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Immersive SOUND
for VR
오현오 (Henney Oh)
SOUND is half the experience
SOUND is half the experience
- George Lucas

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Design System & Atomic Design
Design System & Atomic DesignDesign System & Atomic Design
Design System & Atomic Design

The Design System is an essential part of today's UX world which provides agility and performance in the longer term. Atomic Design is a part of Design System for designers and developers to build the parts of a complete design.

design systematomic designui/ux
Better Game Design with Object-Oriented User Experience (OOUX)
Better Game Design with Object-Oriented User Experience (OOUX)Better Game Design with Object-Oriented User Experience (OOUX)
Better Game Design with Object-Oriented User Experience (OOUX)

There’s a digital design methodology gaining steam that you've likely never heard of, but that could make a big difference in your game design being delightful, intuitive, and effortlessly usable for your customers and players. It’s called object-oriented user experience (OOUX). OOUX is a design power tool that helps us define usable, consistent products that naturally align with end users’ mental models. Similar to its namesake, object-oriented programming, it asks us to define the objects in the real-world problem domain and design the information and relationships in each object before designing how the user might manipulate them. It's a powerful tool and it pays dividends fast. In this session, you’ll get a high-level overview of what OOUX is and why it’s a game-changer, a basic toolkit for trying it on your next game design project, and a real-world example of how a classic NES game might’ve broken down into an OOUX model.

oouxuser experienceux
A multimodal discourse analysis of video games (toh weimin)
A multimodal discourse analysis of video games (toh weimin)A multimodal discourse analysis of video games (toh weimin)
A multimodal discourse analysis of video games (toh weimin)

The document outlines a research study that aims to investigate players' understanding of how different modes in video games combine to create meaning and relationships between narrative and gameplay. It proposes using multimodal discourse analysis and empirical data from player interviews and gameplay observations to develop a ludonarrative model and refine existing concepts of resonance, dissonance, and (ir)relevance in relationships between narrative and gameplay.

empirical study of playersmultimodal analysisgame studies
Immersion into is a perception of being physically
present in a non-physical world.
technology refers to technology that blurs
the line between the physical world and digital or simulated world,
thereby creating a sense of immersion.
by wikipedia
Virtual Reality
PS 게임_ “하쿠나 마타타”
Immersive & Interactive
in Mobile
Head-Mounted Display
VR like HMD
HMD is hot
Facebook, Oculus VR $2bil에 인수
(Mar. 25, 2014)
Samsung, Oculus와 협력 발표
(May 31, 2014)
Sony, Project Morpheus 발표
(Mar. 18, 2014)
Google, Cardboard VR
(June 25, 2014)
Samsung Galaxy VR (Oculus + Note 4) 발표
(Sep. 3, 2014)
Crescent Bay (Headphones)
(Sep. 20, 2014)
Microsoft HoloLens
(Jan. 21, 2015)
HTC – Valve, Revive (SteamVR)
(Mar. 1, 2015)
LG – plastic cardboard
(Feb. 10, 2015)
Apple acqr. Metaio
(May 28, 2015)
Google invst. Magic Leap
(Oct. 21, 2014)

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Design Systems (english) #UXcamHH
Design Systems (english) #UXcamHHDesign Systems (english) #UXcamHH
Design Systems (english) #UXcamHH

UI design becomes increasingly important for products and services. Influencing their users' expierence. UX itself determines the value of digital offerings and is their key differentiator. But "historically grown" incoherent interfaces deteriorate value and brand of products and services. This talk is about design systems, that help to avoid (or overcome) design dept and to enable scaling UX across platforms, products and devices. Modularity and standardisation of repeatedly used aspects helps speeding up processes and increasing business value. Design systems help making user experience tangible to teams and brand values actionable.

PR 2.0 Mock Lecture
PR 2.0 Mock LecturePR 2.0 Mock Lecture
PR 2.0 Mock Lecture

The document discusses PR 2.0, which refers to using new media and digital tools to engage in two-way communication with audiences, as opposed to the traditional one-way communication model of public relations. It outlines the differences between traditional PR and PR 2.0, explaining how PR 2.0 enables direct, real-time, and interactive engagement with audiences. Finally, it provides an activity where students develop a strategic communications plan using PR 2.0 tools and tactics to publicize a corporate social responsibility campaign for their assigned client.

prdigital agecommunications
Netflix mindmap drawing : client - content - competitor -by @HongAnhParis
Netflix mindmap drawing : client - content - competitor -by  @HongAnhParisNetflix mindmap drawing : client - content - competitor -by  @HongAnhParis
Netflix mindmap drawing : client - content - competitor -by @HongAnhParis

The mindmap of understanding some basic marketing strategy for Netflix, the file was made in 2014, and done by HongAnh Paris.

but, no one seriously thought
Immersive & Interactive
Sound and Room
Sound is a Wave
Sound = Longitudinal wave
Sound is a mechanical wave resulted from the longitudinal motion of
the particles of the medium through which the sound wave is moving

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The Developer Experience
The Developer ExperienceThe Developer Experience
The Developer Experience

We all know what “user experience” is and we know that it’s important. But we rarely talk about the “developer experience” - what we all go through each time we try to use a developer tool, library, or API. How do we decide what tool to use? Is it easy to integrate with our development environment? How flexible is the API? Where do we go when something goes wrong? Those are the sort of questions that we can ask to understand what it’s like for a developer to use a product - and where it can be improved. Whether you simply use developer products or you actually build one yourself, you should walk away from this talk with ideas on how to make a great developer experience - and why it matters.

Grandstream Final22
Grandstream Final22Grandstream Final22
Grandstream Final22

The document provides information about a company that has been distributing IT equipment including networking, VOIP, and security products in the Philippines since 1997. It lists their contact information and location in Makati City, and authorizations to distribute various brands including Linksys, 3Com, Kingston, and Sophos. The company aims to provide the latest data communication and information access equipment to the growing Philippine IT market.

Introduction to Semiosphere - 2010
Introduction to Semiosphere - 2010Introduction to Semiosphere - 2010
Introduction to Semiosphere - 2010

A short introduction to a theory on culture and communication provided by Russian semiotician Yuri Lotman.

Anechoic and Reverberant Room
Room Impulse Response
Direct Sound
sound object
0 Time
Room Impulse Response
DS + 1 reflection (echo)
0 Time
Room Impulse Response
DS + Early Reflections (Multiple Echoes)
0 Time
음향 시스템의 기원인 축음기의 트랙으로부터 영감을 얻어 끊이지 않고 플레이되는 GAUDI 의
장식적이고 복고스러운 개성이 강하여 아이덴티티로서 베스트안은 아님

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Creating and maintaining a design system for 130 teams - Bethany Sonefeld
Creating and maintaining a design system for 130 teams - Bethany SonefeldCreating and maintaining a design system for 130 teams - Bethany Sonefeld
Creating and maintaining a design system for 130 teams - Bethany Sonefeld

The document summarizes the evolution of Carbon Design System, IBM's design system created to provide consistency across 130+ teams. It started in 2014 with a small team and focused on developing core components. Over time, the team grew Carbon to include design kits, templates, add-ons and other resources. They also open sourced the system and maintained it through documentation, contributions and bug fixes. The talk highlights lessons like starting small, anticipating future needs, and dedicating time to maintenance as the system and its user base expands.

Understanding Design Tokens, from UX tool to production - Débora Barreto Orne...
Understanding Design Tokens, from UX tool to production - Débora Barreto Orne...Understanding Design Tokens, from UX tool to production - Débora Barreto Orne...
Understanding Design Tokens, from UX tool to production - Débora Barreto Orne...

Design tokens are key-value pairs that define design properties like colors, spacing, and typography. They are created in a design tool like Figma and synced to code repositories to ensure consistency and save time for designers and developers when updating a design system. The main challenges of using design tokens are communication between teams, naming tokens in a scalable way, and versioning tokens. Having strategies to address these challenges early on helps the success of a design token system. The presentation demonstrated how tokens are used at LEGO from Figma to component libraries to applications.

UX/UI Workshop Slides
UX/UI Workshop SlidesUX/UI Workshop Slides
UX/UI Workshop Slides

UX/UI Workshop Jackson Lee, Paris Phan, and Ido Ben Haim on January 27, 2023 Unlock the power of design thinking to create meaningful connections between people and products.

Room Impulse Response
DS + ER + Late Reverberations
0 Time
Late Reverberation
Sound Early Reflections
음향 시스템의 기원인 축음기의 트랙으로부터 영감을 얻어 끊이지 않고 플레이되는 GAUDI 의
장식적이고 복고스러운 개성이 강하여 아이덴티티로서 베스트안은 아님
Sound and Binaural
Widely used to mean “headphone virtualization”
Having or relating to two ears
Binaural Hearing
High Frequency (above 4kHz)

• Inter-aural Level (intensity) Difference

Low Frequency (Below 1kHz)

• Inter-aural Time (phase) Difference

• ITD L1 L2

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Mobile app proposal
Mobile app proposalMobile app proposal
Mobile app proposal

This document is a proposal from Ashok Kohli of ISHI DIGITAL WEB (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED to Joel Boton for developing mobile apps. It outlines the company's proposed approach, which includes requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment. The scope of work involves creating app pages, push notifications, and a backend with user and content databases. It also describes the mechanics of the proposed game app, including gameplay, scoring, and different game types.

mobile application development
How to build a design system
How to build a design systemHow to build a design system
How to build a design system

Trying to build a design system for your project? But still, don't know how to? Then this post gonna teach you how to create the design system for the project! ------------------ Follow me on Instagram to learn more about design ------------------ Understand Design System A Design System is the single source of truth, which groups all the elements that will allow the teams to design and develop a product even there is lots of benefits to having a design system, but you need to find the right people or company who really need design system or you think you really can solve their business problems by design system! I will continue the design system in the 2nd post and tell you better understanding and road-map how to build a design system. ⠀ Interested to work with me, let's start working together!

Audio and Video Solutions
Audio and Video SolutionsAudio and Video Solutions
Audio and Video Solutions

CROC has implemented over 70 AV projects since 1998 and is now a leading Russian provider of state-of-the-art AV solutions for control rooms, airports, and other facilities. CROC works with major global AV vendors and its customers value the high quality of its projects. It has created integrated presentation and AV systems for meeting rooms to enable advanced international conferences and meetings.

polycomунифицированные коммуникаВидеоконференцсвязь
Cone of Confusion
How resolve front-back-above-below ?
Head and Outer Ear (pinna)
We can since we are trained !!
Spatial Cues
Azimuth cue
Caused by head shape and pinna

Elevation cue
Caused by shape of pinna

Freq. peak and notch
Range cue
Loudness, motion parallax, excess ILD, ratio of direct to reverb
HRTF: Head Related Transfer Function
HRIR: Head Related Impulse Response

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The application of semiotics in advertising
The application of semiotics in advertisingThe application of semiotics in advertising
The application of semiotics in advertising

the symbolic messages of two pairs of advertisements (perfumes and cigarettes) are decoded using semiotic analysis in order to compare the different strategies that are utilized to target different customer groups according to demographic variables such as gender and age. The findings of the semiotic analysis are discussed from the point of view of effective advertising campaigns.

market analysisadvertisingmarketing
Evolving your Design System: People, Product, and Process
Evolving your Design System: People, Product, and ProcessEvolving your Design System: People, Product, and Process
Evolving your Design System: People, Product, and Process

You'll learn: How to create and maintain a design system over several years How people, process, and product change alongside a design system Lessons learned from growing the Linkedin design system

[133] 브라우저는 vsync를 어떻게 활용하고 있을까
[133] 브라우저는 vsync를 어떻게 활용하고 있을까[133] 브라우저는 vsync를 어떻게 활용하고 있을까
[133] 브라우저는 vsync를 어떻게 활용하고 있을까

DEVIEW 2015 DAY1. 브라우저는 vsync를 어떻게 활용하고 있을까

HRTF Measurement
Binaural Room Impulse Response
음향 시스템의 기원인 축음기의 트랙으로부터 영감을 얻어 끊이지 않고 플레이되는 GAUDI 의
장식적이고 복고스러운 개성이 강하여 아이덴티티로서 베스트안은 아님
Binaural Recording v.
Binaural Rendering
Binaural Recording
Sound Source
Binaural Rendering

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[113] lessons from realm
[113] lessons from realm[113] lessons from realm
[113] lessons from realm

This document summarizes lessons learned from developing the Realm Android library. It discusses challenges such as setting up an Android library project, API design, testing, distribution methods, and issues like annotation processing, bytecode weaving, and native code support. Key points covered are how to start a library project, the importance of testing libraries extensively, and distribution options like Bintray.

[142] how riot works
[142] how riot works[142] how riot works
[142] how riot works

DEVIEW2015 DAY1. how riot works

[153] apache reef
[153] apache reef[153] apache reef
[153] apache reef

REEF is a meta-framework for big data analytics that eases development atop resource managers like YARN and Mesos. It provides a reusable control plane for coordinating data processing tasks and an adaptation layer for different resource managers. REEF decouples applications from cluster resources and handles common control plane functions like fault tolerance and configuration management. The framework is implemented in Java and C# and supports local, YARN, Mesos, and HDInsight execution environments. Future work includes graduating REEF from the Apache Incubator and using it to build new data processing frameworks and systems.

Binaural Recording
Manikin measures binaural sound for “general” human
Binaural Recording
Capture immersive sound there
Binaural Rendering
Synthesize immersive sound here
Recording v. Rendering
Binaural Recording Binaural Rendering
OOOOO Complexity O
OOOO Immersive OOO
OO Interactive OOOOO
O Personalization OOOOO

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[141] react everywhere
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[141] react everywhere

DEVIEW2015 DAY1. react everywhere

[152] 웹브라우저 감옥에서 살아남기
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[152] 웹브라우저 감옥에서 살아남기

DEVIEW2015 DAY1. 웹브라우저 감옥에서 살아남기

[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기
[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기
[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기

DEVIEW DAY1. 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기

Challenges in
Technical Challenges
1. Interactive in Binaural Recording

2. Expensive to filter in real time

3. Hard to keep both timbre and localization

4. Hard to cover full 3D space with measured HRTF

5. Hard to match to visual content

6. Hard to get ‘one-size-fits-all’ HRTF
의 도형으로부터 모티브를 얻어 기하학적인 형태로 문자를 표현
Interactive in Binaural Recording
Issues on 360 binaural recording
의 도형으로부터 모티브를 얻어 기하학적인 형태로 문자를 표현
Match to visual content
의 도형으로부터 모티브를 얻어 기하학적인 형태로 문자를 표현

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[144]mobile앱에서 효율적인 storage 접근 방법

DEVIEW DAY1. mobile앱에서 효율적인 storage 접근 방법

[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝
[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝
[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝

DEVIEW DAY1. 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝

[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch
[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch
[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch

This document summarizes a presentation about Packetbeat and monitoring distributed systems. It discusses how Packetbeat passively captures network packets, decodes protocols, and matches requests and responses to create JSON objects. It then sends this data to Elasticsearch for analysis. Aggregations like histograms, percentiles, and moving averages are used to analyze latency, identify slow methods, and detect anomalies in metrics over time. Other Beats like Topbeat, Filebeat, and Metricsbeat are also briefly introduced.

Implementation Example
Immersive sound is NOT conventional 3D sound

For HMD, Immersive and Interactive are essential

Binaural means Headphone Virtualization

Binaural Rendering vs. Binaural Recording

Still open issues 

Demo is OPEN in booth #5
Thank You

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[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍
[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍
[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍

DEVIEW2015 DAY1. 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍 - 김영후님

[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩
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[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩

The document describes how to build a data science team and systems. It discusses establishing data collection and management systems, developing metrics and dashboards to analyze business data, creating predictive models using machine learning algorithms, and providing data science services like information retrieval to internal customers. The goal is to move from static, uncollected data to a fully realized big data platform and data science team that supports business analytics and decision making.

[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술
[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술
[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술

DEVIEW DAY1. jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술


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[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기[143] 모바일 혈액진단기기 개발 삽질기
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[144]mobile앱에서 효율적인 storage 접근 방법
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[144]mobile앱에서 효율적인 storage 접근 방법
[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝
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[151] 영상 인식을 통한 오프라인 고객분석 솔루션과 딥러닝
[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch
[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch
[131] packetbeat과 elasticsearch
[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍
[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍
[112] 실전 스위프트 프로그래밍
[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩
[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩
[161] 데이터사이언스팀 빌딩
[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술
[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술
[162] jpa와 모던 자바 데이터 저장 기술
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[124] mit cheetah 로봇의 탄생
[124] mit cheetah 로봇의 탄생[124] mit cheetah 로봇의 탄생
[124] mit cheetah 로봇의 탄생
[132] rust
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[132] rust
[164] pinpoint
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[214] Ai Serving Platform: 하루 수 억 건의 인퍼런스를 처리하기 위한 고군분투기
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[242]컴퓨터 비전을 이용한 실내 지도 자동 업데이트 방법: 딥러닝을 통한 POI 변화 탐지[242]컴퓨터 비전을 이용한 실내 지도 자동 업데이트 방법: 딥러닝을 통한 POI 변화 탐지
[242]컴퓨터 비전을 이용한 실내 지도 자동 업데이트 방법: 딥러닝을 통한 POI 변화 탐지
[212]C3, 데이터 처리에서 서빙까지 가능한 하둡 클러스터
[212]C3, 데이터 처리에서 서빙까지 가능한 하둡 클러스터[212]C3, 데이터 처리에서 서빙까지 가능한 하둡 클러스터
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