SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Narrowing the Context
Rocking iPhone and Android development
What I won’t be
 talking about
What I will be
talking about
Mobile Safari
 Local Storage
 CSS3 features like transforms, transitions and
 HTML5 forms support for search, number and
 email field types.
 SVG (well, on the iPhone; not on Android)

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"Designing for the Mobile Web" by Michael Dick (December 2010)
"Designing for the Mobile Web" by Michael Dick (December 2010)"Designing for the Mobile Web" by Michael Dick (December 2010)
"Designing for the Mobile Web" by Michael Dick (December 2010)

Our December Refresh event was led by web and mobile designer Michael Dick who discussed how to extend the experience from the desktop to the mobile web, as well as tips & tricks you may utilize during the design & development of your mobile site. More info at

mobile designrefreshbaltimore
Formatting Images with CSS in MadCap Flare - MadCap webinar, Scott DeLoach, C...
Formatting Images with CSS in MadCap Flare - MadCap webinar, Scott DeLoach, C...Formatting Images with CSS in MadCap Flare - MadCap webinar, Scott DeLoach, C...
Formatting Images with CSS in MadCap Flare - MadCap webinar, Scott DeLoach, C...

In this webinar, I describe and demonstrate techniques for formatting images using CSS in MadCap Flare.

madcap flarecssimages
The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #devcon13
The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #devcon13The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #devcon13
The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #devcon13

This document discusses techniques for optimizing images for responsive web design. It begins by noting that large images can slow down sites on small viewports. It then covers several approaches to address this issue, including using CSS backgrounds, SVG images, responsive image services, and the picture element with srcset. It emphasizes using the simplest possible solution for each situation, with progressive enhancement as needed, and outlines processes for automating image optimization with tools like Grunt.

picturefillrwd imagesresponsive
Media Queries

Creating an App-like experience
Input Features

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RESS – Responsive Webdesign and Server Side Components
RESS – Responsive Webdesign and Server Side ComponentsRESS – Responsive Webdesign and Server Side Components
RESS – Responsive Webdesign and Server Side Components

Use a mixture of user agent detection and browser feature detection or a device detection library to enhance your responsive website.

ressresponsive web designfeature detection
HTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle
HTML5 and CSS3 ShizzleHTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle
HTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle

I gave this presentation at the 2010 Scotch on the Rocks conference. It features a brief explanation of why HTML5 and CSS3 are necessary, and then goes on to cover most of the cool new features of HTML5 and CSS3 that are supported across most browsers at the time of publication., including &lt;video>, &lt;canvas>, HTML5 forms, the new HTML5 elements, box-shadow, text-shadow, web fonts, media queries, and more. Companion code examples are available at

Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart
Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStartBest Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart
Best Practices for Embedded UA - WritersUA 2012, Scott DeLoach, ClickStart

1) The document provides best practices for writing embedded user assistance (UA) including using an informal friendly writing style, integrating content from other sources, allowing user feedback, customization, and learning. 2) It demonstrates HTML5 techniques for UA like adding subtitles to videos, editing content, and saving user-provided content using local storage. 3) Forms guidelines are discussed like requiring input, validating formats, and spellchecking. Examples of applications and websites using these techniques are provided.

techcommtechnical communicationembedded ua
Mobile Web Development
Sencha Touch (nee jQTouch)
 Designed for iPhone and Android
 Includes enhanced touch events
 Allows for rapid development
 jQuery Mobile?
Going Native

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Responsive Websites
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Responsive Websites

Introduction to Responsive Web Design Includes a sample project built from scratch in Node.js using LESS available on Github

web designresponsive web designmobile
CSS in React
CSS in ReactCSS in React
CSS in React

This document discusses different approaches for using CSS in React applications. It begins by outlining some of the issues with plain CSS, including lack of encapsulation and global namespace pollution. It then examines different methodologies for organizing CSS, including OOCSS, BEM, and SUIT CSS. Next, it covers pre/post-processors like Sass, LESS, and PostCSS. The document dives into examples of implementing styles in React using inline styles, CSS modules, Radium, and Styled Components. For each approach, it highlights the syntax and notes advantages and limitations. Finally, it closes with a brief look at emerging technologies that may impact future CSS practices.

A HTML5 platform demókon keresztül
A HTML5 platform demókon keresztülA HTML5 platform demókon keresztül
A HTML5 platform demókon keresztül

Az előadás témája a HTML5 platform programozása: - canvas, - svg, - audio, - video, - webfonts Az előadás megtekinthető itt:

Why go Native?
 Access to native hardware and other applications
 Camera, Address Book, Filesystem
 Streamlined Revenue Process
PhoneGap and Titanium
 Titanium Mobile targets iPhone and Android
 PhoneGap targets iPhone, Android, Palm, Symbian
 and Blackberry.
Other Experiences
Other Experiences
 The world isn’t made of smart phones
 How can we streamline the process for less-
 capable phones?

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Responsive web design for desktop, tablets and smartphones
Responsive web design for desktop, tablets and smartphonesResponsive web design for desktop, tablets and smartphones
Responsive web design for desktop, tablets and smartphones

This document discusses using media queries and responsive web design to adapt content for different screen sizes like desktop, tablet, and smartphone. It recommends using CSS media queries to check for device features rather than specific models or vendors. Media queries allow setting custom CSS styles based on conditions like minimum/maximum width, display ratios, and other features. This allows fitting important content on smaller screens by resizing, rearranging, or hiding less important elements to avoid horizontal scrolling. The goal is to show content in a way that matches the user's device.

mobilemondaymomo estoniaresponsive web design
PreDevCampSF - CSS3 Tricks
PreDevCampSF - CSS3 TricksPreDevCampSF - CSS3 Tricks
PreDevCampSF - CSS3 Tricks

This presentation was given at PreDevCampSF on August 10, 2009. It goes over some useful components of newer versions of CSS, as well as some proprietary webkit extensions that can make WebOS development much easier.

Илья Пухальский (EPAM Systems)
Илья Пухальский (EPAM Systems)Илья Пухальский (EPAM Systems)
Илья Пухальский (EPAM Systems)

The document discusses techniques for making SVG graphics responsive. It describes using media queries directly in SVG code to serve different background images based on viewport width. It also covers embedding SVG using inline, <img>, and <object> tags and their tradeoffs. The "Clown Car Technique" embeds the SVG as an <object> and uses media queries inside the SVG to switch background images. The "Poor Man's Method" defines all icon variants inside the SVG and shows/hides them with media queries. The "Man With A Gun's Method" uses transforms to adapt a single SVG to different sizes. JavaScript can also be added to SVG to make it more dynamic and responsive.

Allows for selective content
Compresses Code
Resizes and compresses images
Mobile Web Development
Mobile Web Development

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Managing responsive websites with css preprocessors.
Managing responsive websites with css preprocessors. Managing responsive websites with css preprocessors.
Managing responsive websites with css preprocessors.

Managing responsive websites with css preprocessors presented at Penn State Webconference Tuesday June 23, 2015. Sass and Less preprocessors simplify managing css for responsive websites.

Minimalism in Web Development
Minimalism in Web DevelopmentMinimalism in Web Development
Minimalism in Web Development

The document discusses minimalism in web development. It advocates for building simple things using simple tools where appropriate. This includes using microframeworks that do just enough rather than full-featured frameworks, and taking advantage of CSS3 features to simplify layouts and designs. SQLite is recommended for low to medium traffic sites due to its small size and simplicity. Graceful degradation is also discussed to ensure sites still function acceptably in older browsers.

Presentation html5 css3 by thibaut
Presentation html5 css3 by thibautPresentation html5 css3 by thibaut
Presentation html5 css3 by thibaut

The document discusses new features in HTML5 including: 1. New semantic HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, and <footer> that help structure and provide meaning to content. 2. New attributes like "role", "data-", "aria-", "draggable", and microdata attributes that add more semantics and meaning. 3. New form input types like email, number, date, time, etc. and new form attributes that make forms more usable.

Mobile Web Development
Mobile Web Development
Things we can learn
 What are users trying to do?
 Optimize the experience for the task
 Content linearization
 Minimize the amount of information being served
Rewrite Conditions

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HTML5 Essential Training
HTML5 Essential TrainingHTML5 Essential Training
HTML5 Essential Training

This document outlines an agenda for an HTML5 essential training. It covers front-end technologies, HTML basics and evolution, terminology, document structure, common elements, section elements, semantic elements, features beyond basics, and useful resources. The training includes live demos of common elements and <div> usage. It compares using HTML4 divs versus HTML5 semantic elements for page structure.

Maze VR
Maze VRMaze VR
Maze VR

A mobile VR game requires a 3D scene, game characters, controllers for automatic movement, a stereoscopic camera, sound effects, and collision detection. The document discusses implementing these elements in A-Frame, including creating the 3D environment and objects, adding a first-person camera for controller input, integrating GUI elements, detecting collisions, and optimizing performance. Code snippets are provided as examples for building out these various components in an A-Frame VR game.

The Type We Want (MIX10)
The Type We Want (MIX10)The Type We Want (MIX10)
The Type We Want (MIX10)

This document discusses different methods for embedding fonts on web pages, including their advantages and disadvantages. The font tag allowed using images of text for any font but had performance issues. CSS font stacks provide flexibility but not all fonts will be visible to users. JavaScript methods like SIFR and Cufón let any font be used but have limitations. The @font-face rule allows dynamic font usage with full CSS styling across browsers but requires font files in multiple formats and licensing can restrict embedding. Services exist to handle font hosting and formatting but have disadvantages around reliance on their servers. Subsetting and compression can improve performance but must be done carefully.

Hit me with your best shot. Fire away.

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Mobile Web Development

  • 1. Narrowing the Context Rocking iPhone and Android development
  • 2. What I won’t be talking about
  • 3. What I will be talking about
  • 4. Mobile Safari Local Storage CSS3 features like transforms, transitions and animations Geolocation HTML5 forms support for search, number and email field types. SVG (well, on the iPhone; not on Android)
  • 5. Media Queries <link  href="mobile.css"  rel="stylesheet"      media="only  screen  and  (max-­‐device-­‐width:   480px)"> @media  screen  and  (max-­‐device-­‐width:  480px)   {   }
  • 6. Viewport <meta  name="viewport"  content="width=device-­‐ width"> <meta  name="viewport"  content="width=590"> <meta  name="viewport"  content="initial-­‐scale=   1.0"> <meta  name="viewport"  content="initial-­‐scale=   2.3,  user-­‐scalable=no">
  • 7. Creating an App-like experience <link  rel="apple-­‐touch-­‐icon"  href="icon.png"> <meta  name="apple-­‐mobile-­‐web-­‐app-­‐capable"   content="yes"> <meta  name="apple-­‐mobile-­‐web-­‐app-­‐status-­‐bar-­‐ style"  content="black"> <link  rel="apple-­‐touch-­‐icon"  href="app_icon.png"> <link  rel="apple-­‐touch-­‐startup-­‐image"   href="startup.png">
  • 8. Input Features <input  autocorrect="on">  <!-­‐-­‐  or  “off”  -­‐-­‐> <input  placeholder="Example  Text"> <input  type="email"> <input  type="url"> <input  type="number"> <input  type="search">
  • 11. Sencha Touch (nee jQTouch) Designed for iPhone and Android Includes enhanced touch events Allows for rapid development jQuery Mobile?
  • 13. Why go Native? Access to native hardware and other applications Camera, Address Book, Filesystem Streamlined Revenue Process
  • 14. PhoneGap and Titanium Titanium Mobile targets iPhone and Android PhoneGap targets iPhone, Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry.
  • 16. Other Experiences The world isn’t made of smart phones How can we streamline the process for less- capable phones?
  • 18. MobifyMe Allows for selective content Compresses Code Resizes and compresses images
  • 23. Things we can learn What are users trying to do? Optimize the experience for the task Content linearization Minimize the amount of information being served
  • 24. Rewrite Conditions RewriteCond  %{HTTP:X-­‐OperaMini-­‐Features}      !=""  [NC,OR] RewriteCond  %{HTTP:X-­‐OperaMini-­‐Phone}            !=""  [NC,OR] RewriteCond  %{HTTP:X-­‐Mobile-­‐Gateway}              !=""  [NC,OR] RewriteCond  %{HTTP_ACCEPT}                                  ^.*application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml.*   [NC,OR] RewriteCond  %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}                          !^.*(ipad).*  [NC] RewriteCond  %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}                          ^.*(alcatel|audiovox|au-­‐mic|avantgo| bolt|blackberry|blazer|cldc-­‐|danger|dopod|epoc|ericsson|Googles+Wirelesss +Transcoder|htc|huawei|iemobile|ipaq|iphone|ipod|j2me|lg|midp|mobile|mot|moto| motorola|nec-­‐|netfront|netfront|nitro|nokia|novarra-­‐vision|operas+mini|palm| palmsource|panasonic|philips|pocketpc|portalmmm|rover|sagem|samsung|sanyo|sec| series60|sharp|sie-­‐|smartphone|sony|symbian|t-­‐mobile|untrusted|up.browser|up .link|vodafone/|wap1.|wap2.|webOS|windowss+ce).*  [NC] RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}            !-­‐f RewriteRule  ^(.*)$                                        $1  [R,L]
  • 25. Questions? Hit me with your best shot. Fire away.