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Scaling python webapps from 0 to 50 million users - A top-down approachJinalJhaveriSystems
Social Games!!
AgendaWhy is performance a big issue for social games?ArchitectureBottlenecks and solutionsPerformance strategyQuestions
Why is performance a big issue for social games?

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Php resque

This talk presents php-resque which is a php port of resque which was built by the cool folks @ github.

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Playing with Hadoop (NPW2013)
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Playing with Hadoop (NPW2013)

This document is a presentation on Hadoop given by Søren Lund. It begins with disclaimers that the speaker has no production experience with Hadoop. It then provides an overview of Hadoop, how it addresses the problem of scaling to large amounts of data, and its core components. The presentation demonstrates how to install and run Hadoop on a single machine, provides examples of running word count jobs locally and on Hadoop, and discusses related tools like Hive and Pig. It concludes with notes on the Hadoop user interface, joins, running Hadoop in the cloud, and other Hadoop distributions.

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Go Profiling - John Graham-Cumming
Go Profiling - John Graham-Cumming Go Profiling - John Graham-Cumming
Go Profiling - John Graham-Cumming

This document discusses profiling Go programs. It begins by stating the golden rule of premature optimization and emphasizes the importance of measuring before optimizing. Several Go profiling tools are described, including tools for timing, CPU profiling, and memory profiling. An example of a badly implemented LRU cache is provided and profiled to identify inefficiencies. Various improvements are then made to the LRU cache and tested, including using a linked list, random eviction, and eliminating slice operations. The document concludes with a discussion of memory recycling in Go programs.

Why is performance a big issue for social games? Extremely high viralityinstalls, notifications, emails, feeds, eventsAmount of time spent is high
Game Architecture
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Load BalancerHAProxyRoundrobinNo gzip / no file servingSupports ipbased / regex based load balancing

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Background Jobs with Resque
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Background Jobs with Resque

As more and more web applications integrate with third-party APIs and other external data, processing those external resources in the background more and more important. A simple job runner is a great start, however as your load increases, you very quickly outgrew that simplistic queuing system. We will cover where getting started using Resque and Redis, how to test your jobs, when it makes sense to use Resque, implementations of Resque in other languages, and look how I've used Resque.

Ansible, Simplicity, and the Zen of Python
Ansible, Simplicity, and the Zen of PythonAnsible, Simplicity, and the Zen of Python
Ansible, Simplicity, and the Zen of Python

Slides from the following talk presented at PyCon Australia 2015: Ansible is a configuration management tool, written in Python, that has taken the world of IT automation by storm. Its most remarkable quality is simplicity. The Zen of Python is a set of aphorisms which capture the design philosophy of the Python language, one being "Simple is better than complex".

How we used ruby to build locaweb's cloud (
How we used ruby to build locaweb's cloud ( we used ruby to build locaweb's cloud (
How we used ruby to build locaweb's cloud (

**The slides are not correctly rendered. The HTML/Javascript version is here:** This presentation shows what we have done with Ruby to create Locaweb's cloud computing product.

rubycloud computing
Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
WebserverPastern instances (n = no.ofcpu) (10 threads each)Timeout (10 seconds)Disable Nagles optimization
Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
Web ApplicationMemcached to avoid DB tripsORM integrationCompressionCaching non-existenceLists cache

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The document discusses the WordPress HTTP API and its helper functions for making HTTP requests. It explains that the WP HTTP API provides a powerful interface for making remote calls using functions like wp_remote_get(), wp_remote_post(), and wp_remote_request(). These functions return responses that can be parsed to retrieve things like the body, headers, response code, and response message. Additional resources for using the API are also provided.

Elasticsearch (R)Evolution — You Know, for Search… by Philipp Krenn at Big Da...
Elasticsearch (R)Evolution — You Know, for Search… by Philipp Krenn at Big Da...Elasticsearch (R)Evolution — You Know, for Search… by Philipp Krenn at Big Da...
Elasticsearch (R)Evolution — You Know, for Search… by Philipp Krenn at Big Da...

Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine built on top of Apache Lucene. After the initial release in 2010 it has become the most widely used full-text search engine, but it is not stopping there. The revolution happened and now it is time for evolution. We dive into current improvements and new features — how to make a great product even better. Big Data Spain 2017 16th - 17th November Kinépolis Madrid

big databig data spain
CPAN 模組二三事
CPAN 模組二三事CPAN 模組二三事
CPAN 模組二三事

This document provides information about CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) including what it is, how to use it, popular modules, authors, and tips. Some key points: - CPAN is a repository for Perl modules with over 12,000 modules and 3,400+ authors. It helps avoid duplicating code. - Popular ways to install modules include using the CPAN shell, CPANPLUS shell, or cpanminus command line tool. - Useful modules cover areas like web development, databases, testing, graphics, and more. Top authors contribute many modules. - Documentation for any module can be found via its perldoc or on

perl cpan module
Memcache / ORM integration   def get(self, query, ident, *args, **kwargs):    key = query.mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)    obj = query.session.identity_map.get(key)    if obj:        	return obj     mkey = gen_cache_key(key[0].__name__, key[1], self.version_string) obj = self.mclient.get(mkey)	if obj is None:obj = query._get(key, ident, **kwargs)        		if obj is not None:       		query.session.expunge(obj)       		self.mclient.set(mkey, obj)    if obj:    return query.session.merge(obj, dont_load=True)    else:    return NoneMike Nelson
Memcached to avoid DB tripsORM integrationCompressionCaching non-existenceLists cacheBest Effort caching
Web ApplicationLocal cachePythonSpeed/PerformanceTips ( callsLog processingEvent trackingPartial rendering / json / ajax
Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser

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OpenERP Performance Benchmark
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OpenERP Performance Benchmark

Benchmark OpenERP : testez les performances et la robustesse d'OpenERP sur vos volumes de données. Le benchmark technique d'OpenERP propose des scripts automatiques pour tester la charge d'OpenERP vis-à-vis de vos données et de votre activité.

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Background processing with Resque
Background processing with ResqueBackground processing with Resque
Background processing with Resque

Resque is a background processing library for Ruby that allows processing of jobs asynchronously via a queue using Redis. It uses workers that listen for jobs on queues and process them, and includes plugins like resque-lock to prevent duplicate jobs and resque-loner to relaunch failed jobs. The document discusses setting up Resque with God for monitoring workers, handling signals, and restarting workers gracefully on the project which synchronizes golf course data from multiple APIs into Redis.

resque redis ruby rails
From zero to hero - Easy log centralization with Logstash and Elasticsearch
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From zero to hero - Easy log centralization with Logstash and Elasticsearch

Presentation I gave during DevOps Days Warsaw 2014 about combining Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana together or use our Logsene solution instead of Elasticsearch.

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Gzipfrom paste.gzipper import make_gzip_middlewareapp = make_gzip_middleware(app, global_conf, compress_level=1)
Browser – Best practicesGzipCDNLoading images in parallelAjaxificationClient side caching
Performance strategyProfileImproveProfileImproveProfileImproveMeasure, Measure, Measureload balancer request timeWeb server request timeController request timeRendering time

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Практический опыт профайлинга и оптимизации производительности Ruby-приложений
Практический опыт профайлинга и оптимизации производительности Ruby-приложенийПрактический опыт профайлинга и оптимизации производительности Ruby-приложений
Практический опыт профайлинга и оптимизации производительности Ruby-приложений

Алексей Туля, Senior Software Developer в Sam Solutions «Практический опыт профайлинга и оптимизации производительности Ruby-приложений» В своем докладе Алексей сделает краткий обзор различных реализаций Ruby, попытается найти причины, почему Ruby медленный. Рассмотрит вопрос сборки мусора в Ruby и вызова методов – почему в Ruby это дорого. Расскажет и покажет, что делать, чтобы поднять производительность, проведет обзор утилит для поиска проблемных мест, обзор профайлеров и расскажет, как интерпретировать результаты. Доклад в основном нацелен на практический подход по поиску проблем. Материал предназначен для пользователей Linux, поэтому все практические советы будут для ОС Linux.

Go-Couchbase Golang Paris 2015/12/17
Go-Couchbase Golang Paris 2015/12/17Go-Couchbase Golang Paris 2015/12/17
Go-Couchbase Golang Paris 2015/12/17

This document summarizes Go-Couchbase, a Go client library for Couchbase. It provides functions for connecting to Couchbase clusters and buckets, and performing CRUD operations on documents. These include set(), get(), update(), delete(), and add() methods. Go-Couchbase is simple and thread-safe to use. It can also replicate data between Couchbase clusters.

fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloudfog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

Learn how to easily get started on cloud computing with fog. If you can control your infrastructure choices, you’ll make better choices in development and get what you need in production. You'll get an overview of fog and concrete examples to give you a head start on your provisioning workflow.

Profiling - Middlewareclass TimerMiddleware(object):    """     Simple middleware that logs the time of each request to the provided logger.    @author Brian Rue    """    def __init__(self, app, log, name='outer'): = app         self.log = log = name    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):        start_time = time.time()        try:            return, start_response)        finally:            end_time = time.time()            url = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')             if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):                url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING']            self.log.debug("%f %s-%s" % ((end_time - start_time),, url))
Profiling2010-02-07 13:27:07 0.182282 mission/index /app/20/mission user: 1000002704984422010-02-07 13:27:07 0.105489 outer-/app/20/mission?dummyid=12010-02-07 13:27:07 0.287437 battle/attack /app/19/battle/attack user: 5018791262010-02-07 13:27:07 0.006339 track/record_event /app/21/track/record_event user: 11635112662010-02-07 13:27:07 0.032981 outer-/app/21/track/record_event?file_name=base.js&cache_key=22850012647231752010-02-07 13:27:07 0.006186 track/record_event /app/19/track/record_event user: 10396625362010-02-07 13:27:07 0.072400 outer-/app/19/track/record_event?file_name=base.js&cache_key=2285001265425258
Profiling - Repoze # establish the Registry for this application app = registry.RegistryManager(app)from repoze.profile.profiler import AccumulatingProfileMiddlewareapp = AccumulatingProfileMiddleware(app,                                             						log_filename='/tmp/gameprofile.log',                                             				 		cachegrind_filename='/tmp/',                                             			discard_first_request=True,                                             flush_at_shutdown=True,        		path='/__profile__')

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This document discusses how to deploy a web application using Docker containers. It provides an overview of Docker concepts like images, containers, and layers. It then shows the Dockerfile and configuration used to build images for a Bonami web application. It demonstrates deploying the images to servers using Fabric and managing the deployment with configuration files and hooks.

Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis
Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic AnalysisBeyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis
Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis

Despite advances in software design and static analysis techniques, software remains incredibly complicated and difficult to reason about. Understanding highly-concurrent, kernel-level, and intentionally-obfuscated programs are among the problem domains that spawned the field of dynamic program analysis. More than mere debuggers, the challenge of dynamic analysis tools is to be able record, analyze, and replay execution without sacrificing performance. This talk will provide an introduction to the dynamic analysis research space and hopefully inspire you to consider integrating these techniques into your own internal tools.

software testingopen source softwaredynamic content
Design Patterns for Distributed Non-Relational Databases
Design Patterns for Distributed Non-Relational DatabasesDesign Patterns for Distributed Non-Relational Databases
Design Patterns for Distributed Non-Relational Databases

The document discusses design patterns for distributed non-relational databases, including consistent hashing for key placement, eventual consistency models, vector clocks for determining history, log-structured merge trees for storage layout, and gossip protocols for cluster management without a single point of failure. It raises questions to ask presenters about scalability, reliability, performance, consistency models, cluster management, data models, and real-life considerations for using such systems.

Profiling - Repozencalls: number of callstottime: time spent in given function and excluding the time spent in sub-functionspercall: tottime / ncallscumtime: total time spent in this and all sub-functions.percall: cumtime / ncallsfilename:lineno(function): function info.
Profiling - Dozerfrom dozer import Dozer, Logviewapp = Logview(app, config)app = Dozer(app)
Database Optimistic vs. Pessimistic lockingversion_idUpdate table set data = xyz where version = 16.SQLAlchemy(echo, echo_pool and logger)Remove/rollbackProcess1DataVal = “abc”Version: 16 Process2DataVal  = “pqr”Version:16Data: Val = xyzVersion: 16
Paster vs. Tornado

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Down the rabbit hole, profiling in Django
Down the rabbit hole, profiling in DjangoDown the rabbit hole, profiling in Django
Down the rabbit hole, profiling in Django

The document discusses various tools for profiling Python code such as cProfile, profile, hotshot, line profiler, and trace to identify inefficient code and bottlenecks. It covers using these tools to profile CPU and I/O bound problems as well as memory profiling issues. The document also demonstrates how to optimize code through caching, removing unnecessary function calls, and memoization.

profileprofessional developmentsoftware development
Learning Pool Webinar: Creating, editing and using images
Learning Pool Webinar: Creating, editing and using imagesLearning Pool Webinar: Creating, editing and using images
Learning Pool Webinar: Creating, editing and using images

This document provides an overview of a webinar on creating, editing, and using images in PowerPoint. The webinar will cover how to build an image from scratch in PowerPoint using drawing tools, create a collage image using an online tool called Picnik, add text and frames to images, change image layouts, and save final images. Resources for further learning are also listed.

learning pool; e-learning; webinar
Slide Share Mw
Slide Share MwSlide Share Mw
Slide Share Mw

SlideShare is a website that allows users to upload, view, and share presentation files. It can be accessed at, where users can search for presentations by topic, author, or category. To use SlideShare, one creates an account to log in, uploads presentation files, saves them, and then posts them to share. While it provides inspiration and easy viewing and sharing of presentations, SlideShare can also lead to viewing inappropriate content or wasting time browsing without direction.

TornadoUsed over WSGICPU and Memory usage downDidn’t do well for high response sizeAppropriate for asynchronous / realtime
AcknowledgementsLolapps teamBrian Rue, AJ Cantu, Fred Blau, Cory Virok, Justin Rosenthal, Joseph Estrada, Allen Cheung, VivekTatineni, Jason Kim, VikramAdukiaFamily

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Social Media In An Eh WorldSocial Media In An Eh World
Social Media In An Eh World
Presentatie avans1
Presentatie avans1Presentatie avans1
Presentatie avans1
Pobedite 10 slabosti u poslu koje EU ne trpi
Pobedite 10 slabosti u poslu koje EU ne trpiPobedite 10 slabosti u poslu koje EU ne trpi
Pobedite 10 slabosti u poslu koje EU ne trpi
Lecture 14
Lecture 14Lecture 14
Lecture 14
Culto Ferias - 05.07.07
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Culto Ferias - 05.07.07
Divosa v1.3
Divosa v1.3Divosa v1.3
Divosa v1.3
La ReconstruccióN Del PaíS
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La ReconstruccióN Del PaíS
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Guillems De La Historia
Systems engineering leidraad se gww door ms
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Systems engineering leidraad se gww door ms
13.04.08 Batismo
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Learning Pool: Work/Life Balance 2: Managing Stress Successfully
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Learning Pool: Work/Life Balance 2: Managing Stress Successfully
Describing exercise
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Describing exercise

Similar to Scaling python webapps from 0 to 50 million users - A top-down approach

Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
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Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Software Project Management
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Software Project Management
Widoyo PH
Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & MercurialEasy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
Widoyo PH
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
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Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
Marcelo Pinheiro
PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
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PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
Graham Dumpleton
Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Pemrograman Python untuk PemulaPemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Oon Arfiandwi
Web program-peformance-optimization
Web program-peformance-optimizationWeb program-peformance-optimization
Web program-peformance-optimization
PHP & Performance
PHP & PerformancePHP & Performance
PHP & Performance
毅 吕
Heavy Web Optimization: Backend
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Heavy Web Optimization: Backend
Võ Duy Tuấn
DevoxxUK: Optimizating Application Performance on Kubernetes
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Dinakar Guniguntala
Rapid java backend and api development for mobile devices
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Flink Forward
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
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Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
Sam Keen
Re-Design with Elixir/OTP
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Re-Design with Elixir/OTP
Mustafa TURAN
Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
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Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
Matthew McCullough
Naive application development
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Naive application development
Shaka Huang
Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization
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Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization
Azure Functions @ global azure day 2017
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Sean Feldman
Malo Denielou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache Beam
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Flink Forward
Swift profiling middleware and tools
Swift profiling middleware and toolsSwift profiling middleware and tools
Swift profiling middleware and tools
zhang hua

Similar to Scaling python webapps from 0 to 50 million users - A top-down approach (20)

Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-MechanizePerformance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Performance and Scalability Testing with Python and Multi-Mechanize
Software Project Management
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Software Project Management
Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
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Easy Web Project Development & Management with Django & Mercurial
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
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Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web ApplicationsPyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Pemrograman Python untuk PemulaPemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula
Web program-peformance-optimization
Web program-peformance-optimizationWeb program-peformance-optimization
Web program-peformance-optimization
PHP & Performance
PHP & PerformancePHP & Performance
PHP & Performance
Heavy Web Optimization: Backend
Heavy Web Optimization: BackendHeavy Web Optimization: Backend
Heavy Web Optimization: Backend
DevoxxUK: Optimizating Application Performance on Kubernetes
DevoxxUK: Optimizating Application Performance on KubernetesDevoxxUK: Optimizating Application Performance on Kubernetes
DevoxxUK: Optimizating Application Performance on Kubernetes
Rapid java backend and api development for mobile devices
Rapid java backend and api development for mobile devicesRapid java backend and api development for mobile devices
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Flink Forward SF 2017: Malo Deniélou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work re...
Flink Forward SF 2017: Malo Deniélou -  No shard left behind: Dynamic work re...Flink Forward SF 2017: Malo Deniélou -  No shard left behind: Dynamic work re...
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Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
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Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
Re-Design with Elixir/OTP
Re-Design with Elixir/OTPRe-Design with Elixir/OTP
Re-Design with Elixir/OTP
Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
Naive application development
Naive application developmentNaive application development
Naive application development
Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization
Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimizationGood practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization
Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization
Azure Functions @ global azure day 2017
Azure Functions  @ global azure day 2017Azure Functions  @ global azure day 2017
Azure Functions @ global azure day 2017
Malo Denielou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache Beam
Malo Denielou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache BeamMalo Denielou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache Beam
Malo Denielou - No shard left behind: Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache Beam
Swift profiling middleware and tools
Swift profiling middleware and toolsSwift profiling middleware and tools
Swift profiling middleware and tools

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Scaling python webapps from 0 to 50 million users - A top-down approach

  • 1. Scaling python webapps from 0 to 50 million users - A top-down approachJinalJhaveriSystems
  • 3. AgendaWhy is performance a big issue for social games?ArchitectureBottlenecks and solutionsPerformance strategyQuestions
  • 4. Why is performance a big issue for social games?
  • 5. Why is performance a big issue for social games? Extremely high viralityinstalls, notifications, emails, feeds, eventsAmount of time spent is high
  • 7. Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
  • 8. Load BalancerHAProxyRoundrobinNo gzip / no file servingSupports ipbased / regex based load balancing
  • 9. Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
  • 10. WebserverPastern instances (n = no.ofcpu) (10 threads each)Timeout (10 seconds)Disable Nagles optimization
  • 11. Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
  • 12. Web ApplicationMemcached to avoid DB tripsORM integrationCompressionCaching non-existenceLists cache
  • 13. Memcache / ORM integration   def get(self, query, ident, *args, **kwargs):    key = query.mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)    obj = query.session.identity_map.get(key)    if obj:         return obj     mkey = gen_cache_key(key[0].__name__, key[1], self.version_string) obj = self.mclient.get(mkey) if obj is None:obj = query._get(key, ident, **kwargs)         if obj is not None:       query.session.expunge(obj)       self.mclient.set(mkey, obj)    if obj:    return query.session.merge(obj, dont_load=True)    else:    return NoneMike Nelson
  • 14. Memcached to avoid DB tripsORM integrationCompressionCaching non-existenceLists cacheBest Effort caching
  • 15. Web ApplicationLocal cachePythonSpeed/PerformanceTips ( callsLog processingEvent trackingPartial rendering / json / ajax
  • 16. Bottlenecks and SolutionsLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb ApplicationBrowser
  • 17. Browser – Best practicesGzipCDNLoading images in parallelAjaxificationClient side caching
  • 18. Gzipfrom paste.gzipper import make_gzip_middlewareapp = make_gzip_middleware(app, global_conf, compress_level=1)
  • 19. Browser – Best practicesGzipCDNLoading images in parallelAjaxificationClient side caching
  • 20. Performance strategyProfileImproveProfileImproveProfileImproveMeasure, Measure, Measureload balancer request timeWeb server request timeController request timeRendering time
  • 21. Profiling - Middlewareclass TimerMiddleware(object):    """     Simple middleware that logs the time of each request to the provided logger.    @author Brian Rue    """    def __init__(self, app, log, name='outer'): = app         self.log = log = name    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):        start_time = time.time()        try:            return, start_response)        finally:            end_time = time.time()            url = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')             if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):                url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING']            self.log.debug("%f %s-%s" % ((end_time - start_time),, url))
  • 22. Profiling2010-02-07 13:27:07 0.182282 mission/index /app/20/mission user: 1000002704984422010-02-07 13:27:07 0.105489 outer-/app/20/mission?dummyid=12010-02-07 13:27:07 0.287437 battle/attack /app/19/battle/attack user: 5018791262010-02-07 13:27:07 0.006339 track/record_event /app/21/track/record_event user: 11635112662010-02-07 13:27:07 0.032981 outer-/app/21/track/record_event?file_name=base.js&cache_key=22850012647231752010-02-07 13:27:07 0.006186 track/record_event /app/19/track/record_event user: 10396625362010-02-07 13:27:07 0.072400 outer-/app/19/track/record_event?file_name=base.js&cache_key=2285001265425258
  • 24. Profiling - Repoze # establish the Registry for this application app = registry.RegistryManager(app)from repoze.profile.profiler import AccumulatingProfileMiddlewareapp = AccumulatingProfileMiddleware(app,                                              log_filename='/tmp/gameprofile.log',                                              cachegrind_filename='/tmp/',                                              discard_first_request=True,                                             flush_at_shutdown=True,        path='/__profile__')
  • 25. Profiling - Repozencalls: number of callstottime: time spent in given function and excluding the time spent in sub-functionspercall: tottime / ncallscumtime: total time spent in this and all sub-functions.percall: cumtime / ncallsfilename:lineno(function): function info.
  • 26. Profiling - Dozerfrom dozer import Dozer, Logviewapp = Logview(app, config)app = Dozer(app)
  • 27. Database Optimistic vs. Pessimistic lockingversion_idUpdate table set data = xyz where version = 16.SQLAlchemy(echo, echo_pool and logger)Remove/rollbackProcess1DataVal = “abc”Version: 16 Process2DataVal = “pqr”Version:16Data: Val = xyzVersion: 16
  • 29. TornadoUsed over WSGICPU and Memory usage downDidn’t do well for high response sizeAppropriate for asynchronous / realtime
  • 30. AcknowledgementsLolapps teamBrian Rue, AJ Cantu, Fred Blau, Cory Virok, Justin Rosenthal, Joseph Estrada, Allen Cheung, VivekTatineni, Jason Kim, VikramAdukiaFamily