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Contract testing
in practice
with Pact
October 2nd, 2019 – TestBash Manchester
Pierre Vincent
Infra. & Reliability Manager
From this... … to this.
GET /users/pierre
"user": "pierre",
"name": "Pierre Vincent",
"role": "publisher"
200 OK
How do we
test this?
Running in Prod
Tests Pass in
Deployed in
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
"role": "editor"
"roles": ["publisher","editor"]
Running in Prod
✓ ✓
Maybe we should have tested before deploying to
Tested what
IP Check
We only
wanted to
test this bit!
Authentication Team Users Team
Consumer Provider
What’s in a contract?
Request Headers
HTTP MethodAPI Endpoint
Query Parameters Request Body
Response HeadersStatus Code Response Body
e.g. /api/users e.g. POST
e.g. ?fields=name e.g. Authorization
e.g. Content-Typee.g. 200
Our running example for the workshop
Play a game
Return result &
current win-rate
Record game result
Return updated
POST /play
"username": "pierre",
"game": "headsOrTails",
"choice": "heads"
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"won": true,
"message": "You won!",
"totalPlays": 120,
"totalWins": 71,
"winRate": 59
Activity 1
Thinking about API design
Record game result:
Game played, User
playing, Won/Lost
Return win-rate:
Games played,
Games won,
Win-Loss Ratio
“Consumer” Teams
- Document what API you need to send
game results
“Provider” Teams
- Document what API you will
implement to receive game results
Record game result:
Game played, User
playing, Won/Lost
Return win-rate:
Games played,
Games won,
Win-Loss Ratio
“Consumer” & “Provider” Teams
- Meet to compare your API designs
- Discuss differences and come to agreement on the API interaction
- Have you thought of “unhappy” paths? (API errors)
PACT Specification
Verification philosophy: Tolerant Reader
Implementation guidelines
Authentication Team Users Team
Unit Test
Replay &
Play &
Provider State
Login Service
User Service
Given that user 'pierre' exists
Method GET
Path /users/pierre
Accept: application/json
Status 200
Content-Type: application/json
"user": "pierre",
"name": "Pierre Vincent",
"role": "publisher"
1. Set Provider State
2. Send Request
3. Verify Response
Interaction Verification Test
INSERT INTO users [...]
GET /users/pierre
Accept: application/json
"user": "pierre",
"user": "pierre",
Activity 2
Implementing the
API Contract
RecordScore API (or write your own)
POST /recordScore
“username”: “anna”,
“game”: “headOrTails”,
“won”: true
“gamesPlayed”: 123,
“gamesWon”: 55
Implement API client in Consumer
- In
- API endpoint (recordScoreUrl)
- Request Body (RecordScoreRequestBody)
- Response Body (RecordScoreResponseBody)
./gradlew run
Run the service (in game-service dir)
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username":
"pierre", "game":"headsortails", "choice": "tails"}'
Try your API
Creating the Pact
- In
- Complete the PACT definition (RequestResponsePact)
- Update expected response (expectedResponse)
- Update expected request (client.recordScore)
./gradlew test
Run the pact test (in game-service dir)
cat build/pacts/game-service-leaderboard-service.json
Find the generated PACT
Implement the Provider API
- In
- API endpoint (@PostMapping)
- Request Body (RecordScoreRequestBody)
- Response Body (RecordScoreResponseBody)
./gradlew run
Run the service (in leaderboard-service dir)
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data
'YOUR_JSON_PAYLOAD' http://localhost:8081/your/api/endpoint
Try your API
Verifying the pact
- Copy the generated PACT file (game/build/pacts/*.json)
to the Provider test resources (leaderboard-service/src/test/resources/pacts)
- Complete the PACT definition (RequestResponsePact)
- Update expected response (expectedResponse)
- Update expected request (client.recordScore())
./gradlew test
Run the verification test (in leaderboard-service dir)
Sharing Contracts
with PactFlow
Dev Team
Dev Team
Dev Team
Dev Team
Living documentation
by example
✓ Versioning
✓ Tagging
✓ REST Api
Pipeline integration
Bonus content
Pacts in CI/CD Pipelines
Provider pipeline
Implement changes Get Pacts from Broker
Replay & Verify
Deploy Service
Deploy to EU
Get Pacts from Broker
Replay & Verify
Stop deployment of
incompatible Provider
Stop introduction of
breaking change
Consumer pipeline
Generate Pacts
Push Pacts to
Tag Pacts
Each Provider verifies Pacts Deploy Service Tag Pacts
Deploy to EU
Stop deployment of
incompatible Consumer
Thank you!
Pierre Vincent
Infra. & Reliability Manager

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