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Environment consistency
    from Dev to Prod

 Infracoders, April 2013
Colin Panisset


Tech Lead – Infrastructure
       REA Group

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DCSF19 Dockerfile Best Practices
DCSF19 Dockerfile Best PracticesDCSF19 Dockerfile Best Practices
DCSF19 Dockerfile Best Practices

This document discusses best practices for improving Dockerfiles. It provides examples of optimizing Dockerfiles to reduce image size, build time, and improve maintainability. Specific techniques covered include using multi-stage builds, caching dependencies, copying specific files rather than entire contexts, and leveraging official images when possible. New Dockerfile features like context mounts and secrets are also briefly introduced.

Plug-ins: Building, Shipping, Storing, and Running - Nandhini Santhanam and T...
Plug-ins: Building, Shipping, Storing, and Running - Nandhini Santhanam and T...Plug-ins: Building, Shipping, Storing, and Running - Nandhini Santhanam and T...
Plug-ins: Building, Shipping, Storing, and Running - Nandhini Santhanam and T...

At Docker, we are striving to enable the extensibility of Docker via "Plugins" and make them available for developers and enterprises alike. Come attend this talk to understand what it takes to build, ship, store and run plugins. We will deep dive into plugin lifecycle management on a single engine and across a swarm cluster. We will also demonstrate how you can integrate plugins from other enterprises or developers into your ecosystem. There will be fun demos accompanying this talk! This will be session will be beneficial to you if you: 1) Are an ops team member trying to integrate Docker with your favorite storage or network vendor 2) Are Interested in extending or customizing Docker; or 3) Want to become a Docker partner, and want to make the technology integration seamless.

dockercon 2017dockercondockercon2017
Django로 만든 웹 애플리케이션 도커라이징하기 + 도커 컴포즈로 개발 환경 구축하기
Django로 만든 웹 애플리케이션 도커라이징하기 + 도커 컴포즈로 개발 환경 구축하기Django로 만든 웹 애플리케이션 도커라이징하기 + 도커 컴포즈로 개발 환경 구축하기
Django로 만든 웹 애플리케이션 도커라이징하기 + 도커 컴포즈로 개발 환경 구축하기

This document provides instructions for dockerizing a Django application with Postgres database. It discusses: 1) Creating a Dockerfile for the Django app and ensuring Postgres dependencies are installed. 2) Running Postgres in a container with environment variables for the database name, user, and password. 3) Configuring the Django settings to connect to the Postgres database using the environment variables. 4) Using docker-compose to define and run the Django and Postgres services on a bridge network, avoiding the need for links. The Django volume mounts the code directory for changes to be reflected.

belvedere noun: a building, or
   architectural feature of a building,
designed and situated to look out upon a
            pleasing scene.

       Latin bellus fine + vidēre to see
In other words:

A platform that lets you see nice
In the
beginning …
Devs wrote code

Ops deployed it

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Making Your Capistrano Recipe Book
Making Your Capistrano Recipe BookMaking Your Capistrano Recipe Book
Making Your Capistrano Recipe Book

The document provides configuration details for setting up a Capistrano deployment with multistage environments and recipes for common tasks like installing gems, configuring databases, and integrating with Thinking Sphinx. It includes base configuration definitions, recipes for setting up Thinking Sphinx indexes and configuration files, and instructions for packaging the Capistrano configurations as a gem.

One click deployment
One click deploymentOne click deployment
One click deployment

This document discusses using Fabric and Puppet together to streamline system administration tasks. Fabric can be used to execute tasks across multiple servers using Python, while Puppet defines infrastructure using code and templates. The document suggests using Fabric to set up environments and trigger Puppet deployments, while defining nodes and classes in Puppet. This allows taking advantage of Fabric's host management capabilities and Puppet's declarative approach. Initial Fabric functions would prepare environments, while global functions handle setup/teardown. Puppet would define the desired configuration to deploy using its domain-specific language.

Introduction to Docker
Introduction to DockerIntroduction to Docker
Introduction to Docker

This document introduces Docker. It discusses that Docker is an abstraction layer for Linux containers that provides lightweight virtualization. Key Docker concepts are explained such as images, containers, volumes, and Dockerfiles which are used to build images. Examples of using Dockerfiles, running containers, and sharing files between the host and containers are provided. Tips are given such as using containers for build processes and monitoring.

Release cycles were long
Code moved through
environments like ...
When code got to staging:

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Learn basic ansible using docker
Learn basic ansible using dockerLearn basic ansible using docker
Learn basic ansible using docker

The document outlines an 90 minute introduction to Ansible using Docker. It discusses setting up the environment with Docker, using ad-hoc commands and playbooks to automate tasks like installing Apache and configuring variables. Exercises demonstrate inventory management, templating configurations with Jinja2, and other core Ansible concepts. The document provides an overview but does not cover more advanced topics like dynamic inventory, roles, writing custom modules, or Ansible Tower.

Fabric: A Capistrano Alternative
Fabric:  A Capistrano AlternativeFabric:  A Capistrano Alternative
Fabric: A Capistrano Alternative

Fabric is a lightweight Python library and command-line tool for streamlining SSH administration and deployment tasks. It provides a simple way to execute commands remotely or in parallel over SSH. The document outlines how Fabric can be used to create a simple deployment script in just a few lines of code by leveraging Fabric's SSH capabilities and API.

railsruby on railspython
이미지 기반의 배포 패러다임 Immutable infrastructure
이미지 기반의 배포 패러다임 Immutable infrastructure이미지 기반의 배포 패러다임 Immutable infrastructure
이미지 기반의 배포 패러다임 Immutable infrastructure

- The document discusses immutable infrastructure and immutable images in cloud computing. - Immutable infrastructure uses configuration management tools like Chef and Docker to build stateless, reproducible server images. - When servers are deployed from these images, they are configured automatically and can be replaced easily without losing state.

immutable infrastructuredockerimage
while !staging.ok:
    Fix problems
while !staging.ok:
Then, when the code got to

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Under the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode - Drew Erny and Nishant Totla, Docker
Under the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode - Drew Erny and Nishant Totla, DockerUnder the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode - Drew Erny and Nishant Totla, Docker
Under the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode - Drew Erny and Nishant Totla, Docker

Join SwarmKit maintainers Drew and Nishant as they showcase features that have made Swarm Mode even more powerful, without compromising the operational simplicity it was designed with. They will discuss the implementation of new features that streamline deployments, increase security, and reduce downtime. These substantial additions to Swarm Mode are completely transparent and straightforward to use, and users may not realize they're already benefiting from these improvements under the hood.

dockercon 2017dockercondockercon2017
Docker toolbox
Docker toolboxDocker toolbox
Docker toolbox

The Docker Toolbox installs several components to allow users to run Docker on their Mac systems without running a Linux VM directly. It includes the Docker client, Docker Machine, Docker Compose, Docker Kitematic, and Oracle VirtualBox. Docker Machine is used to create and connect to a lightweight Linux VM hosted by VirtualBox where the Docker daemon runs. This allows users to work with Docker images and containers without having to manage a separate Linux environment.

docker toolboxdockerdocker start
Docker Security Paradigm
Docker Security ParadigmDocker Security Paradigm
Docker Security Paradigm

This document discusses security mechanisms in Docker containers, including control groups (cgroups) to limit resources, namespaces to isolate processes, and capabilities to restrict privileges. It covers secure computing modes like seccomp that sandbox system calls. Linux security modules like AppArmor and SELinux are also mentioned, along with best practices for the Docker daemon and container security overall.

This was not considered ideal
But the code hadn't
     changed ...
Environments had

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dockerizing web application
dockerizing web applicationdockerizing web application
dockerizing web application

The document discusses how to create Dockerfiles to containerize web applications. It provides instructions for creating Dockerfiles for both Node.js and Python web applications. For Node.js, it shows how to create a Dockerfile that copies local code and dependencies into an image based on an Alpine Node image and exposes port 8080. For Python, it demonstrates a Dockerfile that copies code and dependencies into an Alpine image, installs Python and pip, exposes port 5000, and runs a Flask app.

Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure
Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on AzureDevoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure
Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure

Overview of the Docker ecosystem and orchestration systems, and how to make them run on Microsoft Azure.

Docker Security in Production Overview
Docker Security in Production OverviewDocker Security in Production Overview
Docker Security in Production Overview

Delve Labs was present during the GoSec 2016 conference, where our lead DevOps engineer presented an overview of the current options available for securing Docker in production environments.

The more we looked at it,
the more problems we found
OS version differences
Deployment methods

    OS version differences
Deployment methods

    OS version differences

              Package versions

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Docker Introductory workshop
Docker Introductory workshopDocker Introductory workshop
Docker Introductory workshop

Docker is an open platform for building, shipping and running containers. It provides lightweight virtualization that allows applications to run reliably from one computing environment to another. Some key benefits of Docker include guaranteed consistency through isolation of applications and their dependencies into lightweight executable packages called containers.

Introduction to docker security
Introduction to docker securityIntroduction to docker security
Introduction to docker security

This document provides an overview of Docker security. It discusses how Docker isolates containers using kernel namespaces and cgroups to limit access to resources. It describes how Docker secures communication with its daemon and stores images cryptographically. It also explains how Linux capabilities and features like AppArmor and Seccomp can restrict container access further.

The Modern Developer Toolbox
The Modern Developer ToolboxThe Modern Developer Toolbox
The Modern Developer Toolbox

The document discusses the modern developer toolbox and outlines various tools that developers can use for development environments, testing, debugging, profiling, deployment, logging, and monitoring of applications. It provides recommendations for setting up development environments on different operating systems and with tools like Vagrant, Docker, Ansible, and Homebrew. It also discusses PHP installation and editors/IDEs to use. Testing with PHPUnit, Behat, and Jenkins is covered as well as debugging with XDebug, profiling with XHProf, and deployment with Ansible, Capistrano and other options. Logging with Monolog, Logstash and Kibana is also summarized along with monitoring metrics with StatsD, Graphite and Grafana.

Deployment methods

    OS version differences

App configs
              Package versions
Deployment methods

    OS version differences

App configs
              Package versions
Deployment methods

    OS version differences

              Hardcoded IPs
App configs
                Package versions
What to do?

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The Docker "Gauntlet" - Introduction, Ecosystem, Deployment, Orchestration
The Docker "Gauntlet" - Introduction, Ecosystem, Deployment, OrchestrationThe Docker "Gauntlet" - Introduction, Ecosystem, Deployment, Orchestration
The Docker "Gauntlet" - Introduction, Ecosystem, Deployment, Orchestration

This document summarizes Docker's growth over 15 months, including its community size, downloads, projects on GitHub, enterprise support offerings, and the Docker platform which includes the Docker Engine, Docker Hub, and partnerships. It also provides overviews of key Docker technologies like libcontainer, libchan, libswarm, and how images work in Docker.

Deployment Tactics
Deployment TacticsDeployment Tactics
Deployment Tactics

The slides from my Deployment Tactics talk at the ThinkVitamin Code Management online conference (

KubeCon EU 2016: Leveraging ephemeral namespaces in a CI/CD pipeline
KubeCon EU 2016: Leveraging ephemeral namespaces in a CI/CD pipelineKubeCon EU 2016: Leveraging ephemeral namespaces in a CI/CD pipeline
KubeCon EU 2016: Leveraging ephemeral namespaces in a CI/CD pipeline

One of the most underrated features of Kubernetes is namespaces. In the market, instead of using this feature, people are still stuck with having different clusters for their environments. This talk will try to break this approach, and will introduce how we end up using ephemeral namespaces within our CI/CD pipeline. It will cover the architecture of our system for running the user acceptance tests on isolated ephemeral namespaces with every bits and pieces running within pods. While doing this, we will set up our CI/CD pipeline on top of TravisCI, GoCD, and Selenium that is controlled by Nightwatch.js. Sched Link:

Designing Belvedere
3-pronged approach
3-pronged approach
1. Move environment-specific
config into the environment
3-pronged approach
1. Move environment-specific
config into the environment
2. Convention over

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Bangpypers april-meetup-2012
Bangpypers april-meetup-2012Bangpypers april-meetup-2012
Bangpypers april-meetup-2012

This document summarizes Deepak Garg's presentation on Fabric and app deployment automation. Fabric allows defining Python functions to automate system administration and deployment tasks across multiple servers. Example functions showed provisioning VMs, installing packages, deploying code, and more. Fabric offers commands to run commands remotely, upload/download files, and decorators to define server groups and task properties. The goals of Fabric include testing infrastructure, deploying and scaling apps across identical environments, and making systems administration tasks Pythonic and automated.

Kubernetes: training micro-dragons for a serious battle
Kubernetes: training micro-dragons for a serious battleKubernetes: training micro-dragons for a serious battle
Kubernetes: training micro-dragons for a serious battle

My second version of how to use kubernetes effectively as a platform for developing microservice applications.

WordPress Development Environments
WordPress Development Environments WordPress Development Environments
WordPress Development Environments

This document discusses WordPress development environments. It recommends setting up separate local, staging, and live environments. The local environment is for development on one's own machine. The staging environment resembles the live site for testing purposes. The live environment is the actual public site. It provides tips for setting up servers, configuring domains and files, syncing databases, and using version control across the different environments.

wordpresswordcamp 2013
3-pronged approach
1. Move environment-specific
config into the environment
2. Convention over
3. Use the same OS image
everywhere (including dev)
Find problems as early in the
  development pipeline as
Give devs familiarity with a
production-like system to aid
  transition to a more open
        access model
1. Move environment-specific
 config into the environment

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Python Deployment with Fabric
Python Deployment with FabricPython Deployment with Fabric
Python Deployment with Fabric

The document discusses using Fabric for deployment and system administration tasks across multiple servers. It provides examples of Fabric configuration, defining roles for servers, writing tasks to run commands on servers, and how to structure tasks for a full deployment workflow. Fabric allows running commands remotely via SSH and provides tools for task composition and failure handling.

Bhushan m dev_ops_engr_31june
Bhushan m dev_ops_engr_31juneBhushan m dev_ops_engr_31june
Bhushan m dev_ops_engr_31june

This curriculum vitae summarizes the experience and qualifications of Bhushan B. Mahajan seeking a career in DevOps Automation. He has 5 years of experience in Linux and relevant skills in DevOps including experience with distributions like SUSE, Redhat, CentOS and Ubuntu. He is proficient in technologies like Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, Git, Kubernetes and Nagios. Currently he works as a DevOps Engineer automating infrastructure tasks like provisioning EC2 instances, managing Docker containers, and implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

BuildStuff.LT 2018 InSpec Workshop
BuildStuff.LT 2018 InSpec WorkshopBuildStuff.LT 2018 InSpec Workshop
BuildStuff.LT 2018 InSpec Workshop

The document discusses using InSpec to build security into workflows by creating tests to check for compliance. InSpec allows writing tests in a human-readable format to test security configurations and ensure compliance with policies. Tests can be run locally or remotely on servers to check configurations and are integrated with DevOps workflows through profiles and controls.

inspecinformation securitydevops
     New Relic keys
   Database passwords
App-emitted endpoint URLs
Move environment-specific
  configuration into …
 environment variables
Populate environment variables
       before app starts
Update source files for
environment variables each
   time the app restarts

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Docker module 1
Docker module 1Docker module 1
Docker module 1

This two-day training covers Docker concepts including installation, working with containers and images, building images with Dockerfiles, and integrating Docker with OpenStack. Day one focuses on the Docker introduction, installation, containers, images, Dockerfiles, and using Nova to run Docker containers as compute instances. It also covers using Glance as a Docker image registry. Day two covers Docker clustering with Kubernetes, networking, Docker Hub, case studies, and the Docker source code. It concludes with developing platforms and running Hadoop on Docker containers.

Introduction to docker
Introduction to dockerIntroduction to docker
Introduction to docker

This is the notes of a presentation I gave to our IT dept., people who know a lot about VMs! They include a description of differences betwen a VM and a container, why would someone would want to use Docker, how it works (at 30,000 feet), some hints of what are the hub and orchestration, some Dockerfiles examples: jenkins slave, jenkins master, sinopia server, etc. and finally some new features Docker is going to propose in the future and how I intend to mix Configuration tools, such as Ansible, and Docker.

docker containers orchestration ansible
Baylisa - Dive Into OpenStack
Baylisa - Dive Into OpenStackBaylisa - Dive Into OpenStack
Baylisa - Dive Into OpenStack

1) The document provides an overview of OpenStack, an open source cloud computing platform, describing its main components for compute (Nova), object storage (Swift), and history. 2) It discusses different methods for deploying and testing OpenStack, including using Vagrant and the script, and considerations for physical deployment like hardware selection and network configuration. 3) The document concludes with information on monitoring, upcoming features, and thanks/questions.

Provide a “config service” as the
source of truth for values in the
init script                  

 (source)
#!/bin/ruby                  #!/bin/sh
update script                credentials

Config service is hierarchical
 based on client hostname
Common values sit higher up
        the tree

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Erlang on OSv
Erlang on OSvErlang on OSv
Erlang on OSv

This document discusses how to port Erlang and OTP to run on OSv without forking or executing external processes. Erlang ports allow communication with external processes but rely on forking and executing the port executable. As OSv does not support forking or execution, an alternative approach for Erlang ports is needed. Suggested approaches include using linked-in drivers written as shared objects, NIFs, or a custom in-process protocol to communicate with external processes without forking.

Automating Software Development Life Cycle - A DevOps Approach
Automating Software Development Life Cycle - A DevOps ApproachAutomating Software Development Life Cycle - A DevOps Approach
Automating Software Development Life Cycle - A DevOps Approach

The document discusses DevOps and provides an overview of the key concepts. It describes how DevOps aims to bring development, operations, and business teams together through automating processes, continuous monitoring, and breaking down silos between teams. The document then covers various DevOps tools and technologies like version control systems, build tools, configuration management, virtualization, and continuous integration/deployment practices.

devops sdlc deployment
Jak se ^bonami\.(cz|pl|sk)$ vešlo do kontejneru
Jak se ^bonami\.(cz|pl|sk)$ vešlo do kontejneruJak se ^bonami\.(cz|pl|sk)$ vešlo do kontejneru
Jak se ^bonami\.(cz|pl|sk)$ vešlo do kontejneru

This document discusses how to deploy a web application using Docker containers. It provides an overview of Docker concepts like images, containers, and layers. It then shows the Dockerfile and configuration used to build images for a Bonami web application. It demonstrates deploying the images to servers using Fabric and managing the deployment with configuration files and hooks.



               New Relic key            New Relic key


Override values for host or
  domain-specific cases
2. Convention

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Pythonic Deployment with Fabric 0.9
Pythonic Deployment with Fabric 0.9Pythonic Deployment with Fabric 0.9
Pythonic Deployment with Fabric 0.9

The slides from my July Django-District presentation. It shows some of the basics of using the new fabric. I have uploaded the example to slideshare as well.

Nagios Conference 2014 - Mike Weber - Expanding NRDS Capabilities on Linux Sy...
Nagios Conference 2014 - Mike Weber - Expanding NRDS Capabilities on Linux Sy...Nagios Conference 2014 - Mike Weber - Expanding NRDS Capabilities on Linux Sy...
Nagios Conference 2014 - Mike Weber - Expanding NRDS Capabilities on Linux Sy...

Mike Weber's presentation on Expanding NRDS Capabilities on Linux Systems. The presentation was given during the Nagios World Conference North America held Oct 13th - Oct 16th, 2014 in Saint Paul, MN. For more information on the conference (including photos and videos), visit:

InSpec Workshop at Velocity London 2018
InSpec Workshop at Velocity London 2018InSpec Workshop at Velocity London 2018
InSpec Workshop at Velocity London 2018

InSpec is an open-source testing framework that allows users to test and enforce security configurations and compliance for infrastructure code. It uses human-readable tests and resources to check configurations and generate reports. Users can write InSpec tests and profiles to test systems locally or remotely, address security issues, and integrate testing into development workflows using tools like Test Kitchen.

information securitydevops
Use short DNS CNAMEs which
resolve differently in different













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Docker - Demo on PHP Application deployment
Docker - Demo on PHP Application deployment Docker - Demo on PHP Application deployment
Docker - Demo on PHP Application deployment

Docker is an open-source project to easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more. In this demo, I will show how to build a Apache image from a Dockerfile and deploy a PHP application which is present in an external folder using custom configuration files.

automationdockercloud computing
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptxHow to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx

How do we build an IoT product, and make it profitable? Talk from the IoT meetup in March 2024.

Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf
Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdfPigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf
Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

pigging solutionsprocess piggingproduct transfers
You need to have DNS working
You need to have environments
 with different DNS domains or
     config example

server ntp1.near iburst
server ntp2.near iburst
server ntp1.far   iburst
restrict nagios.near mask
         nomodify notrap
restrict nagios.far mask
         nomodify notrap

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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant

Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant

20240702 Présentation Plateforme GenAI.pdf
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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

apache airflowdbtdbt-core
Note use of .near and .far to
 indicate relative preference;
  you can't weight A records
DNS resolvers support search
  paths; use that feature!
3. Use the same OS image
everywhere (including dev)
Basic principles
a. Build the “platform image” once

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs ConferenceUiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024

This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

microsoft teamsmicrosoft
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing SystemsMitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Basic principles
a. Build the “platform image” once
   b. Transform the built image
      format, not the content
Basic principles
a. Build the “platform image” once
   b. Transform the built image
      format, not the content
  c. Provide a minimal-function
    image, let application RPM
   dependencies fill in the rest
Creating the
platform image
CentOS 6 x86_64

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Raw disk image
In words
  Commits to the belvedere repo in
   github trigger a build in Jenkins
 which uses koji spin-appliance to
   create a disk image defined by a
kickstart file which calls puppet apply
 to impose configuration and which
results in a raw, bootable disk image

Raw disk image
Images have the commit SHA
burned into the filesystem for

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Build time: 26 minutes
Promotion via tags: 1 minute
Testing the built image
             knife vsphere

Raw disk image

class postfix::config {
    include nrpe
    file { '/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/postfix.cfg':
        ensure   => present,
        owner    => root,
        group    => root,
        mode     => '0644',
        source   => 'puppet:///modules/postfix/nrpe.cfg',
        require => Class['nrpe']

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
On the platform image:


ugins/check_smtp -4 -H localhost
The test script in the build pipeline:

echo -n "Checking Postfix (SMTP): "
RES=$( check_nrpe -H $TARGET -c check_postfix 2>&1 )
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     failure; echo
     echo "$RES"
     success; echo
     echo "$RES"
Use the same Nagios probes in
prod to test running instances
Distributing the
platform image

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Not so much to say


These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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VM       Template

     ovftool                    aws-cli

               Raw disk image
Multiple VMware environments
   in different datacentres
Raw disk image →
qemu-img convert →
    ovftool →
  knife vsphere
Multiple AWS Regions and
accounts (dev/staging/prod)

Recommended for you

Raw disk image →
aws cloudformation create-stack →

           rsync →
             dd →
  aws ec2 create-snapshot    →
    aws ec2 register-image
  (awscli command line)
For distant regions
maintain a persistent EC2
 and use rsync's delta to
minimise transmitted bytes
Raw disk image: 1GB
Built-in auto-resizing on reboot
 when the underlying device

Recommended for you

Works for physical nodes too:
   same Puppet manifest
   different kickstart file
We can bring persistent
(physical) boxes up to date

 box# puppet apply ...
Raw disk image can be used as
       a local VM, too
  (KVM, Xen, vagrant, VMWare fusion,
             Parallels, etc)
Image promotion is the only
       manual step

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AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
      VMWare Tools
AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
       VMWare Tools
Environment-independent config

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AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
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Environment-independent config
Standardised base packages
AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
       VMWare Tools
Environment-independent config
Standardised base packages
Platform-level Nagios checks
AWS CloudFormation cfn-init
        VMWare Tools
Environment-independent config
Standardised base packages
Platform-level Nagios checks
OS-level tuning (eg IO scheduler)
Example installed base
           kernel auditing
          Splunk forwarder
             LDAP client
NFS client with automounter (homedirs)
sudo configuration (with LDAP support)
            iSCSI support

Recommended for you

Network config via DHCP:
In prod environments:
 60% of all VMs are platform

  In dev AWS environment:
37% of instances are platform
In the end …
Things to Improve

Recommended for you

Support for multiple partitions

        Better testing

 on-image IDS (ossec, snort)

      Shareable code (?)
Colin Panisset

Photo credits
Mr. Belvedere

Iowa Landscape (by-nc-nd)

Neonate queen snake choking on a crayfish (by-sa)

Ferry toll sign at Cowes

Keep Left

Brunel mixed gauge track

Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895 (pd)

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