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Advanced Twitter
for Job Seeking
Why Twitter?
– Thousands of jobs posted there daily
– Job seekers don’t have to register or post a resume first
– Good venue for casual, informal networking
– Great way to show your ongoing interest in and knowledge about
professional trends
- Offers immediate access to important people in your field
Why Twitter?
According to 2012 Jobvite
Social Recruiting Survey,
Twitter is one of the top 3
social networks that recruiters
use to find candidates.
Module #1:
Looking for Jobs on Twitter

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Seminar "Critical engagement with Twitter and its potential use in teaching"
Seminar "Critical engagement with Twitter and its potential use in teaching"Seminar "Critical engagement with Twitter and its potential use in teaching"
Seminar "Critical engagement with Twitter and its potential use in teaching"

Christian Bokhove presented on the potential uses of Twitter in teaching. Some key points included: 1) Twitter can be used to support modules by sharing additional resources, discussions, and answering student questions with a hashtag. 2) It can enhance classroom sessions by allowing student questions and polls during class. 3) Twitter helps keep in touch with students, especially those not on campus, through regular interaction outside of scheduled meetings.

A Guide To Twitter: The Basics
A Guide To Twitter: The BasicsA Guide To Twitter: The Basics
A Guide To Twitter: The Basics

This document provides guidance on using Twitter effectively, including the basics of setting up a profile, using mentions, direct messages, hashtags, retweeting, building followers, monitoring conversations, and tools for Twitter engagement. Key recommendations include customizing the profile picture and background, engaging with others by mentioning and retweeting, using hashtags to tag tweets, following relevant users to gain followers, monitoring brand mentions, and responding to feedback.

social media marketingtwittersocial media
Twitter 101
Twitter 101Twitter 101
Twitter 101

Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to post short messages called tweets that are up to 140 characters in length. It has over 255 million monthly active users, including 80% of world leaders. The majority of tweets come from mobile devices. While Twitter is most popular among 18-29 year olds, usage does not differ based on education, ethnicity, or urban/suburban location. To be effective on Twitter, users must communicate concisely within the 140 character limit by being brief, punchy, and to the point. Gaining followers requires posting engaging content regularly through tweets, mentions, retweets, hashtags, and profile customization while avoiding excessive self-promotion.

chamber of commercetwitterchamber
Searching for Jobs
Popular hashtags for job-related tweets:
– #job
– #jobs
– #career
– #careers
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Search by field of interest:
– #clerical
– #construction
– #healthcare
– #insurance
– #IT
– #librarian
– #marketing
– #sales
– See link for more:
Searching for Jobs
Tip: Double up on hashtags to narrow down search results
– #job #healthcare
– #jobs #clerical
– #career #engineering
– #careers #IT

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Twitter For Your Job Search And Personal Brand 4 10[3]
Twitter  For  Your  Job  Search And  Personal  Brand 4 10[3]Twitter  For  Your  Job  Search And  Personal  Brand 4 10[3]
Twitter For Your Job Search And Personal Brand 4 10[3]

The document provides an overview of how to use Twitter effectively for job searching and personal branding. It recommends starting by creating a profile with your real name and information, following relevant people and companies, and tweeting regularly about articles, events and questions. The document also warns against self-promotion, begging for followers, or insulting others on Twitter.

job searchcareertwitter
Twitter For Your Personal Brand 4 10
Twitter For Your Personal Brand 4 10Twitter For Your Personal Brand 4 10
Twitter For Your Personal Brand 4 10

The document provides an overview of how to use Twitter effectively for job searching and personal branding. It recommends starting by setting up a profile with your real name and information, following relevant people and companies, and tweeting regularly about articles, events and questions. The document also warns against self-promotion, begging for followers, or insulting others on Twitter.

Social media & your job search
Social media & your job searchSocial media & your job search
Social media & your job search

Social media is widely used by companies for recruiting. LinkedIn is the most commonly used platform. It is important to curate an online presence that presents yourself professionally. This includes having polished profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn, getting recommendations on LinkedIn, joining relevant groups, and using blogs and other platforms to showcase your skills and experience in an engaging way. Regularly maintaining and updating your online profiles is also important to ensure potential employers see an accurate representation of you.

Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Potential problem:
– Job postings are from every geographic location.
What if job seeker doesn’t want to move?
Searching for Jobs
– Use Twitter’s advanced search engine
– Searches can be narrowed by zip code (and nearby range)
Searching for Jobs

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An ad agency's guide to twitter 4.10.11
An ad agency's guide to twitter 4.10.11An ad agency's guide to twitter 4.10.11
An ad agency's guide to twitter 4.10.11

This is a basic Twitter guide for ad agencies and news reporters. However, it provides a great introduction to Twitter and its capabilities. We've also provided some tips and links that will help you on your way!

twitter introreporters guide twittertwitter guide
Maximize Demosphere XVII - Twitter for Non-Profits
Maximize Demosphere XVII - Twitter for Non-ProfitsMaximize Demosphere XVII - Twitter for Non-Profits
Maximize Demosphere XVII - Twitter for Non-Profits

Maximize Demosphere XVII focused on Twitter for non-profits. Basic tips were discussed as were best practices - all focued on non-profit organizations.

non-profitsmaximize demospheredemosphere
Twitter101forjobsearchersrjm 124517690932 Phpapp02
Twitter101forjobsearchersrjm 124517690932 Phpapp02Twitter101forjobsearchersrjm 124517690932 Phpapp02
Twitter101forjobsearchersrjm 124517690932 Phpapp02

The document provides an overview of Twitter and how to use it for job searching: - Twitter allows users to post short messages called tweets that are limited to 140 characters. It can be used to network, find information, and for recruiting and business purposes. - The document outlines how to set up a Twitter profile and account, including adding a profile photo and bio. It also explains how to find people and companies to follow for job searching. - Key features like retweeting, hashtags, direct messages, and lists are described. Resources for finding recruiters and jobs on Twitter are provided.

Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs

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ProjectBook Presentation for be2HERITAGE
ProjectBook Presentation for be2HERITAGEProjectBook Presentation for be2HERITAGE
ProjectBook Presentation for be2HERITAGE

This document provides guidance on using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for heritage organizations. It discusses setting up pages and accounts, tasks to perform on each platform, and how to engage audiences. The key platforms discussed are Facebook for promoting your page, LinkedIn for professional networking, and Twitter for engaging and educating your audience through regular posting of content about your work. Guidelines are provided on basics like hashtags, who to follow, and how to build your audience over time.

heritagebuilding conservationlinkedin
Writing SEO Headlines considering Keyword Competition
Writing SEO Headlines considering Keyword CompetitionWriting SEO Headlines considering Keyword Competition
Writing SEO Headlines considering Keyword Competition

Writing Across Platforms university communication writing course. Teaches students keyword research for SEO, including what it is, what link building is, and why it matters. This lecture relates to two other lectures and with in class activities for students. See lecture "Writing for Search Engines: SEO, Google Trends, Adwords Keywords Tool" and "What is Keyword Research and SEO and why does it matter?" under my profile. More on my blog:

teaching web writinggoogle adwordsseo
Twitter For Real Estate Agents
Twitter For Real Estate AgentsTwitter For Real Estate Agents
Twitter For Real Estate Agents

This document provides information on using Twitter for real estate agents. It covers what Twitter is, why agents should use it, how to get started, Twitter terminology, what types of content to tweet, how to find people to follow, tools for Twitter, and automation options. The key points are that Twitter allows short messages to connect a wide audience, it is beneficial for real estate agents to connect with clients and drive traffic, and content should include resources, collaboration, conversations and occasional promotions. Automation can help schedule tweets and connect blogs and feeds to Twitter.

real estatetwittersocial media
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Searching for Jobs
Module #2:
Other Websites and
Tools for Job Seeking

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Social Media: Research Communicators
Social Media: Research CommunicatorsSocial Media: Research Communicators
Social Media: Research Communicators

A look into how social media can help advance higher education, learning, research and student engagement. This presentation was given at Montana State University on April 9, 2015.

higher edsocial mediatechnology
"Twitter Basics" - Brent Williams (Multifamily Insiders)- Apartment Internet ...
"Twitter Basics" - Brent Williams (Multifamily Insiders)- Apartment Internet ..."Twitter Basics" - Brent Williams (Multifamily Insiders)- Apartment Internet ...
"Twitter Basics" - Brent Williams (Multifamily Insiders)- Apartment Internet ...

The document discusses how Twitter can be used for personal, professional, and company purposes. It provides tips on setting up a Twitter account, following relevant people, posting tweets, using hashtags, and searching Twitter. It also gives examples of how multifamily companies like Essex and UDR are using Twitter for community building and customer service.

Twitter for trainers
Twitter for trainersTwitter for trainers
Twitter for trainers

This document provides an introduction to using Twitter for professional purposes such as networking and professional development. It explains basic Twitter terminology like tweets, hashtags, following others, and favorites. It encourages starting with a profile and following interesting people and organizations. The document also provides examples of hashtags to use and Twitter chats to join. Overall it presents Twitter as a way to make connections, access information, promote expertise, and build a personal learning network.


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Tweet for Jobs!
Tweet for Jobs!Tweet for Jobs!
Tweet for Jobs!

A short, simple how to presentation on how to launch a twitter account and use it to find jobs in your city. Originally presented in Montreal, Quebec at

networkingmontrealsocial resume
Bsm twitter
Bsm twitterBsm twitter
Bsm twitter

The document provides an overview and introduction to social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. It discusses key features of each platform, including how to build a profile, engage with other users, and learn more. It also provides tips on using each platform effectively and strategies for gaining followers and increasing engagement.

education and trainingtwittersocial media
Pmi social 2012_tmp
Pmi social 2012_tmpPmi social 2012_tmp
Pmi social 2012_tmp

The document summarizes the use of social media for project management and job searching. It provides tips for using LinkedIn groups, SlideShare, and Twitter for networking and sourcing candidates. Specific guidance is given for using hashtags, retweets and direct messages on Twitter to effectively search for jobs. LinkedIn updates and privacy settings for Facebook are also briefly addressed.

project management institutesocial mediatwitter

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Social Media for the Jobseeker
Social Media for the JobseekerSocial Media for the Jobseeker
Social Media for the Jobseeker

"Social Media for the Jobseeker" presentation for the Baylor University Career Advancement Network, June 24, 2011 Fort Worth Workshop

job searchsocial networkingfacebook
Twitter for careers advisers
Twitter for careers advisersTwitter for careers advisers
Twitter for careers advisers

Advice for careers advisers to help students to use social media in professional development and job searching.

twitter for careerstwitterstudent employability
Twitter for careers advisers
Twitter for careers advisers Twitter for careers advisers
Twitter for careers advisers

Advice for careers advisers to help students to use social media in professional development and job searching.

student social mediatwitter for careersemployability

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Using Social Media to Enhace Your Job Search
Using Social Media to Enhace Your Job SearchUsing Social Media to Enhace Your Job Search
Using Social Media to Enhace Your Job Search

How to leverage social media to enhance your job search. Touches on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, but main focus is LinkedIn.

Twitter Simplified
Twitter Simplified Twitter Simplified
Twitter Simplified

Twitter Simplified is especially useful for people in transitions. Step by step training on basic Twitter.

learntwitter 101
Using Twitter to Find Your Next Job
Using Twitter to Find Your Next JobUsing Twitter to Find Your Next Job
Using Twitter to Find Your Next Job

Have an opinion about who will win the Superbowl? Put it on Facebook! What’s for lunch? Instagram it! Social media touches every aspect of our lives today. Professionally, if LinkedIn is the only career social media tool you’re using, it’s time to reconsider! I’m a big fan of using Twitter to find your next job.

twittertwitter for job searchusing twitter for job search or
Module #3
Smartphone Apps for Job
Smartphone Apps
Smartphone apps that you can use to find jobs on Twitter:
– Jobtweet’s Jobsearch
– Twittcareers
– Twitter Job Search
– Twitter’s app
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch:

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What is your personal and business social media strategy? Maximizing Social M...
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What is your personal and business social media strategy? Maximizing Social M...

All professionals must plan their social media strategy. If you are not an active participant or knowledgeable about the world of social media, how will you respond to needs, stay current, and brand yourself offline? Is this approach possible or effective? Are you aware of how or if your organization uses social media analytics? Innovative businesses are always looking for new ways to encourage loyalty, build relationships, and respond to customer needs. Social media analytics gives organizations a snapshot of these needs with insights gained from online conversations. New technology has the capacity to capture customer information with remarkable power to impact and drive revenue. Social Media Analytics uses social listening and predictive analytic techniques that help corporations manage the brand and reputation of products and services. This workshop will increase your knowledge and awareness of social media analytics and explore new and innovative social media strategies that impact professional and business productivity. Learning Outcomes: This workshop will explore effective tools, for building, interpreting and using social media to increase professional and corporate effectiveness At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: a) Explore how social media helps corporation predict trends b) Examine how information and data is analyzed c) Identify which types of industries can benefit from social media analytics d) Explore trends and innovation around social media for business outcomes and professional development

Per scholas notch up your online presence fall 2013.pptx
Per scholas notch up your online presence fall 2013.pptxPer scholas notch up your online presence fall 2013.pptx
Per scholas notch up your online presence fall 2013.pptx
Going for growth social media workshop june 2012
Going for growth social media workshop june 2012Going for growth social media workshop june 2012
Going for growth social media workshop june 2012

This document provides an overview of social media and recommendations for business use. It discusses the popularity of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn in Ireland. Benefits of social media include being targeted, low cost, and allowing direct engagement. Content should be useful, shareable, and relevant. Examples are given for sourcing images and video. The document also provides tips on social media strategies for each channel, including engaging audiences, building fan bases, running competitions and ads.

Jobtweet’s Jobsearch
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch:
– Search in English,
German, French
or Russian
– Job seekers can
search for jobs
– Employers can search
for candidates
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch:
– What results look
like for job search
• Ex: “librarian”
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch
Jobtweet’s Jobsearch:
– Saves your
search history

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Social Media and Your Job Search
Social Media and Your Job SearchSocial Media and Your Job Search
Social Media and Your Job Search

Learn all about how you can use your social media profiles, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, to help you in your job search!

job searchsocial mediajobs
Social Media for Business
Social Media for BusinessSocial Media for Business
Social Media for Business

The document summarizes a presentation on social media for business. It introduces the presenters and their strengths with different social media platforms. It then covers the key topics of what social media is, why companies should use it, how companies are already using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogging. Specific guidance and examples are provided on setting up and managing profiles on these different channels.

blogsocila media marketingsocila media
Social media in Business
Social media in BusinessSocial media in Business
Social media in Business

Facebook has over 800 million active users, making it larger than the entire global population 200 years ago. If Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest in the world. Facebook is an effective marketing tool for both B2C and B2B companies, with over half of small businesses agreeing it benefits their business. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 120 million members. It allows users to connect with colleagues, find experts, and explore opportunities. YouTube is the world's largest video sharing site, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily and one hour of content uploaded every minute. Using YouTube for business through creating engaging, short videos and optimizing keywords can help show expertise and market products.

– Upon launch,
displays jobs
most recently
posted to Twitter
– Can search in
English, French
and Spanish
– Example search:
– Can email jobs to
self (have to click
link in tweet)

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Why social media job seeker
Why social media job seekerWhy social media job seeker
Why social media job seeker

Social media is here to stay! It is no longer whether you use social media, but how well you are using it. Whether you are a business or a job seeker, you need to know how and why you should be using social media to market your product and services, or skills and experiences to your target audience. With close to a 1000 social platforms, it is hard to decide which ones are best for you. This SlideShare will walk you through a variety of platforms and how they can help in your job search.

job searchsocial mediasocial media job search
Valencia wwbic
Valencia wwbicValencia wwbic
Valencia wwbic

This document provides an overview of social media and Twitter best practices. It discusses how Twitter can be used as part of an overall marketing strategy and outlines steps for setting up a Twitter profile, finding people to follow, understanding Twitter lingo, following best practices, and interacting on Twitter. Key metrics mentioned include that Facebook has over 500 million users and YouTube is the second largest search engine.

Social Selling for B2B Salespeople: Twitter
Social Selling for B2B Salespeople: TwitterSocial Selling for B2B Salespeople: Twitter
Social Selling for B2B Salespeople: Twitter

Lots of information designed for salespeople to use twitter to build up their pipelines, enhance client relationships and find new people to network with. These slides are from a #socialselling presentation I did for EMC's DPAD sales team.

salessocial sellingtraining
Twitter Job Search
Twitter Job Search:
Twitter Job Search
Twitter Job Search:
– Allows you to
search for jobs by
keyword or location
Twitter Job Search
Twitter Job Search:
Twitter’s app:

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Social Media Workshop 3: Twitter A bird's eye view
Social Media Workshop 3: Twitter A bird's eye viewSocial Media Workshop 3: Twitter A bird's eye view
Social Media Workshop 3: Twitter A bird's eye view

The document summarizes the agenda and content of a social media workshop on Twitter. The workshop covers listening and monitoring tools for Twitter, how to generate greater impact with tweets, common Twitter etiquette and mistakes to avoid. It provides information on hashtags, mentions, retweets and direct messages. Various Twitter tools are demonstrated including lists, search and URL shorteners. Guidelines are given for increasing engagement, sharing valuable content, and protecting one's brand on Twitter.

social networksocialmediaxatwitter
Twitter For Job Seekers
Twitter For Job SeekersTwitter For Job Seekers
Twitter For Job Seekers

Overview of Twitter and how it can be useful in a job search, presented at Curt MacRae\'s Get to WORKshop

5 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers & 5 Tips for Recruiters
5 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers & 5 Tips for Recruiters5 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers & 5 Tips for Recruiters
5 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers & 5 Tips for Recruiters

At the March Project (Staffing Alliance of Virginia Employers) SAVE meeting, this presentations highlighted tips for job seekers and recruiters using social media.

recruitersrecruiterjob fairs brand marketing
Module #4
Building Your Brand on Twitter
Tip #1: Plan Ahead
• Twitter is public.
• Twitter is archived by the Library of Congress and other sites like
• Come up with a game plan for using your account:
– How do you want to portray yourself?
– What do you want to tweet about?
– What professional topics do you want to have public conversations
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
What can you do to create a professional looking profile?
– Use your real name
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
What can you do to create a professional looking profile?
– Pick a username that reflects you

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RE:WORK IV: Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World
RE:WORK IV: Social Media Tips for the Modern Work WorldRE:WORK IV: Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World
RE:WORK IV: Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World

The document provides tips for using social media effectively in the modern job market. It notes that 92% of companies now use social media for recruiting and many dismiss candidates based on their online profiles. The quick-start action plan recommends creating a LinkedIn profile as a base, and also establishing a blog, Twitter, and Pinterest account to demonstrate expertise and increase findability. It emphasizes creating value by sharing unique perspectives online and building networks on social platforms.

Using YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+ for Job Search
Using YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+ for Job SearchUsing YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+ for Job Search
Using YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+ for Job Search

This last presentation in our series on using social media for job search covers YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+. Find out how you can create and promote video resumes. Use Pinterest to build online portfolios. Try Google+ for networking with colleagues. Presented by Jackie Buck and Brooke Roegge on July 17, 2012. View this webinar on YouTube at

job huntingjobsyoutube
Facebook for Job Seekers
Facebook for Job SeekersFacebook for Job Seekers
Facebook for Job Seekers

Research has shown that Facebook has great potential for connecting job seekers with jobs, but using Facebook for job seeking can be very tricky. In this presentation, learn how you can prepare your Facebook profile for job hunting, engage your network in your job search, and put your best foot forward on Facebook at all times. Get tips on backfilling your Timeline with accomplishments or creating custom lists. Find out how apps like BranchOut can help recruiters find you and engage your network in your job search. Understand how Facebook redistributes your online activity to your friends and the larger web so you can put your best foot forward at all times. This presentation is also available on YouTube at

facebook "job search" "job seeking" "job hunting"
Tip #2: Create a Professional
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
Use a professional photo
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
Draft a professional biography, say that you’re looking for work,
link to your resume

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Emerging Social Media for Job Seekers: Trends and Apps
Emerging Social Media for Job Seekers: Trends and AppsEmerging Social Media for Job Seekers: Trends and Apps
Emerging Social Media for Job Seekers: Trends and Apps

Social media is quickly becoming an integral part of the job search. One recent survey by Jobvite found that 89% of employers expect to use social media when recruiting candidates. So as a job seeker, how can you stay on top of things? This presentation discusses anticipated social media trends for 2012 and how job seekers can use the newest social media tools to brand themselves, network, get organized, and display online portfolios. Tools covered include Pinterest, Google+, Path, Spool, SpringPad and more! Co-presented by Jackie Buck and Brooke Roegge at the Job Seeker Counselor Conference in Brainerd, MN on March 27, 2012.

qr codesjob huntingqr code
Introduction to Social Media for Job Counselors
Introduction to Social Media for Job CounselorsIntroduction to Social Media for Job Counselors
Introduction to Social Media for Job Counselors

This document discusses how social media can help with job searching. It describes social media as online technologies that allow people to share opinions and experiences. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are mentioned as platforms that can help people find jobs by allowing them to follow companies, connect with contacts, and showcase their professional experience and qualifications to potential employers. The document provides tips on using each platform effectively for job searching purposes, such as regular posting and engagement to build an online presence and network.

youtubejob searchjob seekers
Sharing collections in CONTENTdm's Project Client
Sharing collections in CONTENTdm's Project ClientSharing collections in CONTENTdm's Project Client
Sharing collections in CONTENTdm's Project Client

The document discusses how to share projects in CONTENTdm's Project Client across multiple computers. It involves setting up a shared network folder and creating a collection and shared project within CONTENTdm that resides in that folder. Other computers on the network can then import the shared project from that folder to collaborate on a collection without having to share the same computer.

contentdmproject client
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
When adding header images, make sure you can still read your biography.
Tip #2: Create a Professional
Tip #2:
Create a Professional Profile
Tip #2: Create a Professional
Module #5
Strategic Tweeting

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Editing existing items in CONTENTdm's Project Client
Editing existing items in CONTENTdm's Project ClientEditing existing items in CONTENTdm's Project Client
Editing existing items in CONTENTdm's Project Client

This document provides instructions for editing existing items in the CONTENTdm digital collection management system. It outlines the steps to: 1) Open an existing collection and select items for editing. 2) Click a tab to begin editing selected items' metadata fields directly or by opening individual items. 3) Save edits individually or in batches before uploading items for approval and re-indexing in the web interface.

contentdmproject client
Introduction to RSS feeds
Introduction to RSS feedsIntroduction to RSS feeds
Introduction to RSS feeds

This document provides an introduction to RSS feeds, including what RSS is, why users should use RSS feeds, and how to find and subscribe to RSS feeds. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows web content to be packaged and delivered to users through a feed reader. Using RSS feeds means content comes directly to the user, eliminating the need to check websites for updates. The document recommends identifying the RSS icon on websites and looking for feed links to find available RSS feeds. It also provides instructions for subscribing to feeds using a feed reader like Google Reader.

rss feedshow torss

A quick presentation on how CONTENTdm is being used at the MN Dept of Employment and Economic Development.

digital archivescontentdmmn department of employment and economic developme
Strategic Tweeting
Think strategically about how you want to portray yourself online.
Tip #3: Strategic Tweeting
Strategic Tweeting
Been on Twitter for awhile and need to clean up your old tweets?
Delete them all with
Strategic Tweeting
1. Tweet “like an expert”
– Share links and info that is relevant to your profession
– Tweet current articles and issues, add your thoughts
– RT other people, add your thoughts
– Converse with people in your field
– Share your professional accomplishments

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Advanced Social Networking: Library and Online Tools for Job Seekers
Advanced Social Networking: Library and Online Tools for Job SeekersAdvanced Social Networking: Library and Online Tools for Job Seekers
Advanced Social Networking: Library and Online Tools for Job Seekers

A joint presentation by Dru Frykberg and Brooke Roegge from the Dislocated Worker Conference in Nisswa, MN on April 23, 2010.

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Birmingham City University diploma
Birmingham City University diplomaBirmingham City University diploma
Birmingham City University diploma

原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(bcu毕业证书)英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(bcu毕业证书)英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(bcu毕业证书)英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(bcu毕业证书)英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(bcu毕业证书)英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Taming the Mind Embracing Mindfulness with Mental Noting
Taming the Mind Embracing Mindfulness with Mental NotingTaming the Mind Embracing Mindfulness with Mental Noting
Taming the Mind Embracing Mindfulness with Mental Noting

Ever feel like your mind is a runaway train, chugging along with thoughts you didn’t even realize you were having? You’re not alone! Our thinking minds are incredible, but they can also be major sources of distraction. Some thoughts are neutral, others positive and helpful, but for many of us, especially those prone to worry, many of these thoughts can turn negative pretty quickly. The result? Feelings of anxiety, depression, and overwhelming emotions can leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. But don’t worry! There’s a nifty technique called mental noting that can help you regain control. This exercise encourages you to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which can reduce the chances of being swept away by them.

mindfulnessmental nothingdbt
Strategic Tweeting
2. Post regularly
3. Criticism of things is okay, so long as it’s constructive
4. If you mix personal tweets in, be aware that seemingly mundane
tweets can go viral…
Strategic Tweeting
5. Use screennames when referencing someone else
Strategic Tweeting
6. Don’t use “text speak” (over-abbreviating, ignoring punctuation).
7. Connect with new colleagues by using and following #hashtags
relevant to your profession.
Common examples:
– Conferences
– Professional chats
8. Participate in #HireFriday
- Find job postings, announce that you’re looking for work
Module #6
Building and Using Professional
Networks on Twitter

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The Most Helpful Book Ever Published!!!!
The Most Helpful Book Ever Published!!!!The Most Helpful Book Ever Published!!!!
The Most Helpful Book Ever Published!!!!

Having an interest in Psychology and Sociology led to exploring the behavior and personality of people. The college years resulted in a degree in psychology at Roosevelt University located in Chicago. With this knowledge further research continued to develop a new science revealed in a book. This book known as "The Most Helpful Book Ever Published" took ten years to prepare and a lifetime to master so, it could be made very easy for others to comprehend. The introduction of this interesting book begins as a journey starting with the old way of understanding personalities and progresses up to the new way of understanding personalities through a hidden science recently discovered. The search began with a remarkable approach. First family and friends were studied. Next, celebrities and politicians were investigated. Then historic events were looked at and studied to see how people behaved and acted in their life. One investigation of human personality led to another and another. Pretty soon many concepts and behaviors about human personality were uncovered that no one had ever seen. These findings could not be left alone all by themselves. Next, they were labeled and placed into a new category of science that would help reveal to anyone reading about them how personalities are formed by nature. Today you can read about this precious discovery that took a lifetime to master and another ten years to carefully prepare so that everyone could easily comprehend this incredible material now presented in a book called: The Most Helpful Book Ever Published. The mission is to make this work of literature so incredible that people can take a quick snapshot x-ray of their personality. This means no more struggling in your life trying to guess: What you are good at? Who your best companion is? Or what career you are cut out for? Here you will learn the shocking truth about your personality, instantly detecting what nature has intended for you. This rare work of literature was written with the following strict guidelines that were more difficult than any doctor program at any university. First, it must be a new scientific discovery that no mind has ever touched. Second, it must be non-fiction. Third, it must receive an official registration of copyright by the United States Government. This book is certainly very informative, and you will learn fascinating concepts to understand people better. Remember, that ten years went into writing this informative material. The official copyright was established and recorded in the United States in the year 2022. This is a very rare original work that can't be found anywhere else. If you have a hobby or are a professional book collector or are thinking about starting a book collection you can add value to your collection by collecting this first signature edition offered here. Add, The Most Helpful Book Ever Published, to your collection now.

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Contents Cover Also by Max Tegmark Title Page Copyright Dedication Acknowledgments Prelude: The Tale of the Omega Team 1 Welcome to the Most Important Conversation of Our Time A Brief History of Complexity The Three Stages of Life Controversies Misconceptions The Road Ahead 2 Matter Turns Intelligent What Is Intelligence? What Is Memory? What Is Computation? What Is Learning? 3 The Near Future: Breakthroughs, Bugs, Laws, Weapons and Jobs Breakthroughs Bugs vs. Robust AI Laws Weapons Jobs and Wages Human-Level Intelligence? 4 Intelligence Explosion? Totalitarianism Prometheus Takes Over the World Slow Takeoff and Multipolar Scenarios Cyborgs and Uploads What Will Actually Happen? 5 Aftermath: The Next 10,000 Years Libertarian Utopia Benevolent Dictator Egalitarian Utopia Gatekeeper Protector God Enslaved God Conquerors Descendants Zookeeper 1984 Reversion Self-Destruction What Do You Want? 6 Our Cosmic Endowment: The Next Billion Years and Beyond Making the Most of Your Resources Gaining Resources Through Cosmic Settlement Cosmic Hierarchies Outlook 7 Goals Physics: The Origin of Goals Biology: The Evolution of Goals Psychology: The Pursuit of and Rebellion Against Goals Engineering: Outsourcing Goals Friendly AI: Aligning Goals Ethics: Choosing Goals Ultimate Goals? 8 Consciousness Who Cares? What Is Consciousness? What’s the Problem? Is Consciousness Beyond Science? Experimental Clues About Consciousness Theories of Consciousness Controversies of Consciousness How Might AI Consciousness Feel? Meaning Epilogue: The Tale of the FLI Team Note

How to avoid Procrastination to improve productivity.pptx
How to avoid Procrastination to improve productivity.pptxHow to avoid Procrastination to improve productivity.pptx
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How to avoid procrastination

how to avoid procrastination
Tip #1: Build Your Network
Jump start your network by following:
– Current and former co-workers
– Colleagues in your field
– Professors
– Industry leaders and experts
– Professional organizations
– Recruiters
– Companies that you’d like to work for
Tip #1: Build Your Network
Use Twitter to discover events and meet more people!
Tip #1: Build
Your Network
Use events to connect with
colleagues in your field:
- Brooke tweeted a factoid from a
conference session
- A colleague she didn’t know asked for
more info, which she provided, and
the colleague thanked her.
- These conversations happen all the
time on Twitter!
Tip #2: Use Your Network
Engage with your network:
– Ask others for help with your job search

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(ucb毕业证书)英国伯明翰大学学院毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(ucb毕业证书)英国伯明翰大学学院毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(ucb毕业证书)英国伯明翰大学学院毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(ucb毕业证书)英国伯明翰大学学院毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(ucb毕业证书)英国伯明翰大学学院毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(bu毕业证书)英国伯恩茅斯大学毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(bu毕业证书)英国伯恩茅斯大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(bu毕业证书)英国伯恩茅斯大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(bu毕业证书)英国伯恩茅斯大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(bu毕业证书)英国伯恩茅斯大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Tip #2: Use Your Network
An example of someone
who asked for help with a
job search:
- He got multiple responses
and RTs
- Twitter marked it as a
“Top Tweet”
Tip #2: Use
Your Network
Engage with your network:
– Have conversations
– If someone asks you for
advice, respond.
– Offer help to those
requesting it

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Twitter for Job Seekers

Editor's Notes

  1. Have any questions after today’s sesson? Welcome to contact me via Twitter/email
  2. One thing you might be wondering as we begin this presentation: Why Twitter? Why should a job seeker turn to Twitter? 1. Thousands of jobs posted there daily, which we’ll see in a bit. 2. Job seekers don’t have to register or post a resume first. They can jump in and start looking for a job. 3. Casual, informal atmosphere – great for connecting with people and networking. One of the more powerful tools out there right now – more active and informal than LinkedIn. 4. Most importantly? Twitter’s true power for job seekers: Immediate access to important people in your field (and outside it). - Lots of celebrities and experts on there, and willing to interact (Mythbusters, Andrew Zimmern, Neil Gaiman, etc.)
  3. Two parts to this presentation. First, we’ll cover how to find jobs posted on Twitter. We’ll discuss searches you can do on Twitter, third-party websites that find jobs for you, and smartphone apps you can use to find jobs. In the second half, I’ll talk about how you can use Twitter for professional branding and networking, which does require starting a Twitter account. So that said…
  4. That said, let’s jump in and talk about how you can find jobs on Twitter…
  5. Best bet is to search with a hashtag (explain hashtag). 4 most popular job-related hashtags.
  6. If you do a search for one of these hashtags, for example - #jobs – the results will be too broad. You’ll get stuff that has to do with the concept of jobs, but not necessarily job postings.
  7. Another way to search for jobs is by hashtag for your field of interest. Like IT, or construction, or librarian… More available than I could fit on screen, see list for more… So you can try searching for jobs by career field hashtags like these or…
  8. Most effective search approach is to double-up on a “job” hashtag and one relevant to your field. So #job AND #healthcare Or #jobs AND #clerical Or #careers AND #IT And so on…
  9. This is an example search for the hashtags #jobs #healthcare together. Results are relevant, and very up to date (ones on screen within last two hours of search)
  10. One potential problem: Job postings come from everywhere. What if you don’t want to move?
  11. Solution: Use Twitter’s advanced search engine to look for jobs in specific areas. Through the adv search, searches can be narrowed by zip code, or range around a zip
  12. This is what Twitter’s search page looks like.
  13. Click advanced search to access advanced options.
  14. These are advanced search options. Note that you don’t use special characters in “People” fields or “hashtag” field. System will fill in.
  15. Sample search for sales, hashtag “job”, within 25 mi range of 55101 (downtown St. Paul).
  16. Results achieved - All very accurate. About 40 jobs for last week. Note: can save search so it’s there when you return.
  17. So that’s how you can search for jobs directly on Twitter’s website. Now going to talk about third-party websites you can also use to find jobs on Twitter.
  18. First – Most robust third-party jobs site for Twitter out there. Many big corporations (like Starbucks, Discover, Allstate, etc.) pay TMJ to post jobs on Twitter for them.
  19. Searching for jobs on TMJ is very easy. Just fill in the boxes in the center of the screen. You search by job title, industry, or location.
  20. As you type, the site will auto-suggest entries for you, which helps match you with the job you’re looking for.
  21. After entering your search options, you can opt to have the results sent to you by email, text, or subscribe specialized Twitter feeds (called “Channels”)… Or…
  22. … you can click “search now” and view your results immediately.
  23. In this case, I did a search for Admin Assist jobs in Mpls, which returned 49 job postings.
  24. After searching, you can refine results by selecting “Position type” field in the upper left corner (that allows you to narrow by full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, etc.). That’s the main site for TMJ…
  25. Also worth noting, they offer a special site for veterans. Helps put vets in touch with employers that are interested in hiring them. Also allows those employers to post their jobs for free (instead of charging a fee). So that’s TMJ in a nutshell…
  26. This is Very basic site, which aggregates jobs posted on Twitter. Users can search by two things: job title and location. While basic, the site does offers ability for users to search in German, English, Russian and French.
  27. Here’s a sample search from the site: Search results for “administrative assistant minneapolis.” Returned 39 results.
  28. Click on tweets, in gray, takes you to full job posting on WEB. Can also share job posts on other social media sites.
  29. Another site that aggregates jobs posted on Twitter is TwitJobSearch (or TwitterJobSearch). Like the TMJ website, tweets jobs for vendors for a fee (they list KFC, Quest and other companies as clients). Users can search for jobs by title and location.
  30. Sample results for “administrative assistant minneapolis.” It found 55 results. One neat thing about this site is that it offers facets, so users can filter their search results by things like salary range, part-time/full-time or other features.
  31. One thing worth noting: Search algorithm needs a little work. This was search for “administrative assistant,” some postings not relevant. This does happen on occasion. Results are generally good, just not perfect.
  32. Another site job seekers might find helpful is TweetBeep. Will need to sign up for account to use it. Self-described “Like Google Alerts for Twitter.” Once registered, users can set up alerts that search Twitter for certain keywords/phrases/hashtags or posts by a specific person. Once alert is set up, it will email you daily when new tweets are posted that meet your criteria. Job seekers could set up alerts for job postings.
  33. Now going to talk about smartphone apps that can help you find jobs on Twitter
  34. Know of 4 apps that aggregate jobs from Twitter. The first two are only available on iPhone. The third (TwitterJobSearch) is available on iPhone and Android phones. The last is Android-only.
  35. Start with TwitterJobSearch’s app. This is the app for the website we looked at earlier – the one with the search algorithm that isn’t perfect. Of all the apps, it’s the most robust
  36. Search for jobs by location or title.
  37. This is what the job description looks like inside the app – it’s a shortened version of the description.
  38. App has three options, when you find a job you like: “ QuickPitch” – respond by tweeting your resume through Twitter. “ Email me” - sends job post via email. “ View full job Spec” goes to full job description out on the web (so you learn more about it)
  39. Another app - This is the app for one of the other websites we looked at
  40. Like the website, the app can search in English, German, French or Russian. App does 2 things – It allows employers to search for candidates and job seekers can search for jobs
  41. What it looks like to search for a job in the app. Did search for “librarian.” Results are very accurate, found 187 jobs. Can save jobs and email those lists of job postings to yourself
  42. The app saves your search history. Handy if you’re doing the same searches over and over.
  43. Last app: TwittCareers. A pretty minimalist app, but does what it does well.
  44. When launched, displays most recent jobs posted on Twitter.
  45. Can search in English, French and Spanish
  46. Example search for “Librarian.” Very good, relevant results
  47. This is what it looks like if you click one of the jobs – shows you the tweet in a larger window. If you click the link in a tweet, it will take you to the full job description on the web. At that point, will also give you the option to email the job posting to yourself.
  48. That concludes section on finding jobs posted on Twitter. In this next section, I’m going to share tips for those considering using Twitter to network with colleagues and brand themselves professionally. This section is for people who are interested in jumping in, tweeting, and making personal connections with other people. In this section, I’m going to offer tips that I’ve learned from being on Twitter, compiled with tips that employment experts recommend.
  49. First tip: Plan ahead!
  50. Before jumping in, think strategically about how you want to portray yourself. Twitter is very public - it’s also archived by the Library of Congress. Anything you say on there can come back to haunt you. Good to have a game plan before jumping in. How do you want to portray yourself? What do you want to tweet about? What professional topics you’re passionate about that you want to have public conversations about? As we go through this section, my hope is that you get some ideas that will help you develop your game plan to address these questions.
  51. Next we’ll talk about is account management. Will cover what to do with your account if you’re brand new to Twitter, and what options you have if you already have an account.
  52. New to Twitter? Congrats, you get to start from scratch! BUT – before you follow anyone else… the first thing you should do is fill out your profile and send some introductory tweets. Recommend that you say something about who you are, what you plan to tweet about. It’s important to define yourself BEFORE following others, because if you don’t your account will look like this:
  53. This is someone, who is new to Twitter, who followed our DEED account. He has no profile, no tweets – I don’t know anything about him. If I were a recruiter or employer, what would I think about this person? Nothing. I don’t know anything about him. This is a really common sight on Twitter. A lot of people sign up and start following people, but give no clue about who they are. Here are some other common examples:
  54. There’s the guy who says hello...this is very common.
  55. Then there’s the guy that is unsure of Twitter, but is figuring it out…this is also very common. If I were a recruiter, I’d look at all these profiles and say “All right. They’re new to Twitter.” Not much else. Contrast all those examples with this guy…
  56. This is much better! This guy is new to Twitter, but he’s selling himself right off the bat. What he did right: One – we know who he is. He gives his name. Two – we know the city he lives in. Three – we know he’s a job seeker! He says this up front in his profile. Four – he links to his resume. This is so critical. Five – he tells us what kind of work he wants to do! Six – he has a decent picture of himself Seven – He even did a nice introductory tweet! If I were a recruiter, I’d be more likely look at this account and say “All right, I know that this guy is looking for a job and what kind of job he wants. What do I have that he might fit?” So definitely fill out your profile before you start following anyone!
  57. So those are tips for those that are new to Twitter. But what if you’re already on Twitter? You have a couple options! Option #1 You can keep your current account, but overhaul it so that it reflects your professional side. Be sure to update your bio and picture, link to your resume, delete any unprofessional tweets (TwitWipe!). You may also want to let your friends know (offline) that you’re shifting your account to be professional. So that’s one option…
  58. Other option, if you don’t want to delete any tweets or if you want to keep talking to your friends like you normally would: Lock your current account so that only authorized followers can see your tweets. Hide your current account by removing your name (to avoid any awkward future interactions with co-workers). Set up a new second account for public, professional networking. Which option you go with is really up to you and your comfort level (whether you want to maintain one or two accounts) – neither is necessarily better than the other. I know people who have done both.
  59. So in the last section I mentioned creating a “professional” profile, and in this section I’m going to talk about that in more depth.
  60. What can you do to look professional? Use your real name! You want people to be able to find you. (Hey, it’s me! I’m taking my own advice!)
  61. Also, pick a good screenname. Your screenname is separate, but not necessarily different, from your real name. For your screenname, try to use your real name if you can. This will help people connect with you when they see tweets you’re mentioned in. In my case, my screenname is “broegge,” which is a shortened version of my name. If your real name isn’t unique enough, or if you just want to have a professional nickname, then you can create a clever screenname. Let’s look at a couple examples….
  62. This is the profile for Simon Canick, director of the William Mitchell College of Law library. His screenname is “Simoncan,” a shortened version of Simon Canick. I like this name a lot – clever use of a real name with a positive ring. “Who can? Simon can!”
  63. This is Sarah Houghton-Jan, aka the “Librarian in Black,” she’s well known in the library profession. She opted for the screenname TheLIB, which is a short version of the Librarian in Black. This is a clever name because it not only fits her personality, but also her professional persona (she’s often offers constructive criticism). So if you can come up with something similar – something clever that fits your professional persona, something you can use to brand yourself – go for it!
  64. Another thing to do when filling out your profile is create a professional bio – be sure to note that you’re a job seeker, what kind of work you want, list your resume, etc. The earlier example is good because he does all those things in his bio. You do only get 250 characters in your bio, so you have to be concise. I also recommend using keywords, because some tools use Twitter bios to create indexes of Twitter users by profession. Examples of these tools: Twellow,’s smartphone app.
  65. Another thing to do: Put up a professional profile picture (headshots are usually good). Cartoon representations are also popular (like we saw with Simon and Sarah, the Librarian in Black).
  66. Cartoon representations are also popular (like we saw with Simon and Sarah, the Librarian in Black).
  67. Another thing you can do… If you have good graphic design skills, or know someone who does, create a nice background. Include links to your resume, social network sites, website, etc. in it. Let’s look at some examples…
  68. Aaron Miller’s profile. He’s a professional illustrator. Good use of background space. Cute and gives links to social network accounts, contact info.
  69. This is Jason Griffey’s profile. He’s another well-known colleague in the library field, often speaks at conferences. He also provides his contact information in the background, along with links to his website, blog, and social network accounts.
  70. Ok, so once you’ve filled out your profile, next you’ll work on building your network (people you follow on Twitter and people who follow you).
  71. Start your network by following: -Current and former co-workers Friends in your field Professors -Industry leaders - Professional organizations -Recruiters -Companies that you’d like to work for - Information sources (newspapers, magazines) that you rely on for professional development
  72. Now you’re ready to start tweeting! This section is important, because your tweets are the bulk of what people will see when they interact with you. Twitter is, at it’s heart, a conversational tool. So this section will talk about how you can take advantage of that when job hunting.
  73. Remember – Plan ahead. Be strategic with your tweets and how you portray yourself. Ask yourself, before tweeting, if you would say it to a co-worker you hardly know. This will be a constant thing you have to pay attention to. What are you saying and how are you portraying yourself? Keep in mind that – just like real life - everything you say online contributes to, or takes away from, your professional persona.
  74. To be a strategic tweeter, it is often recommended that you try to “tweet like an expert.” What does that mean? Share information that is relevant to your profession, Add thoughts to current articles and issues. Share upcoming events in your field. RT other people sharing good info and add your thoughts – this shows you are a critical thinker, not just regurgitating news. Employers want critical thinkers! It shows you are active participant in your field, that you know what is going on and you stay up to date. Also, hold conversations with people in your field. Get your name out there.
  75. Other strategic tweeting tips: Post regularly (once a day?). Criticism of topics/ideas is fine – but be constructive! Avoid tweeting when angry. Be aware that on Twitter, anything can go viral. Your 15 minutes of global fame could be born out of a 15 minute temper tantrum. Conversely, your 15 mins could even be born from a bit of information that seems really mundane at the time. The screencap in the corner is one example of that. This guy lived within a few kilometers of Osama Bin Laden (but didn’t know it). He’s just an IT consultant who lives in Pakistan. While he was working one day, he noticed some helicopters flying overhead and tweeted about how the noise was annoying him. He also mentioned later that something exploded not too far away from him. He lives in Pakistan, so he was a little used to this stuff – he seemed to find it more of an annoyance than anything and didn’t really think too much about it…. Until hours later, after the press began reporting about Bin Laden’s death, he put it all together and realized exactly what those helicopters and that explosion had been. He tweeted this in reaction (“Uh oh, now I’m the guy….”)…which set off a literal firestorm of attention, all focused on him. So keep these kinds of examples in mind – Twitter is a powerful medium, and anything you say can make you known around the world in less than 24 hours.
  76. Aother tip for strategic tweeting – Use screennames when referencing someone else in a tweet. Not only does this helps your followers connect to that person, but it also helps that person connect to you. In this example, I was a panelist in a Twitter chat. In one of my answers, I referred to professor and Library Journal columnist Michael Stephens in response to a question. I said that I thought he was a good example of a teacher using Twitter to engage with students. Since I used his screenname, he saw the tweet, responded and thanked me. I didn’t take the conversation further, but possibly could have. Earlier I mentioned that Twitter’s greatest strength is the immediate access it gives you to powerful people and this is an example of that. Through these kinds of interactions, you can build connections with leaders in your field.
  77. Other quick tips for strategic tweeting: 6. Use proper writing. Don’t over abbreviate. Don’t neglect correct grammar and spelling in favor of “text speak”. 7. Find/use hashtags that are relevant to your profession. Some popular uses include: Conferences: use them to talk with other participants or follow sessions you aren’t at. Or you can also use them to follow and be a part of conferences you weren’t able to attend at all! Another popular use of hashtags are chats related to your profession (be mindful of spamming your followers when doing this) 8. Participate in #HireFriday. Tweet that you’re looking for a job, use this hashtag. People will pick up #HireFriday tweets and RT them – helping magnify your voice. Which leads us to our next section…
  78. Use your network to your benefit by engaging with your connections. – Strike up conversations every now and then. If someone asks your advice, be sure to respond! This helps build your reputation as a helpful person they can go to. Along the same lines, be sure to volunteer help to those requesting it. But most importantly - ask others to help you! If you’re looking for a job, be sure to say so. As you network with more and more people, every now and then tweet and say that you’re job hunting. Say what kind of job you’re looking for – ask if anyone knows of any openings.
  79. This is an example of someone who asked for help. He tweeted that he was looking for a job. He got multiple responses and RTs. Twitter even marked it as a “Top Tweet,” which means that it was sent to the top of the list when people searched for phrases that matched it. That was how I found it! I was searching for something unrelated and he came up at the top of my search. Through this example, you can see how a good network can help you out. People in your network help you magnify your voice and get you noticed by employers.
  80. Last tip: Don’t neglect the real world!
  81. Don’t make Twitter only source. It should compliment other existing sources. Go offline, get coffee with people. Be sure to keep a good balance of online and offline interactions.