instruction: 1. Please read the two articles. (Kincheloe part 1 & 2) 2. Please choose some of the topics covered in each chapter, provide a brief summary (2-3 sentences) of those topics. 3. Then add your reflections, insights, or relevant experiences, etc. to help illustrate or expand upon the course. 4. This journal should be at least 400 words. p5-start.cppp5-start.cpp/**  * @author Jane Student  * @cwid   123 45 678  * @class  CSci 430, Spring 2018  * @ide    Visual Studio Express 2010  * @date   November 15, 2018  * @assg   prog-04  *  * @description This program implements a simulation of process  *    scheduling policies.  In this program, we implement round-robin  *    scheduling, where the time slice quantum can be specified as  *    as a command line parameter.  And we also implement shortest  *    remaining time (SRT) scheduling policy  */ #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<list> usingnamespace std; // global constants // I won't test your round robin implementation with more than 20 processes constint MAX_PROCESSES =20; constint NO_PROCESS =0; // Simple structure, holds all of the information about processes, their names // arrival and service times, that we are to simulate. typedefstruct {   string processName; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; // holds running count of time slices for current time quantum, when // serviceTime == quantum, time slice is up int sliceTime; // holds total number of time steps currently run, when == to // serviceTime process is done int totalTime; // holds time when process finishes, used to calculate final stats, // like T_r, T_r/T_s int finishTime; // a boolean flag, we will set this to true when the process is complete bool finished; }Process; // Process table, holds table of information about processes we are simulating typedefstruct { int numProcesses; Process* process[MAX_PROCESSES]; }ProcessTable; /** Create process table  * Allocate memory for a new process table.  Load the process  * information from the simulation file into a table with the process  * information needed to perform the simulation.  At the same time we  * initialize other information in process table for use in the  * simulation.  Return the newly created ProcessTable  *  * @param processFilanem The name (char*) of the file to open and read  *         the process information from.  * @param processTable This is actually a return parameter.  This  *         should be a pointer to an already allocated array of  *         Process structure items.  We will fill in this structure  *         and return the process information.  *  * @returns ProcessTable* The newly allocated and initialized ProcessTable  *         structure.  */ ProcessTable* createProcessTable(char* processFilename) {   ifstream simprocessfile(processFilename); ProcessTable* processTable; int pid;   string processName; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; // If we can't open file, abort and let  ...

Php 5.6 From the Inside Out
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33rd Degree 2013, Bad Tests, Good Tests
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33rd Degree 2013, Bad Tests, Good Tests

1. The document discusses good and bad practices for writing unit tests. It emphasizes that tests should verify the expected behavior, fail clearly when something goes wrong, and use mocks and isolation to focus on the code being tested. 2. Some examples of bad tests shown include tests that don't make assertions or assertions that don't provide useful information on failure. Real objects are also used instead of mocks, obscuring the test. 3. Good practices include using mocks to isolate the code being tested, making sure tests fail clearly when something goes wrong, and focusing tests on expected behavior through clear assertions. Automated testing, fixing broken tests, and mastering testing tools are also emphasized.

PReLUPlugin::PReLUPlugin(const void *data, size_t length) {
const char *d = static_cast<const char *>(data), *a = d;
read<int>(d, mNbInputChannels); read<int>(d, mNbInputHeight); read<int>(d, mNbInputWidth);
read<int>(d, mNbInputCount); read<bool>(d, mChannelShared); read<int64_t>(d, mWeights.count);
read<DataType>(d, mWeights.type);
mWeights.values = malloc(mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type));
memcpy(const_cast<void *>(mWeights.values), d, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type));
deserializeToDevice(d, mDeviceKernel, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type));
assert(d == a + length);
Iplugin *PluginFactory::createPlugin(const char *layerName, const void *serialData, size_t serialLength) override
return new PReLUPlugin(serialData, serialLength);
PluginFactory pluginFactory;
engine = infer->deserializeCudaEngine(trt_plan_file, size, &pluginFactory);
cudaMemcpyAsync(buffers[inputIndex], input, batchSize * INPUT_SIZE * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);
context->enqueue(gParams.batchSize, &buffers[0], stream, nullptr);
cudaMemcpyAsync(output, buffers[outputIndex], batchSize * OUTPUT_SIZE * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);
IExecutionContext* context = engine->createExecutionContext();

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화
[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

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This document section describes updates made to the Ring programming language in version 1.5, including: - New classes added to the RingQt library for improved Qt integration. - An example of using the RingQt and libcurl libraries to submit a vehicle VIN to a website and parse the XML results. - The Objects library was updated with a new Open_WindowInPackages() function to import packages before opening windows. - A new RingFreeGLUT extension was added to support the FreeGLUT library, along with an example OpenGL/FreeGLUT program to render a scene with snowmen.

ringring programmingring programming language
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1. The runbook grants a user VPN access by making changes to their Active Directory profile after their request is approved. 2. It runs .NET scripts to extract the user's SAM account name and grant VPN access by setting the msnpallowdialin property to true. 3. It then gets information on the user and their manager from Active Directory to notify them by email that VPN access was granted.

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[232] TensorRT를 활용한 딥러닝 Inference 최적화

  • 14. Step 1: TF모델을 TRT 포맷으로 변환 Step 2: 모델 Parser 생성 Step 3: 입/출력 레이어 정보 입력 Step 4: 모델의 최적화 및 런타임 Engine 생성 Step 5: 엔진을 파일로 저장 Step 6: 엔진을 파일에서 읽음 Step 7: Inference 수행
  • 24. • • • PReLUPlugin::PReLUPlugin(const Weights *weights, int nbWeights) { mWeights = weights[0]; mWeights.values = malloc(mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type)); memcpy(const_cast<void *>(mWeights.values), weights[0].values, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type)); }
  • 25. int PReLUPlugin::enqueue(int batchSize, const void *const *inputs, void **outputs, void *workspace, cudaStream_t stream) { const float zerof{0.0f}; const __half zeroh = fp16::__float2half(0.0f); if (mWeights.type == DataType::__float) { CHECK(Forward_gpu<__float>(batchSize * mNbInputCount, mNbInputChannels, mNbInputHeight * mNbInputHeight, reinterpret_cast<const __float *>(mDeviceKernel), reinterpret_cast<const __float *>(inputs[0]), reinterpret_cast<__float *>(outputs[0]), zerof, mChannelShared ? mNbInputChannels : 1, stream)); } else { // DataType::kFLOAT } return 0; }
  • 26. template <typename Ftype> __global__ void PReLUForward(const int n, const int channels, const int dim, const Ftype* slope_data, const Ftype* in, Ftype* out, const Ftype zero, const int div_factor) { CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n) { int c = (index / dim) % channels / div_factor; out[index] = (in[index] > (Ftype(zero))) ? in[index] : in[index] * *(reinterpret_cast<const Ftype*>(slope_data)+c); } }
  • 27. template <typename Ftype> cudaError_t Forward_gpu(const int count, const int channels, const int dim, const Ftype* mDeviceKernel, const Ftype* bottom_data, Ftype* top_data, const Ftype zero, const int div_factor, const cudaStream_t stream) { PReLUForward<<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(count), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS, 0, stream>>> (count, channels, dim, mDeviceKernel, bottom_data, top_data, zero, div_factor); return cudaGetLastError(); }
  • 29. IPluginExt *PReLUPlugin::clone() const override { return new PReLUPlugin(&mWeights, 1); } IPlugin* pluginFactory::createPlugin(const char* layerName, const Weights* serialData, int nbWeights) override { return new PReLUPlugin(serialData, serialLength); }
  • 30. PluginFactory parserPluginFactory; parser->setPluginFactoryExt(&parserPluginFactory); const IBlobNameToTensor *blobNameToTensor = parser->parse(gParams.deployFile.c_str(), // caffe deploy file gParams.modelFile.c_str(), // caffe model file *network, // network definition that the parser will populate gParams.fp16 ? DataType::kHALF : DataType::kFLOAT);
  • 32. void PReLUPlugin::serialize(void *buffer) { char *d = static_cast<char *>(buffer), *a = d; write(d, mNbInputChannels); write(d, mNbInputHeight); write(d, mNbInputWidth); write(d, mNbInputCount); write(d, mChannelShared); write(d, mWeights.count); write(d, mWeights.type); convertAndCopyToBuffer(d, mWeights); assert(d == a + getSerializationSize()); }
  • 33. PReLUPlugin::PReLUPlugin(const void *data, size_t length) { const char *d = static_cast<const char *>(data), *a = d; read<int>(d, mNbInputChannels); read<int>(d, mNbInputHeight); read<int>(d, mNbInputWidth); read<int>(d, mNbInputCount); read<bool>(d, mChannelShared); read<int64_t>(d, mWeights.count); read<DataType>(d, mWeights.type); mWeights.values = malloc(mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type)); memcpy(const_cast<void *>(mWeights.values), d, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type)); deserializeToDevice(d, mDeviceKernel, mWeights.count * type2size(mWeights.type)); assert(d == a + length); }
  • 34. Iplugin *PluginFactory::createPlugin(const char *layerName, const void *serialData, size_t serialLength) override { return new PReLUPlugin(serialData, serialLength); }
  • 35. PluginFactory pluginFactory; engine = infer->deserializeCudaEngine(trt_plan_file, size, &pluginFactory);
  • 36. cudaMemcpyAsync(buffers[inputIndex], input, batchSize * INPUT_SIZE * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream); context->enqueue(gParams.batchSize, &buffers[0], stream, nullptr); cudaMemcpyAsync(output, buffers[outputIndex], batchSize * OUTPUT_SIZE * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream); cudaStreamSynchronize(stream); cudaStreamCreate(&stream)); IExecutionContext* context = engine->createExecutionContext();