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Top Productivity Hacks
By Jan Rezab
Serial Entrepreneur, Founder of
Time is relative. How we experience time is also relative.
And what we can manage in given time
is completely up to us.
That’s why try hard to learn do everything
faster and get done more in less time.
How to Approach Work?
My actual calendar
Think in “Blocks”
5 840
1 hour = 1 block
a day =x
As people, we are short on time…

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Effective decision-making, problem solving and planning are key qualities of a high-performing professional

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7 Ways Soft-Skills Power Organizational Performance
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7 Ways Soft-Skills Power Organizational Performance

Succeeding in today's increasingly competitive global landscape calls for our organizations to leverage everything they can, and increasingly, that leverage is coming down to your employees' soft skills. But while it's easy (well, easier) to measure and hire for hard-skills competency, it's very difficult to recognize and hire for soft skills. And once hired, it becomes even more of a task to build these soft skills in our employees. In this slideshare we'll take a hard look at the soft skills that really enable organizations to succeed. From recruiting to learning and development and performance management to the exit interview, we'll show how soft-skills focus can dramatically impact your company's bottom line. In this slideshare, you will learn: • Soft skills: What are they anyway? • Soft skills and recruiting: The secret to successful hires • What the bottomline results are for soft skills • How to teach, measure, and mentor soft skills

How to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice by Ann Handley of MarketingProfs
How to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice by Ann Handley of MarketingProfsHow to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice by Ann Handley of MarketingProfs
How to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice by Ann Handley of MarketingProfs

You know your company's story, but what's the right voice to use in telling it? Find out how to craft your company's storytelling voice. Ann Handley, chief content officer of MarketingProfs and author of "Content Rules" shares tips and ideas for crafting your brand's storytelling voice.

+365 extra blocks per year
If you give up 1 hour of sleep, you get
I try to plan my day perfectly
so every block counts
800 hrs
(with a lot of overlap!)
1300 hrs
internal meetings
1100 hrs
working online
500 hrs
3700 hrs
worth of work
My Overview in 2015
Why do I live according
to these principles?

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11 Stats You Didn’t Know About Employee Recognition
11 Stats You Didn’t Know About Employee Recognition11 Stats You Didn’t Know About Employee Recognition
11 Stats You Didn’t Know About Employee Recognition

Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress. In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition. Officevibe put together some incredible statistics about employee recognition. Read more on Officevibe blog: Learn more about Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace: Follow us on Facebook:

100 growth hacks 100 days | 1 to 10
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This is the first SlideShare adaption of Timothy E. Johansson's 100 Growth Hacks in 100 Days. The growth hacks that's included in the slide are 1 to 10. Timothy is the front-end developer at UserApp (

One Point Per Slide – Why It’s Important and How to Do It
One Point Per Slide – Why It’s Important and How to Do ItOne Point Per Slide – Why It’s Important and How to Do It
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PowerPoint presentations have come a long way from bullet points and ClipArt. Presentations have evolved with not only the presenter and the audience, but also our preference to be moved and not sold to. One of the biggest presentation trends is having only one point per slide. Check out our presentation to see why having only one point per slide is important! For more presentation help, visit Watch the video on Youtube: Watch the video on Vimeo:

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“We have a certain limited amount
of productive years on this planet.”
20 years
20 years
20 years
making money
giving it away
I started my first company when I was 14.
Messed it up, learned a lot and started over.
I’m 29 and have been working for 15 years now.
Distribution of my Online Time
1 420 hrs online in 2015
Social Networking
30 %
21 %
11 %
9 %
7 %
... and I try to make as productive as possible
Social Networking

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The best part being with different colleagues is we learn a lot from them. Good or bad, sooner or later, better or best, we learn something unique from the different personalities working with and around us at our workplace. Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology. Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic. Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn

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Banish The Buzzwords
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Banish The Buzzwords

The document discusses avoiding vague buzzwords in LinkedIn profiles. It provides a list of the top 10 most common buzzwords of 2016 such as "leadership", "passionate", and "successful". The document recommends standing out by showing experiences and results through examples rather than just stating buzzwords. It also suggests uploading projects, sharing views in posts and groups, and writing recommendations to demonstrate qualities like creativity and expertise in a more meaningful way.

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24 Productivity Habits of Successful People - by @prdotco

These are the history’s most successful people. Being so successful, they must have failed more than others. They must have found how to make it work - in how they lived, their routines, their failures and their habits. Let’s look for theif formula for success, the tips and tricks they used to be successful at what they did best. Anything you may find inspiring? Article: Inspired by: Created by:

My business relies on perfect communication.
I make sure to have inbox zero.
Managing 800 Pesky Emails a Day
Delete all the emails that are clearly irrelevant straight away.
I’ve built my own set of filters, identifying urgency,
responsibilities and ownership etc.
I always handle the external messages first. The client goes first.
If someone is CC’s you in an irrelevant email,
remind them not to do that.
Using Productivity Tools
I use email extensively, but it’s only one of the channels I use for communication.
Plain text in general does not always convey the enthusiasm or urgency.
This is why I think internal social networks and social messaging
platforms are going to replace email.
Wunderlist Podio Slack
Social Networks is another great channel
for communication.
But don’t get too carried away. Focus.

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10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee Motivation

This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.

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What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating Presenters
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The document provides 10 tips for creating captivating presentations based on lessons from famous presenters like Steve Jobs, Scott Harrison, and Gary Vaynerchuk. The tips include crafting an emotional story with a beginning, middle, and end; creating slides that answer why the audience should care, how it will improve their lives, and what they must do; using simple language without jargon; using metaphors; ditching bullet points; showing rather than just telling through images; rehearsing extensively; and that excellence requires hard work with no shortcuts.

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24 Time Management Hacks to Develop for Increased Productivity
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These are some ideas I talk about in my Time Management training sessions. Try to approach each of them and develop in a new habit, in order to increase your productivity and manage your time better. Don't forget to share if you find them useful!

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How to Manage Your Social
Find 5 minutes every 2 - 3 hours to check for updates.
Turn off all notifications. They just keep you from working.
If you have an important announcement to make,
dedicate more than 30 minutes
Don’t mistake social messaging for social networking.
I believe social messaging and internal social networking
are key - and it will eventually replace email.
Sometimes you need to handle
things in person.
Design a Productive Meeting
Agenda: focus on the goal.
Always try to give more than you take.
Make sure next steps are clear.
Do an immediate follow-up.
I think of every meeting is a time investment. Make sure you invest it effectively.
The best live by this: I had a meeting with a CEO of one of the largest
advertising companies in the world and as I was writing the follow-up,
he beat me to it just 46 minutes after the meeting.
There are some activities
you can combine.

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I get a real kick out of seeing people achieve. This presentation is all about vanquishing the best of procrastination. This deck contains ideas that may help you actualize your goals.

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We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing

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How a Smart Leader Sets SMART Goals
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Read more on SMART goals in our blog and test how smart your goals are:

My Favorite Activity Combos
TV Shows & Workouts Driving & Phone Calls
Flight Time & Emails Walking & Emails
Find a great Executive Assistant.
Someone you can trust!
Give your EA full access to your email account
and calendar, and allow them to send emails and other
messages on your behalf.
Set the rules very carefully
(e.g. emails must be approved before they’re sent).
Make sure your EA has your back. (If you are in a meeting,
your EA has to be able to reply urgent things).
Stellar EA Workflow
Business travel
doesn’t have to be a pain.

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The colours that dresses your brand are playing an important role in how they support this personality that you want to portray. Don’t panic when a colour speaks one thing, but in the relation to the brand it delivers a slightly different response. Check out these examples of how brands used in conveying their message through branding and banner advertisement. Read more

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Flying 1 000 000 km in 5 years...
...taught me to squeeze maximum
work into
my schedule. This means I try to
do as much work when I am away
from my family as possible
and leaves me more time
to spend with my dear ones
when I am back.
Travel Scheduling Tips
Prioritize. First take the meetings you really
want and need – for those, move your schedule around.
International travel time is a problem – if you live in Europe,
try and make trips to East Coast, West Coast,
and maybe Mexico City in one go.
Sometimes, it can feel exhausting.
So find time for relax & creativity!
Time for Creativity!
Planes and conferences work great for me. Inspirational talks
do too, but they don’t give the same kick and vibe.
When at home, leave the office by 6 PM at the latest.
Be with your family and friends, and start working again
after the kids go to bed. It will help clear your head, and more
ideas will come in the 8PM+ work session.

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Visit us at for more information. The concept of a “brand” is no longer taboo at B2B companies. In fact, strong B2B brands outperform weaker ones by as much as 20%, according to recent research by McKinsey. Yet it’s not easy for ROI-obsessed marketers to justify spending money on their brand, which can be difficult to track. As a result, your brand is too often left either underfunded or on the back-burner altogether. We’re going to help you solve this. In this presentation you’ll learn: - How your brand can boost demand generation and other key performance indicators - The elements of a B2B brand and how those are different from traditional consumer branding - How to elevate your brand through B2B marketing channels and brand advocates - Metrics to track the impact of your brand

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I love TV shows but watching those would take up to much of my time.
So I watched all the TV shows last year at double play speed.
In the end I watched around 600 hours worth of content,
saving 300 hours = 28 productive 12 hour work days.
Need an Extra Month while Having Fun?
Work-life balance is challenging at times.
Having a supporting family and co-workers
is crucial.
Don’t forget your health.
Find time to relax and exercise.
And most importantly,
be productive so that you can spend
more time with the ones you care about.

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Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world. This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive. See the recording of the webinar: Get all the free bonuses and extra tips: Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.

by D B
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Prototyping is an attitude
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Prototyping is an attitude

The document discusses prototyping and provides examples of different types of prototypes including paper prototypes, digital prototypes, storyboards, role plays, and space prototypes. It explains that prototyping is used to make ideas tangible and test reactions from users in order to gain insights. Prototypes should be iterated on and fail early to push ideas further and save time and money. Both low and high fidelity prototypes are mentioned as ways to test ideas at different stages of the design process.

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Thank you!
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Top Productivity Working Hacks by Jan Rezab

  • 1. Top Productivity Hacks By Jan Rezab Serial Entrepreneur, Founder of
  • 2. Time is relative. How we experience time is also relative. And what we can manage in given time is completely up to us. That’s why try hard to learn do everything faster and get done more in less time. How to Approach Work?
  • 4. 5 840 blocks365 days 1 hour = 1 block 16 a day =x As people, we are short on time…
  • 5. +365 extra blocks per year If you give up 1 hour of sleep, you get
  • 6. I try to plan my day perfectly so every block counts
  • 7. 800 hrs external meetings (with a lot of overlap!) 1300 hrs internal meetings 1100 hrs working online 500 hrs traveling 3700 hrs worth of work My Overview in 2015
  • 8. Why do I live according to these principles?
  • 9. “We have a certain limited amount of productive years on this planet.” 20 years 20 years 20 years education making money giving it away
  • 10. I started my first company when I was 14. Messed it up, learned a lot and started over. I’m 29 and have been working for 15 years now.
  • 11. Distribution of my Online Time 1 420 hrs online in 2015 Communication Entertainment Business Social Networking Design 30 % 21 % 11 % 9 % 7 %
  • 12. ... and I try to make as productive as possible Communication Entertainment Business Social Networking Design
  • 13. My business relies on perfect communication. I make sure to have inbox zero. COMMUNICATION
  • 14. Managing 800 Pesky Emails a Day DELETE “SPAM” FIRST Delete all the emails that are clearly irrelevant straight away. USE FILTERS I’ve built my own set of filters, identifying urgency, responsibilities and ownership etc. PRIORITIZE I always handle the external messages first. The client goes first. SET THE RULES If someone is CC’s you in an irrelevant email, remind them not to do that. COMMUNICATION
  • 15. Using Productivity Tools I use email extensively, but it’s only one of the channels I use for communication. Plain text in general does not always convey the enthusiasm or urgency. This is why I think internal social networks and social messaging platforms are going to replace email. COMMUNICATION Wunderlist Podio Slack
  • 16. Social Networks is another great channel for communication. But don’t get too carried away. Focus. SOCIAL NETWORKS
  • 17. How to Manage Your Social Find 5 minutes every 2 - 3 hours to check for updates. Turn off all notifications. They just keep you from working. If you have an important announcement to make, dedicate more than 30 minutes Don’t mistake social messaging for social networking. I believe social messaging and internal social networking are key - and it will eventually replace email. SOCIAL NETWORKS
  • 18. Sometimes you need to handle things in person. MEETINGS
  • 19. Design a Productive Meeting Agenda: focus on the goal. Always try to give more than you take. Make sure next steps are clear. Do an immediate follow-up. I think of every meeting is a time investment. Make sure you invest it effectively. The best live by this: I had a meeting with a CEO of one of the largest advertising companies in the world and as I was writing the follow-up, he beat me to it just 46 minutes after the meeting. MEETINGS
  • 20. There are some activities you can combine. ACTIVITY COMBO
  • 21. My Favorite Activity Combos TV Shows & Workouts Driving & Phone Calls Flight Time & Emails Walking & Emails ACTIVITY COMBO
  • 22. Find a great Executive Assistant. Someone you can trust! EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
  • 23. Give your EA full access to your email account and calendar, and allow them to send emails and other messages on your behalf. Set the rules very carefully (e.g. emails must be approved before they’re sent). Make sure your EA has your back. (If you are in a meeting, your EA has to be able to reply urgent things). Stellar EA Workflow EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
  • 24. Business travel doesn’t have to be a pain. BUSINESS TRAVEL
  • 25. Flying 1 000 000 km in 5 years... ...taught me to squeeze maximum work into my schedule. This means I try to do as much work when I am away from my family as possible and leaves me more time to spend with my dear ones when I am back. BUSINESS TRAVEL
  • 26. Travel Scheduling Tips Prioritize. First take the meetings you really want and need – for those, move your schedule around. International travel time is a problem – if you live in Europe, try and make trips to East Coast, West Coast, and maybe Mexico City in one go. BUSINESS TRAVEL
  • 27. Sometimes, it can feel exhausting. So find time for relax & creativity! CREATIVITY
  • 28. Time for Creativity! Planes and conferences work great for me. Inspirational talks do too, but they don’t give the same kick and vibe. When at home, leave the office by 6 PM at the latest. Be with your family and friends, and start working again after the kids go to bed. It will help clear your head, and more ideas will come in the 8PM+ work session. CREATIVITY
  • 29. I love TV shows but watching those would take up to much of my time. So I watched all the TV shows last year at double play speed. In the end I watched around 600 hours worth of content, saving 300 hours = 28 productive 12 hour work days. Need an Extra Month while Having Fun? CREATIVITY
  • 30. Work-life balance is challenging at times. Having a supporting family and co-workers is crucial. TAKEAWAY
  • 31. Don’t forget your health. Find time to relax and exercise. TAKEAWAY
  • 32. And most importantly, be productive so that you can spend more time with the ones you care about. TAKEAWAY