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Schneider Electric –Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Telvent Global Services 
Retos en Big Data en la Universidad y la Investigación 
Telvent Big Data Approach and Case Studies
Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Bringing together IT with OT to increase business performance through: Consulting, Integration and Outsourcing Services 
Our Mission: Technology Integration & Real Time Architectures 
+250 end customers worldwide in 2013 
More than 30,000 m2 of Data Centers managed 
24/7 IT Support for more than +30,000 users 
+1,500 Network devices 
+5,000 Servers 
+3.5 Managed Pbyte 
+250 VHost 
About Telvent ….
Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Big Data
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Today, data business needs to satisfy 4 characteristics: 
Solution: BIG DATA
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Consulting Services 
Big Data Landscape 
Data Collection 
& Networks 
Data Centers & 
Critical Infrastructures 
Applications & Business Processes 
IT Systems 
Consulting Services 
Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Telvent Case Studies
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study I 
Carriers must save all the information related to the phone calls and navigation (CDRs) due to a new regulation law. 
IT Architecture 
Architecture was based on a relational database that manages more than 50 TB of data. Capacity planning expects to triple the data in less than two years. 
Options Analyzed
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study ISolution 
•Exadata was rejected due to its cost and performance. 
•Hadoop cluster design and implementation in order to save and manage all the traffic coming from the calls and navigation. 
•Relational database is only used for reporting and dashboard. Its size is limited to 5TB
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study IIBackground 
•Carriers must save all the information related to an user navigation (Public IP and private IP) due to a new regulation law. 
Options Analyzed 
IT Architecture 
•There is a Teradata database but it has not enough capacity, so investment is needed. 
•Architecture was not implemented yet, but it has been estimated that it would be needed more than 600TB in normal storage.
Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study II 
Hadoop as a Service 
Front End 
Routers Acceso 
Plataforma IaaS 
Back End 
Crecimiento Neto 
• Hadoop cluster that assure a response time of 60 seconds per user. 
• Web Application development that let the user make their requests.
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study IIIBackground 
•Marketing department needs a platform that help it to know, what products are the most suitable for each person  User Segmentation, looking for a pattern on behavior. 
•High security protocols due to the level of confidentiality needed. IT Architecture 
•Current database has not enough process power. 
•BI system are not so effective in predictions but analyzing past data.
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study IIISolution 
•Working with a partner for the analytics scope. 
•SPARK service use by data analyst, working on cluster memory. . 
•Firstly a dedicated platform and once they test it, we transform the service to “Telvent Hadoop as a Service.” 
• Volume: 5 TB 
•New potential users appears once Big data si working.
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study IVBackground 
•In “Free-Flow” motorways there is a platform that takes a picture to each user that crosses the toll. With this image and using OCR systems, it is recognized the 'number plate' and then, it is searched its bank account associated  So, no vehicle has to stop at toll. Scope 
•Number of images: 1.300.000.000 
•Image size: From 90K to150K 
•Retention: From 1 to 5 years IT Architecture 
•SAMFS solution 
•Based on a hierarchical storage that only keeps online the images for the last 6 months. The previous images are saved in tapes 
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study IVIT Architecture 
•New platform based on Hadoop, composed by 8 servers (namenodes and datanodes) and 384 GB RAM. 
•New platform allows the company to keep all the images online. Current hierarchical storage disappears Advantages 
•Efficiency in fraud management default improved. 
•Performance in image processing improved. 
•Every sattelite application can be centralized 
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study VBackground 
•New Smart Meters are managed from a centralized platform, that should be able to receive and send information to each one. Also, all the information (measures) has to be recorded, at least, for two years. Scope: 
•.More than 11 M smart meters  1 measure per hour  198.000 M measures 
• Platform should be used also like a dashboard IT Architecture: 
• Current IT Infrastructure is mainly Oracle 
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study VIT Architecture 
•Exadata infrastructure provisioning. This solutions was considered the best due to its performance for: 
•Data loading (it receives lots of measures) 
•Requests (Ex: repeat the measure, change de power, electricity switch off …). Proof of Concept 
•Based on smart meter remote management, switch off about 100.000 homes in 40 minutes.
Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
Case Study 
•Recomendador de documentación para un alumno basado en datos de otros alumnos con el mismo perfil (Filtro colaborativo) 
•Previsión y planificación de recursos internos de la universidad en función de variables oferta/demanda (Forecast) 
•Segmentación de alumnos en función de las campañas de marketing lanzadas (Clustering) 
• Alumno  Alumno; cruce de búsqueda para usuarios similares que compartan experiencias con los nuevos alumnos 
•Dimensionamiento servicio y calidad del servicio. Estimación de llamadas Call Center 
•Detección de abandono /suspenso de una alumno de un curso (Decisor)
Schneider Electric 
–- Telvent Global Services – 2014 
The growth of digital information and the need to manage and analyze the data will not change its exponential path (both structured and unstructured). Usual tools, applications, or databases does not work with this amount of data. Business requeriments: 
•Cost reductions 
•Time reductions 
•New product development and optimized offerings 
•Smarter business decision making 
Big Data is a new way to face IT Infrastructure problems 
IT Transformation
Make the most of 
your energy™ 
Marta de Mesa Rincón – Solution Consulting Director 
Jesús Gironda Díaz – Open System Manager

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Telvent Big Data Approach and Case Studies

  • 1. Schneider Electric –Telvent Global Services – 2014 TELVENT Telvent Global Services TSIUC’14 Retos en Big Data en la Universidad y la Investigación Telvent Big Data Approach and Case Studies
  • 2. TELVENT Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Introduction
  • 3. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Bringing together IT with OT to increase business performance through: Consulting, Integration and Outsourcing Services Our Mission: Technology Integration & Real Time Architectures +250 end customers worldwide in 2013 More than 30,000 m2 of Data Centers managed 24/7 IT Support for more than +30,000 users +1,500 Network devices +5,000 Servers +3.5 Managed Pbyte +250 VHost About Telvent ….
  • 4. TELVENT Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Big Data
  • 5. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Requirements…. Today, data business needs to satisfy 4 characteristics: Solution: BIG DATA
  • 6. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Consulting Services Managed Services Big Data Landscape Data Collection Communications & Networks Data Centers & Critical Infrastructures Applications & Business Processes IT Systems DataProcessing DataAnalytics Managed Services Consulting Services Integration Services
  • 7. TELVENT Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Telvent Case Studies
  • 8. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study I Bottleneck Background Carriers must save all the information related to the phone calls and navigation (CDRs) due to a new regulation law. IT Architecture Architecture was based on a relational database that manages more than 50 TB of data. Capacity planning expects to triple the data in less than two years. Options Analyzed
  • 9. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study ISolution •Exadata was rejected due to its cost and performance. •Hadoop cluster design and implementation in order to save and manage all the traffic coming from the calls and navigation. •Relational database is only used for reporting and dashboard. Its size is limited to 5TB
  • 10. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study IIBackground •Carriers must save all the information related to an user navigation (Public IP and private IP) due to a new regulation law. Options Analyzed IT Architecture •There is a Teradata database but it has not enough capacity, so investment is needed. •Architecture was not implemented yet, but it has been estimated that it would be needed more than 600TB in normal storage.
  • 11. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study II Hadoop as a Service Front End Routers Acceso Plataforma IaaS Telvent Servidor Integrador (TGC) Back End Cluster namenodes Crecimiento Neto garantizado Cluster Datanodes Servidor Monitorización (TGC) Solution • Hadoop cluster that assure a response time of 60 seconds per user. • Web Application development that let the user make their requests.
  • 12. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study IIIBackground •Marketing department needs a platform that help it to know, what products are the most suitable for each person  User Segmentation, looking for a pattern on behavior. •High security protocols due to the level of confidentiality needed. IT Architecture •Current database has not enough process power. •BI system are not so effective in predictions but analyzing past data.
  • 13. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study IIISolution •Working with a partner for the analytics scope. •SPARK service use by data analyst, working on cluster memory. . •Firstly a dedicated platform and once they test it, we transform the service to “Telvent Hadoop as a Service.” • Volume: 5 TB •New potential users appears once Big data si working.
  • 14. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study IVBackground •In “Free-Flow” motorways there is a platform that takes a picture to each user that crosses the toll. With this image and using OCR systems, it is recognized the 'number plate' and then, it is searched its bank account associated  So, no vehicle has to stop at toll. Scope •Number of images: 1.300.000.000 •Image size: From 90K to150K •Retention: From 1 to 5 years IT Architecture •SAMFS solution •Based on a hierarchical storage that only keeps online the images for the last 6 months. The previous images are saved in tapes Restricted
  • 15. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study IVIT Architecture •New platform based on Hadoop, composed by 8 servers (namenodes and datanodes) and 384 GB RAM. •New platform allows the company to keep all the images online. Current hierarchical storage disappears Advantages •Efficiency in fraud management default improved. •Performance in image processing improved. •Every sattelite application can be centralized Restricted
  • 16. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study VBackground •New Smart Meters are managed from a centralized platform, that should be able to receive and send information to each one. Also, all the information (measures) has to be recorded, at least, for two years. Scope: •.More than 11 M smart meters  1 measure per hour  198.000 M measures • Platform should be used also like a dashboard IT Architecture: • Current IT Infrastructure is mainly Oracle Restricted
  • 17. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study VIT Architecture •Exadata infrastructure provisioning. This solutions was considered the best due to its performance for: •Data loading (it receives lots of measures) •Requests (Ex: repeat the measure, change de power, electricity switch off …). Proof of Concept •Based on smart meter remote management, switch off about 100.000 homes in 40 minutes.
  • 18. TELVENT Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Education
  • 19. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Case Study •Recomendador de documentación para un alumno basado en datos de otros alumnos con el mismo perfil (Filtro colaborativo) •Previsión y planificación de recursos internos de la universidad en función de variables oferta/demanda (Forecast) •Segmentación de alumnos en función de las campañas de marketing lanzadas (Clustering) • Alumno  Alumno; cruce de búsqueda para usuarios similares que compartan experiencias con los nuevos alumnos •Dimensionamiento servicio y calidad del servicio. Estimación de llamadas Call Center •Detección de abandono /suspenso de una alumno de un curso (Decisor)
  • 20. Schneider Electric –- Telvent Global Services – 2014 Conclusions The growth of digital information and the need to manage and analyze the data will not change its exponential path (both structured and unstructured). Usual tools, applications, or databases does not work with this amount of data. Business requeriments: •Cost reductions •Time reductions •New product development and optimized offerings •Smarter business decision making Big Data is a new way to face IT Infrastructure problems IT Transformation
  • 21. TELVENT Make the most of your energy™ Marta de Mesa Rincón – Solution Consulting Director Jesús Gironda Díaz – Open System Manager