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Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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2011-06-04の第4回Symfony2勉強会の発表資料。 (2011-06-07 二枚目を頑張って更新。。。汗)

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Palestra sobre MongoDB com PHP no PHP'n'Rio

Palestra sobre MongoDB com PHP no PHP'n'Rio

Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
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Working With Ajax Frameworks

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Php codigos interfaces fredy guzman cusihunca
Java Script - Object-Oriented Programming
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Java Script - Object-Oriented Programming

Introduction to Java Script object-oriented programming presented by Piotr on meet.js meetings in Lublin (Feb-2015) and Szczecin (Mar-2015).

jsjava scriptes6
Working With Ajax Frameworks
var Person = Class.create({
  initialize: function(name) { = name; },
  say: function(message) {
     return + ': ' + message; }
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  .each(function(name, index) {
    this[name] = index; })
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  .filter(function(name, index) {
   return name[0] == 'b' })

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Simular un next del recordset en php de forma rudimentariaSimular un next del recordset en php de forma rudimentaria
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function(el){el.className = 'bigpimpin'}
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
 .click(function(){this.innerHTML = 'no
  seriously, for the win'});

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My jQuery Presentation

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Omówienie mechanizmów związanych z programowaniem obiektowym w JavaScript dostępnych w starszych wersjach języka oraz w ES6.

Юнит тестирование в Zend Framework 2.0
Юнит тестирование в Zend Framework 2.0Юнит тестирование в Zend Framework 2.0
Юнит тестирование в Zend Framework 2.0
jQuery.fn.newMethod = function(){
   return this;
    toclick: function(el){
         return $('.trigger', el) },
    tohide: function(el){
         return $('ul', el).hide() },
    effect: 'slide'
jQuery.fn.hider = function(options)
    return this.each(function(){
          // hide the element and its parent
          var hide = options.tohide(this);
          var click = options.toclick ? options.toclick(this) : this;
          if(options.hide) jQuery(hide).hide();

                    if(options.effect == 'slide')
                    return false;
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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Une immense majorité de développeurs connaissent jQuery, mais pas vraiment JavaScript. Nous verrons comment faire en pur JS ce que vous avez l’habitude de faire avec jQuery et jQuery UI, en mettant l’accent sur le support par les navigateurs des fonctionnalités JS utilisées, et sur les polyfills disponibles.

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Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
  loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'/server/script'}),
  containerScroll: true,
  dropConfig: {appendOnly:true} });

// set the root node
var root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
   text: 'Ext JS',
   draggable:false, // disable root node dragging


// render the tree
root.expand(false, /*no anim*/ false);
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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Presentation for first meetphp convention

The Type We Want (MIX10)
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This document discusses different methods for embedding fonts on web pages, including their advantages and disadvantages. The font tag allowed using images of text for any font but had performance issues. CSS font stacks provide flexibility but not all fonts will be visible to users. JavaScript methods like SIFR and Cufón let any font be used but have limitations. The @font-face rule allows dynamic font usage with full CSS styling across browsers but requires font files in multiple formats and licensing can restrict embedding. Services exist to handle font hosting and formatting but have disadvantages around reliance on their servers. Subsetting and compression can improve performance but must be done carefully.

Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
var Person = new Class({
    initialize: function(name){ = name; }
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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Mobile Web Development

The document discusses strategies for developing mobile web applications for smartphones like iPhone and Android, focusing on technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript that enable responsive design and native-like experiences. It also covers tools and frameworks for building cross-platform mobile apps, such as PhoneGap and Titanium, as well as strategies for optimizing content delivery and the user experience for less capable mobile devices.

Presentation on Presentations
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Presentation on Presentations

This document provides tips for giving presentations. It suggests focusing a presentation on defining a problem and telling a story to engage the audience. The tips include using different types of slides like bullets and code to highlight important information, injecting humor with pictures, speaking slowly, and being prepared to answer questions. Presenters are advised to not reveal all details at once and to take breaks between slides to keep the audience interested.

Building On The Shoulders
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Building On The Shoulders

The document discusses building on existing tools, frameworks, platforms and ideas rather than reinventing the wheel. It lists examples of existing tools and frameworks in various categories like JavaScript, CSS, programming languages and platforms that can be leveraged to build new applications and speed up development. The benefits mentioned are that existing solutions are well-tested, development can be faster, and new ideas can solve problems outside the original solutions.

Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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This session will take a look at two prominent desktop platforms, AIR and Titanium, and examine some of the pros and cons of developing with that environment. We'll also take a look at ways to speed up development using rich components like jQuery UI and take advantage of the features of HTML5 and CSS3 that can be used right away.

The Type We Want
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The Type We Want

This document discusses typography and font usage on the web. It covers the history of using fonts, from basic HTML tags to modern techniques like @font-face embedding. Key topics include common font stacks, converting file formats, subsetting for performance, licensing issues, and tools for optimizing embedded web fonts. The goal is flexible typographic control while ensuring wide browser support and fast loading speeds.

Ajax presentation
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Ajax presentation

The document discusses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which is a web development technique for building interactive web applications. It allows for asynchronous data retrieval, which means requests are made in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. This improves responsiveness as users can interact with the page during data loading. The key components that AJAX uses are XML, HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript. JavaScript plays the important role of binding these components together and enabling asynchronous communication with the server in the background.

Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
<style type=quot;text/cssquot;>
  @import quot;;;
  @import quot;;
<script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;
   djConfig=quot;parseOnLoad: truequot;></script>
<script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>

   function call_function(choice) {
      console.debug(choice+quot; was clicked.quot;);
<div dojoType=quot;dijit.form.DropDownButtonquot;>
   <div dojoType=quot;dijit.Menuquot; id=quot;Editquot;>
       <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Copyquot;
       <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Cutquot;
       <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Pastequot;

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A presentation on Ajax suitable for college level presentations and seminars.Contains 32 slides - ideal for a 20 - 30 minutes seminar.

Mobile Is Eating the World, 2016-2017
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Mobile Is Eating the World, 2016-2017

by Benedict Evans. Please see this link for full description, slides, AND version with talk track:

by a16z
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Go-to-Market Best Practices for Startups
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Go-to-Market Best Practices for Startups

Looking to scale something up? Depending on how you're going after your market/ acquiring users, you may need to build a sales organization that's optimized for a top-down or bottom-up sales process (or perhaps both). Watch the video overview at and then check out this slide deck, which shares some concrete tips and tools for accelerating time to market -- from the go-to-market experts at a16z, led by 'sales savant' Mark Cranney. Because selling to enterprises is a lot like getting a bill passed through Congress: it can get stuck. And getting stuck -- or going down the wrong path -- can mean death to startups in a competitive market. Here's how to avoid that.

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demand generationfield salestime to market
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks

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Bio in 2015 is like software in 2005. The bio fund is really about funding software companies in the bio space.

by a16z
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Get in touch: A short presentation outlining the main customer targeting strategies a B2B SaaS startup might decide to use.

Network Effects
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Network Effects

Network effects. It’s one of the most important concepts for business in general and especially for tech businesses, as it’s the key dynamic behind many successful software-based companies. Understanding network effects not only helps build better products, but it helps build moats and protect software companies against competitors’ eating away at their margins. Yet what IS a network effect? How do we untangle the nuances of 'network effects' with 'marketplaces' and 'platforms'? What’s the difference between network effects, virality, supply-side economies of scale? And how do we know a company has network effects? Most importantly, what questions can entrepreneurs and product managers ask to counter the wishful thinking and sometimes faulty assumption behind the belief that “if we build it, they will come” … and instead go about more deterministically creating network effects in their business? Because it's not a winner-take-all market by accident.

by a16z
new Effect.toggle(
Working With Ajax Frameworks
new Ajax.Autocompleter(
  '/server/script', {});
new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(

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In this update of his past presentations on Mobile Eating the World -- delivered most recently at The Guardian's Changing Media Summit -- a16z’s Benedict Evans takes us through how technology is universal through mobile. How mobile is not a subset of the internet anymore. And how mobile (and accompanying trends of cloud and AI) is also driving new productivity tools. In fact, mobile -- which encompasses everything from drones to cars -- is everything.

by a16z
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SlideShare 101
SlideShare 101SlideShare 101
SlideShare 101

The SlideShare 101 is a quick start guide if you want to walk through the main features that the platform offers. This will keep getting updated as new features are launched. The SlideShare 101 replaces the earlier "SlideShare Quick Tour".

// An XHR DataSource
var myServer =
var mySchema = [quot;ResultItemquot;,
var myDataSource = new YAHOO.widget
  .DS_XHR(myServer, mySchema);
Working With Ajax Frameworks
Working With Ajax Frameworks
new Control.Slider('handle',
  'track', {
  range: $R(10000, 500000),

  onSlide: function(v) {
  SB.setBudget(v); }

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Working With Ajax Frameworks
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Shadowbox.lib = {
  getStyle: function(el, style){
     return jQuery(el).css(style);


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Working With Ajax Frameworks

  • 10. var Person = Class.create({ initialize: function(name) { = name; }, say: function(message) { return + ': ' + message; } });
  • 11. ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] .each(function(name, index) { this[name] = index; })
  • 12. ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] .filter(function(name, index) { return name[0] == 'b' })
  • 16. $('p') .addClass('bigpimpin') .html('WDN08FTW!') .click(function(){this.innerHTML = 'no seriously, for the win'});
  • 18. $('.parentElement').hider( { toclick: function(el){ return $('.trigger', el) }, tohide: function(el){ return $('ul', el).hide() }, effect: 'slide' } )
  • 19. jQuery.fn.hider = function(options) { return this.each(function(){ // hide the element and its parent var hide = options.tohide(this); var click = options.toclick ? options.toclick(this) : this; if(options.hide) jQuery(hide).hide(); jQuery(click).click(function() { if(options.effect == 'slide') { jQuery(hide).slideToggle('fast'); }else{ jQuery(hide).animate({opacity:'toggle'},'fast'); } return false; }); }); }
  • 23. var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ el:'tree', animate:true, autoScroll:true, loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'/server/script'}), enableDD:true, containerScroll: true, dropConfig: {appendOnly:true} }); // set the root node var root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ text: 'Ext JS', draggable:false, // disable root node dragging id:'source tree.setRootNode(root); // render the tree tree.render(); root.expand(false, /*no anim*/ false);
  • 27. var Person = new Class({ initialize: function(name){ = name; } });
  • 35. <style type=quot;text/cssquot;> @import quot;;; @import quot;; </style> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;; djConfig=quot;parseOnLoad: truequot;></script> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> dojo.require(quot;dojo.parserquot;); dojo.require(quot;dijit.form.Buttonquot;); dojo.require(quot;dijit.Menuquot;); function call_function(choice) { console.debug(choice+quot; was clicked.quot;); } </script>
  • 36. <div dojoType=quot;dijit.form.DropDownButtonquot;> <span>Edit</span> <div dojoType=quot;dijit.Menuquot; id=quot;Editquot;> <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Copyquot; onclick=quot;call_function('copy');quot;></div> <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Cutquot; onclick=quot;call_function('cut');quot;></div> <div dojoType=quot;dijit.MenuItemquot; label=quot;Pastequot; onclick=quot;call_function('paste');quot;></div> </div> </div>
  • 40. $('#elementId').hide(); $('#elementId').show(); $('#elementId').toggle(); $('#elementId').slideToggle();
  • 43. new Ajax.Autocompleter( 'contact_name', 'contact_name_auto_complete', '/server/script', {});
  • 44. new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete( quot;myInputquot;, quot;myContainerquot;, myDataSource);
  • 45. // An XHR DataSource var myServer = var mySchema = [quot;ResultItemquot;, quot;KeyDataFieldquot;]; var myDataSource = new YAHOO.widget .DS_XHR(myServer, mySchema);
  • 48. new Control.Slider('handle', 'track', { sliderValue:100000, range: $R(10000, 500000), onSlide: function(v) { SB.setBudget(v); } });
  • 52. Shadowbox.lib = { getStyle: function(el, style){ return jQuery(el).css(style); }, }