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How to Manage and Grow Your
 Website for Lead Generation
Jenika Scott | Hall Internet Marketing Solutions
• Jenika Scott | Channel Marketing Manager
  Hall Internet Marketing Solutions
• This presentation will be available online after the conference.
  You will receive an email for the Summit session website
  approximately 1-2 weeks after Summit.
• Follow Sage on Twitter: @Sage_Summit
   – Use the official Summit hashtag: #SageSummit
• Follow me on Twitter: @jenika29 | @Hall_Web
• Different types of site visitors
• The importance of web content
• Content creation and repurposing
• Psychology of B2B online buyers
• Building trust online
• Generating leads and conversion strategy
How Does a Website Work?
• Inbound marketing
• How are people searching?
• What do they want?
• What actions can they take?
• What assumptions do they make?

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Big Business Websites for Small Budgets

Need a great website for your business or organization, but don't have a huge budget? Feel like you're getting the runaround when you talk to web developers about your project? This non-technical course teaches business professionals how to develop and maintain a high quality web site within tight budget constraints. Study budgeting, vendor selection, technology and design evaluation, content development, promotion, online/offline marketing integration, and success measurement. Understand the process, ask the right questions, get or design the best web site for your budget.

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Tricks My Facebook Support Guy Forgot to Tell
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Tricks My Facebook Support Guy Forgot to Tell

This document discusses how to use Facebook advertisements and pixels to build an email list. It recommends adding Facebook pixels to web pages to track visitors and create customized audiences. Advertisers can then retarget past visitors with advertisements to collect emails or drive other conversions. Starting with low-cost traffic and free content allows advertisers to serve visitors before charging them with retargeted ads later. Monitoring insights and optimizing campaigns is important. The overall strategy is to offer value first through free content or low-cost ads, then retarget those same visitors with more expensive ads asking for emails or other conversions.

Your Blueprint for Constructing a Powerful Web Presence: UX - Social - Content
Your Blueprint for Constructing a Powerful Web Presence: UX - Social - ContentYour Blueprint for Constructing a Powerful Web Presence: UX - Social - Content
Your Blueprint for Constructing a Powerful Web Presence: UX - Social - Content

By concentrating on user experience elements such as click-focused navigation, intent-focused keywords, and solutions driven content, your website will better meet the needs of visitors--and keep engaged and better positioned to take action while on your site. Stoney deGeyter gives you actionable takeaways to make your website more SEO and user friendly.

user experiencesocial media marketingsocial media strategy
Website Elements
• Site Design
• Functionality/Development

• Content
• Trust-building
• Unique
• User Conversion
• Marketing – SEO/PPC
• Contact
Who is visiting your website?
Who is visiting your website?

Current Customers


What is Content?
• Information encountered by a website visitor

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This document discusses how businesses can leverage Facebook audiences to drive website traffic, leads, and sales. It emphasizes capturing website visitors with Facebook pixels and creating lookalike audiences from customer lists and website visitors. These audiences can then be targeted for advocacy campaigns to generate user-generated content, driving more traffic and engagement. Two travel industry examples are provided showing how retargeting website visitors and lookalike audiences increased booking inquiries and e-commerce revenue. The key is finding relevant audiences and using them for various marketing goals like advocacy, user-generated content, and generating leads.

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How to use Google Analytics to redesign your website

This document provides guidance on how to use Google Analytics to redesign a website. It recommends collecting data on website objectives and user behavior to analyze website performance and identify areas for improvement. Key metrics to track include time on page, number of pages visited, goal completions, and traffic sources. The document also presents a case study where analyzing homepage data from Google Analytics revealed opportunities to improve click-through rates and better achieve lead generation objectives by reorganizing content and calls to action. The takeaway is that analytics can identify what is and isn't working to inform content and design changes that drive better results.

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The document provides an overview of running a successful online business presented by Parul Choudhary of Netregistry, Australia's largest domain name and web hosting provider. It discusses understanding customers, setting goals, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media, website usability, and free online marketing tools. The presentation aims to help businesses attract more visitors and improve conversions through an optimized online strategy and website.

Content is important for your site visitors
• Helpful
• Answer Questions
• Solve Problems
• Entertains
• Builds trust
• Shows personality
• Encourages linking
Content is important for SEO
• Fresh
• Rankings
• Keyword Validation
Content is important for your business website
• Authority
• Reputation
• Trust
• Conversion
• Sales
Content for Researchers
• FAQs
• Product Comparisons
• Demos
• Blogs
• Webinars
• Trust-indicating logos
• Images of staff

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Facebook Presentation
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Facebook Presentation

This document provides guidance on using Facebook effectively for retail businesses. It discusses setting up a Facebook page and using it to connect with customers online and offline. Key recommendations include: 1. Set goals for the Facebook page like increasing sales, promoting events, or boosting brand loyalty. 2. Create compelling content that encourages users to like and share the page in order to build a fan base. 3. Engage with fans by regularly posting interesting updates and responding promptly to comments and feedback. 4. Promote the page through your website, email newsletters, and offline marketing to help more people find and like the page.

Landing page
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Landing page

This document discusses landing pages, including what they are, best practices for elements to include, and tools for building them. A landing page is a single webpage that appears when someone clicks a link from search, advertising, or email. Good landing pages have elements like headlines, subheadlines, graphics, social proof, testimonials, videos, and clear calls to action. Popular tools for building landing pages include HTML, WordPress, Unbounce, Instapage, Wishpond, Leadpages, and Squarespace.

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Crash Course in Lead Generation
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Crash Course in Lead Generation

You've got a big sales pipeline to fill, and it won't happen by accident! Develop a structured lead generation process to make sure you're reaching and nurturing the leads that will be most valuable to your business.

lead nurturinglead generationinbound marketing
Content for Purchasers
• Contact Information
• E Commerce
• Value Added
• About Us
• Testimonials
• Specials/Promotions
• Free Trial
• Request More Information
Content for Existing Customers
• News
• How to videos
• Support
• Training
• Blog
• Whitepaper
Speaking to Multiple Audiences
Speaking to Multiple Audiences

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Formic Media, a digital marketing agency focusing on Local SEO marketing tactics for small-medium sized business and multi-location retailers, offers up a number of SEO stats and tactics to help ensure your business is able to begin the trek to achieving top local search engine rankings.

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This document provides 17 ways to maximize influence on LinkedIn in order to drive traffic, leads, and sales. It recommends crafting a compelling profile with keywords targeting your audience, using a professional photo and rich media, and sprinkling in calls-to-action. Additionally, it suggests building an intelligent network by sending personalized invites and connecting with relevant influencers, using the LinkedIn contacts app to find new connections, and practicing influencer networking by bringing value, introducing others, leveraging mentions and endorsements, and sending personalized messages. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of consistency and engagement through groups and everyday participation.

Manufacturers need to sell, too!
Manufacturers need to sell, too!Manufacturers need to sell, too!
Manufacturers need to sell, too!

This document provides guidance for manufacturers on modern marketing strategies. It emphasizes that marketing is a system with multiple interconnected parts. It recommends focusing on educational content to build trust, having a total web presence across multiple channels, and using a lead generation trio of advertising, public relations, and referrals. It also stresses implementing a lead conversion system with defined steps and living by a detailed marketing calendar to stay on track. The overall message is that manufacturers must thoughtfully market their products and services across online and offline channels to be found by potential customers.

manufacturing. marketing. duct tape marketing
Know Your Audience
• What do they need?
• What are their pain points and challenges?
• What do they care about?
• What content do they like?
• Review analytics
• Segment
• Funnel
Content Best Practices
• Attention grabbing
• Quality over quantity
• Relevant to reader
• Digestible
• Use Imagery
• Easy to understand
• Integrate keywords
Growing Your Content
• Over time
• With the trends
• Think about audience first
Use what you know

                     Top Content

                    Keyword Traffic

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Todd Tressider

This document outlines strategies for financial advisors and planners to attract more clients than they can handle through effective marketing. It discusses mapping out the ideal client's buying process, using both direct methods like websites and indirect methods like content marketing. Key principles include using "pull marketing" over "push marketing" to attract clients through valuable, free content and resources before converting them through a two-step process into paying clients. The ultimate goal is to build scalable, passive revenue streams through membership sites, products, and services that automate the sales and client onboarding process.

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Focus on Goals, Audience Personas, SEO, Writing engaging direct email, mistakes to avoid. Presented to the NZ Events Association in Auckland

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Website Health Check
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Website Health Check

Learn strategies you need to ensure your website is healthy based on industry best practices, and how to turn visitors into customers. Learn important tips to turn your website from a business card to your #1 marketing tool.

website developmentwebsiteweb design
Understand what people do

                Navigation Summary

                                     Coming soon to
                 In-Page Analytics   the new version
Content Creation
• Frequently Asked Questions
• How to videos
• News/Updates
• Competitive Comparisons
• Testimonials/Success Stories
• Blogs
• Webcasts/Archived Webcasts
• What do people want to know?
Content Repurposing
• New is exhausting
• Bring new life to “old” content
• Appeal to different audiences
• Videos  Blogs
• Blogs  Webinars
• Webinars  Whitepapers
• And so on…
We want to generate leads
• Conversion Strategy
• Calls to Action
• In plain sight
• Appealing
• Consistency
• Hierarchy

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Casey Bond Beta_karimzadeh

This document provides tips for bloggers to make more money through better monetization of their content. It recommends identifying the target audience through analyzing keywords, competitors, demographics and drill downs. Content should be targeted to the audience and provide value to encourage return visits. Monetization techniques discussed include banners, affiliate networks, indirect offers related to content, customization, email newsletters, understanding key performance indicators and goals. Best practices for monetization include placement of text links, using images in creatives, keeping creatives fresh, having a clear call to action and testing.

Web 2.0 hacia la web 3.0 ing. roberto morales.ppt2
Web 2.0 hacia la web 3.0   ing. roberto morales.ppt2Web 2.0 hacia la web 3.0   ing. roberto morales.ppt2
Web 2.0 hacia la web 3.0 ing. roberto morales.ppt2

El documento resume la evolución de la web desde la Web 1.0 de páginas estáticas hasta la proyección de la Web 4.0, pasando por la Web 2.0 que permite la interacción de usuarios generando contenido, y la Web 3.0 o Semántica donde los agentes inteligentes podrán realizar tareas sin intervención humana conectando el conocimiento hacia una web ubicua.

information technology

La empresa se dedica a la fabricación de envases plásticos mediante procesos de inyección y soplado, como potes de doble fondo fabricados con moldes especializados.

Understand User Experience
• Anticipate behavior
• Obvious and intuitive
• Positive impression
• Relevant
• Consistent

                          Photo Credit:
Acknowledge B2B Purchasing Fears
• Wasting Time
• Wasting Money
• Not valuable
• Don’t want to be fooled
Establishing Trust Online
• Build on reputation and authority
• About Us page
• Testimonials and Case Studies
• Social Media
• Humanize
• Blogs and Webcasts
• Diverse content for different audiences
• Create a content strategy
• Anticipate user needs and behaviors
• Humanize your website
• Ensure conversion strategy

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El documento resume las preferencias de estudiantes jóvenes en varias áreas como música, deportes, arte y literatura. Señala que a los estudiantes les gusta más la bachata y el reggaetón musicalmente, el baloncesto deportivamente, y las obras de Gabriel García Márquez literariamente. También les gusta más el arte moderno y el pintor Camille Pissarro.


Kunal Sonkar seeks a position in finance with an established organization where knowledge and new ideas are valued. He has over 5 years of experience in accounting and finance roles. His experience includes processing invoices and payments, managing inventories, reconciling accounts, and preparing financial reports for ITC Sonar Ltd. and Flurys Swiss Confectionery. Kunal has skills in MS Office, Tally ERP 9, and SAP. He holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing and is pursuing CFP certification.

1. Audience Personas
2. Content Strategy
3. Conversion Strategy
4. Humanize your content
5. Repurpose new content
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  evaluation form for this session.
• Remember each completed survey form is another entry
  for one of three iPad drawings.
• Your feedback helps us improve future sessions and presentation
• Please include your session code on the evaluation form: 8613
Contact Information
• Presenter Contact Information:
   –   Jenika Scott
   –   Hall Internet Marketing Solutions
   –   @Hall_Web | @jenika29
• Follow Sage on Twitter: @Sage_Summit
   – Use the official Summit hashtag: #SageSummit
• Thank you for your participation.

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How to Best Manage and Grow Your Website for Lead Generation

  • 1. How to Manage and Grow Your Website for Lead Generation Jenika Scott | Hall Internet Marketing Solutions
  • 2. Introduction • Jenika Scott | Channel Marketing Manager Hall Internet Marketing Solutions • This presentation will be available online after the conference. You will receive an email for the Summit session website approximately 1-2 weeks after Summit. • Follow Sage on Twitter: @Sage_Summit – Use the official Summit hashtag: #SageSummit • Follow me on Twitter: @jenika29 | @Hall_Web
  • 3. Overview • Different types of site visitors • The importance of web content • Content creation and repurposing • Psychology of B2B online buyers • Building trust online • Generating leads and conversion strategy
  • 4. How Does a Website Work? • Inbound marketing • How are people searching? • What do they want? • What actions can they take? • What assumptions do they make?
  • 5. Website Elements • Site Design • Functionality/Development • Content • Trust-building • Unique • User Conversion • Marketing – SEO/PPC • Contact
  • 6. Who is visiting your website?
  • 7. Who is visiting your website? Current Customers Purchasers Researchers
  • 8. What is Content? • Information encountered by a website visitor
  • 9. Content is important for your site visitors • Helpful • Answer Questions • Solve Problems • Entertains • Builds trust • Shows personality • Encourages linking
  • 10. Content is important for SEO • Fresh • Rankings • Keyword Validation
  • 11. Content is important for your business website • Authority • Reputation • Trust • Conversion • Sales
  • 12. Content for Researchers • FAQs • Product Comparisons • Demos • Blogs • Webinars • Trust-indicating logos • Images of staff
  • 13. Content for Purchasers • Contact Information • E Commerce • Value Added • About Us • Testimonials • Specials/Promotions • Free Trial • Request More Information
  • 14. Content for Existing Customers • News • How to videos • Support • Training • Blog • Whitepaper
  • 15. Speaking to Multiple Audiences
  • 16. Speaking to Multiple Audiences
  • 17. Know Your Audience • What do they need? • What are their pain points and challenges? • What do they care about? • What content do they like? • Review analytics • Segment • Funnel
  • 18. Content Best Practices • Attention grabbing • Quality over quantity • Relevant to reader • Digestible • Use Imagery • Easy to understand • Integrate keywords
  • 19. Growing Your Content • Over time • With the trends • Think about audience first
  • 20. Use what you know Top Content Keyword Traffic
  • 21. Understand what people do Navigation Summary Coming soon to In-Page Analytics the new version
  • 22. Content Creation • Frequently Asked Questions • How to videos • News/Updates • Competitive Comparisons • Testimonials/Success Stories • Blogs • Webcasts/Archived Webcasts • What do people want to know?
  • 23. Content Repurposing • New is exhausting • Bring new life to “old” content • Appeal to different audiences • Videos  Blogs • Blogs  Webinars • Webinars  Whitepapers • And so on…
  • 24. We want to generate leads • Conversion Strategy • Calls to Action • In plain sight • Appealing • Consistency • Hierarchy
  • 25. Understand User Experience • Anticipate behavior • Obvious and intuitive • Positive impression • Relevant • Consistent Photo Credit:
  • 26. Acknowledge B2B Purchasing Fears • Wasting Time • Wasting Money • Not valuable • Don’t want to be fooled
  • 27. Establishing Trust Online • Build on reputation and authority • About Us page • Testimonials and Case Studies • Social Media • Humanize • Blogs and Webcasts
  • 28. Summary • Diverse content for different audiences • Create a content strategy • Anticipate user needs and behaviors • Humanize your website • Ensure conversion strategy
  • 29. Takeaways 1. Audience Personas 2. Content Strategy 3. Conversion Strategy 4. Humanize your content 5. Repurpose new content
  • 30. Your Feedback is Important to Us! • Please visit a Sage Summit Survey kiosks to complete the evaluation form for this session. • Remember each completed survey form is another entry for one of three iPad drawings. • Your feedback helps us improve future sessions and presentation techniques. • Please include your session code on the evaluation form: 8613
  • 31. Contact Information • Presenter Contact Information: – Jenika Scott – Hall Internet Marketing Solutions – – @Hall_Web | @jenika29 • Follow Sage on Twitter: @Sage_Summit – Use the official Summit hashtag: #SageSummit • Thank you for your participation.