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2016 SDN Transport API
Interoperability Demonstration
Jonathan Sadler (Coriant)
Interop Working Group Chair
OIF Technical Committee
Overview of Tests
Deep Dive into API messaging
• Topology
• Connection Setup
• Hierarchical Abstraction
Findings and Summary
SDN improves Transport Control
Eliminate “One-size-fits-all” solutions
• NE-behaviors may not match
carrier requirements
• Example
• Combined Reroute and Protection
Programmability enables carrier requirements to be met
400% Capacity use
50ms protection all the time
300% Capacity use
50ms protection switch first fault
~300ms switch second and subsequent
Open APIs between SDN Components
How can programmability be provided?
Service Management
Management Routing Control
Path Query Topology
Signaling Proto Dataplane Config
Link Management
Discovery Routing Proto
Service Requests
Evaluate current state of SDN in Transport industry
• Validate APIs in SDN Framework
• Useful:
• Do the defined API solve a business problem?
• Is the API consistent with business structural boundaries?
• Perform well:
• Would a different API improve performance?
• Can be implemented
2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration
Joint activity of OIF and ONF
• API Framework
• Prototype API experience – 2014 Interop Test event
• ONF – Standards Organization for SDN
• SDN Architecture
• Transport API Project
2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration
OIF SDN Framework
Service Management
Management Routing Control
Path Query Topology
Signaling Proto Dataplane Config
Link Management
Discovery Routing Proto
Service Requests
Participants from both OIF and ONF
• OIF: ADVA, China Telecom, Ciena, Coriant, FiberHome, Huawei,
Juniper, NEC, Orange, Telus, Verizon, ZTE
• ONF: ADVA, CATR, China Telecom, Ciena, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper,
NEC, Sedona, SK Telecom, SMOptics, Telefonica, Verizon, ZTE
• Interested 3rd Party: China Unicom
• OIF: ADVA, China Telecom, Ciena, Coriant, FiberHome, Huawei,
Juniper, NEC, Orange, Telus, Verizon, ZTE
• ONF: ADVA, CATR, China Telecom, Ciena, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper,
NEC, Sedona, SK Telecom, SMOptics, Telefonica, Verizon, ZTE
• Interested 3rd Party: China Unicom
2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration
Test end
May Jun
ONF Workday
Jul Aug
MarSep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
L123 SDN
Test start Readouts
2Q16 OIF
ONF Interim
Tech Spec Start
2016 SDN Transport API
Interoperability Demonstration
Intra-lab Pairings
Carrier A
• Orchestrators: Ca, Ra
• Dataplane: Vd, Ve, Vf
Carrier B
• Orchestrators: Cb
• Dataplane: Ve, Vf
Carrier C
• Orchestrators: Cc, Va
• Datraplane: Va, Vg
Carrier D
• Orchestrators: Vb, Vc
• Dataplane: Vh, Vi, Vk, Va, Vg, Vb
Carrier E
• Orchestrators: Vb
• Dataplane: Vh, Vj, Vb
6 pairings
4 pairings
4 pairings
10 pairings
3 pairings
27 Pairs
Inter-lab Pairings
Carrier A – Carrier C
• Orchestrators: Ra
• Dataplane: Va, Vg
Carrier C – Carrier E
• Orchestrators: Ra
• Dataplane: Vh
Carrier A – Carrier E
• Orchestrators: Vb
• Dataplane: Vd, Ve, Vf
Carrier C – Carrier D
• Orchestrators: Cc
• Dataplane: Vb, Vi
Carrier D – Carrier E
• Orchestrators: Vb, Sedona
• Dataplane: Vh, Vj, Vb
Carrier C – Carrier E
• Orchestrators: Vb
• Dataplane: Va, Vg
2 pairings
3 pairings
2 pairings
2 pairings
1 pairing
6 pairings
16 Pairs
Test Case tracking
Use Case: MultiDomain Orchestration
Service provider equipment is in different domains
• Different Geographies
• Different Vendors
• Different Technologies
Services cross domain boundaries
• Orchestration across domains is necessary
Multi-domain Orchestration is
necessary in NFV deployments
involving the transport layer
• Best technology for carrying service
• Support multiple provider networks
T-API provides interface required
by WAN Infrastructure Manager
• Integrates Transport into MANO
Topology API Capture
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
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Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2016 4:41:37 GMT
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Topology API Capture
GET /restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/55c7c8b9-
3b87-4822-9c9b-3392f0109065/ HTTP/1.1
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Topology API CaptureHTTP/1.1 201 Created
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Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2016 4:41:37 GMT
"_linkPort": [
"_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/07d7ad4c-
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"localId": "lp13",
"role": "SYMMETRIC"
}, {
"_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/019ac632-
"direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL",
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"_node": [
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Response continued on the next page
Topology API Capture"_transferCapacity": {
"availableCapacity": {
"totalSize": "100MBPS"
"totalPotentialCapacity": {
"totalSize": "100MBPS"
"_transferCost": {
"costCharacteristic": [
"costName": "cost",
"costValue": "1"
"_transferTiming": {
"latencyCharacteristic": [
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"label": [
"value": "link13",
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"uuid": "55c7c8b9-3b87-4822-9c9b-3392f0109065"
Service Invocation Flow
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Service Invocation FlowHTTP/1.1 201 Created
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Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2016 04:10:51 GMT
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Network abstraction
Abstract Node
Abstract Link
Topology API Capture
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Topology API CaptureHTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 10:58:06 GMT
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Response continued on the next page
Topology API Capture"_ownedNodeEdgePoint": [ {
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Response continued on the next page
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Service Invocation
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Service Invocation
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Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 11:07:20 GMT
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Response continued on the next page
Service Invocation
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Response continued on the next page
Service Invocation
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ONF’s T-API provides functions necessary for multi-domain orchestration
• Topology view
• Connection establishment
• Topology abstraction
ONF’s T-API localizes interoperability to Orchestrator/Controller interface
• GMPLS requires NEs in a sequence to have a consistent behavior in order to
achieve interoperability
ONF’s T-API supports multiple technologies
• Ethernet
• DWDM44
Controllers abstract the network in different ways
• E.g. Unidirectional vs Bidirectional links
Controllers provide/report different capabilities
• E.g. Connectivity restrictions
Division of responsibility between controllers unclear
• E.g. Multi-domain Path Computation
Maintaining RPC and REST styles is confusing
• Not all implementations supported both styles
T-API needs to be validated for additional use cases
• Use of topology interface for Path Computation
• Service Management interface
T-API evolution is needed to meet current Transport Network uses
• Protected Services
• Generalized Notification Service
Based on demo feedback, ONF will align T-API with YANG Best Practices
• Object ID format and lifecycle
• Separation of Configuration, Operational Data
Demonstration shows:
• Cooperation between 17 companies
• 7 Carriers (5 Host, 2 Consulting)
• 10 Vendors
• 2 Research Institutions
• Transport SDN is becoming real
• ONF T-API Specification published, implemented and tested
• Testing is a success
• Identified strengths and areas for further activity
Next step:
• T-API 2.0
2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration
Accelerating Momentum on the Road to Next-Generation Architectures

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Similar to SDN Transport API Interoperability Demo with OIF and ONF

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Cisco Canada
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Deborah Porchivina
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Deborah Porchivina
Optinet China 2019
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Accelerating the Deployment of Practical, Programmable Transport Networks
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Deborah Porchivina
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Leah Wilkinson
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Bill Snow
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Deborah Porchivina
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Charif Mahmoudi
Addressing the Interoperability Question
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Deborah Porchivina
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Leah Wilkinson
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Deborah Porchivina
Future Internet
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Saber Ferjani
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Automation, Agility and NFV
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Optinet China 2019
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Automation, Agility and NFV
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Summit 16: The Hitchhiker/Hacker's Guide to NFV Benchmarking
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Deborah Porchivina
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Deborah Porchivina
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Deborah Porchivina
Clearing a Path to Wide-Scale Transport SDN Deployment
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Deborah Porchivina
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Deborah Porchivina
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Deborah Porchivina
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TIA sdn transport_2_shukla_final
Deborah Porchivina

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Enabling Virtual Transport Network Services
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OIF at OFC 100G Serial Links Workshop
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SDN Transport API Interoperability Demo with OIF and ONF

  • 1. 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration Jonathan Sadler (Coriant) Interop Working Group Chair OIF Technical Committee Open Networking Foundation
  • 2. Agenda Motivation Objectives Overview of Tests Deep Dive into API messaging • Topology • Connection Setup • Hierarchical Abstraction Findings and Summary
  • 3. SDN improves Transport Control Eliminate “One-size-fits-all” solutions • NE-behaviors may not match carrier requirements • Example • Combined Reroute and Protection Programmability enables carrier requirements to be met 400% Capacity use 50ms protection all the time 300% Capacity use 50ms protection switch first fault ~300ms switch second and subsequent 2
  • 4. Open APIs between SDN Components How can programmability be provided? 3 Control Components Service Management Connection Management Routing Control Path Query Topology Signaling Proto Dataplane Config Link Management Discovery Routing Proto Directory Service Requests Dataplane
  • 5. Evaluate current state of SDN in Transport industry • Validate APIs in SDN Framework • Useful: • Do the defined API solve a business problem? • Is the API consistent with business structural boundaries? • Perform well: • Would a different API improve performance? • Can be implemented 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration 4
  • 6. Joint activity of OIF and ONF • OIF • API Framework • Prototype API experience – 2014 Interop Test event • ONF – Standards Organization for SDN • SDN Architecture • Transport API Project 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration 5
  • 7. OIF SDN Framework 6 Control Components Service Management Connection Management Routing Control Path Query Topology Signaling Proto Dataplane Config Link Management Discovery Routing Proto Directory Service Requests Dataplane
  • 8. Participants from both OIF and ONF • OIF: ADVA, China Telecom, Ciena, Coriant, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper, NEC, Orange, Telus, Verizon, ZTE • ONF: ADVA, CATR, China Telecom, Ciena, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper, NEC, Sedona, SK Telecom, SMOptics, Telefonica, Verizon, ZTE • Interested 3rd Party: China Unicom • OIF: ADVA, China Telecom, Ciena, Coriant, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper, NEC, Orange, Telus, Verizon, ZTE • ONF: ADVA, CATR, China Telecom, Ciena, FiberHome, Huawei, Juniper, NEC, Sedona, SK Telecom, SMOptics, Telefonica, Verizon, ZTE • Interested 3rd Party: China Unicom 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration 7
  • 9. Timeline 8 Test end May Jun 2016 ONF Workday Contract/NDA Jul Aug BCE MarSep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb ECOC 2016 3Q OIF 4Q OIF L123 SDN Test start Readouts OECC 2Q16 OIF ETSI NFV MWC 2017 1Q OIF OFC 2017 ONF Interim Tech Spec Start
  • 10. 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration 9
  • 11. Intra-lab Pairings Carrier A • Orchestrators: Ca, Ra • Dataplane: Vd, Ve, Vf Carrier B • Orchestrators: Cb • Dataplane: Ve, Vf Carrier C • Orchestrators: Cc, Va • Datraplane: Va, Vg Carrier D • Orchestrators: Vb, Vc • Dataplane: Vh, Vi, Vk, Va, Vg, Vb Carrier E • Orchestrators: Vb • Dataplane: Vh, Vj, Vb 6 pairings 4 pairings 4 pairings 10 pairings 3 pairings 27 Pairs 10
  • 12. Inter-lab Pairings Carrier A – Carrier C • Orchestrators: Ra • Dataplane: Va, Vg Carrier C – Carrier E • Orchestrators: Ra • Dataplane: Vh Carrier A – Carrier E • Orchestrators: Vb • Dataplane: Vd, Ve, Vf Carrier C – Carrier D • Orchestrators: Cc • Dataplane: Vb, Vi Carrier D – Carrier E • Orchestrators: Vb, Sedona • Dataplane: Vh, Vj, Vb Carrier C – Carrier E • Orchestrators: Vb • Dataplane: Va, Vg 2 pairings 3 pairings 2 pairings 2 pairings 1 pairing 6 pairings 16 Pairs 11
  • 14. Use Case: MultiDomain Orchestration Service provider equipment is in different domains • Different Geographies • Different Vendors • Different Technologies Services cross domain boundaries • Orchestration across domains is necessary 13
  • 15. NFV POC Multi-domain Orchestration is necessary in NFV deployments involving the transport layer • Best technology for carrying service • Support multiple provider networks T-API provides interface required by WAN Infrastructure Manager • Integrates Transport into MANO 14
  • 17. Topology API Capture HTTP/1.1 201 Created Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2016 4:41:37 GMT Connection: close { "itemlist": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/55c7c8b9-3b87-4822-9c9b- 3392f0109065/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/e7eb128a-82a5-4fa1-b030- e386ec93c30f/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/76fd27f4-e4f0-42a8-8b1a- 909302b426ce/" ] } NE NE NE GET /restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/ HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Faraday v0.9.0 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3 Connection: close Host: Content-Length: 183 16
  • 18. Topology API Capture NE NE NE GET /restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_link/55c7c8b9- 3b87-4822-9c9b-3392f0109065/ HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Faraday v0.9.0 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3 Connection: close Host: Content-Length: 183 17
  • 19. Topology API CaptureHTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Server: Werkzeug/0.11.11 Python/2.7.5 Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2016 4:41:37 GMT { "_linkPort": [ { "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/07d7ad4c- 4214-4d98-8be8-4e6826cece43/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/37a03a6b-3e95-48bb-a253-fd5b3d2f597b/", "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "localId": "lp13", "role": "SYMMETRIC" }, { "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/019ac632- 20d6-4750-b77c-80852ee60ed6/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/a4b58599-58af-4c38-862b-6c4a46ca9ec7/", "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "localId": "lp31", "role": "SYMMETRIC" } ], "_node": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/07d7ad4c-4214-4d98-8be8- 4e6826cece43/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/7a360591-5561-421f-abf2-4c48c4ab9d3e/_node/019ac632-20d6-4750-b77c- 80852ee60ed6/" ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED", "operationalState": "ENABLED" }, NE NE NE Response continued on the next page 18
  • 20. Topology API Capture"_transferCapacity": { "availableCapacity": { "totalSize": "100MBPS" }, "totalPotentialCapacity": { "totalSize": "100MBPS" } }, "_transferCost": { "costCharacteristic": [ { "costName": "cost", "costValue": "1" } ] }, "_transferTiming": { "latencyCharacteristic": [ { "fixedLatencyCharacteristic": "1", "trafficPropertyName": "fixedLatencyCharacteristic" } ] }, "label": [ { "value": "link13", "valueName": "label" } ], "uuid": "55c7c8b9-3b87-4822-9c9b-3392f0109065" } NE NE NE 19
  • 21. Service Invocation Flow NE NE NE POST /restconf/config/Context/_connectivityService/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= Content-Length: 521 Host: Connection: close { "_servicePort":[ {"_serviceEndPoint":"/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/59bf8bbf-1a9c-46d5-b607-7099f1cfc60c", "role":"SYMMETRIC", "direction":"BIDIRECTIONAL", "serviceLayer":"ETH", "localId":"sp1“ }, {"_serviceEndPoint":"/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/ce3684ae-329c-42e5-ab72-9cbfab67cde3", "role":"SYMMETRIC", "direction":"BIDIRECTIONAL", "serviceLayer":"ETH","localId":"sp2“ }], "_connConstraint":{ "serviceType":"POINT_TO_POINT_CONNECTIVITY", "serviceLayer":["OCH"], "_includePath":[] }, "layerProtocolName":"ETH“ } 20
  • 22. Service Invocation FlowHTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 976 Content-Type: application/json Server: Werkzeug/0.11.11 Python/2.7.5 Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2016 04:10:51 GMT { "_connConstraint": { "serviceLayer": [ "OCH" ], "serviceType": "POINT_TO_POINT_CONNECTIVITY" }, "_connection": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_connection/91f23537-fb40-491a-ba72-ac2d360ca67e/" ], "_servicePort": [ { "_serviceEndPoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/59bf8bbf-1a9c-46d5-b607-7099f1cfc60c", "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "localId": "sp1", "role": "SYMMETRIC", "serviceLayer": "ETH" }, { "_serviceEndPoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/ce3684ae-329c-42e5-ab72-9cbfab67cde3", "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "localId": "sp2", "role": "SYMMETRIC", "serviceLayer": "ETH" } ], "_state": { "lifecycleState": "POTENTIAL" }, "layerProtocolName": "ETH", "uuid": "e44a5d04-e1fe-432b-9d2c-803681838d57" } NE NE NE 21
  • 23. Network abstraction Abstract Node Representation Abstract Link Representation NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE Parent Controller Domain Controller Parent Controller Domain Controller 22
  • 24. Topology API Capture GET /restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Host: NE NE NENE NE NE 23
  • 25. Topology API CaptureHTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 10:58:06 GMT { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "TOP", "name": [ { "value": "TOP", "valueName": "name" } ], "_node": [ { "_extensions": [ { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "sm" ], "extensionsSpecification": "vendor" }, { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "SM/00000031-0000-0000-0031-000000736d6f/" ], "extensionsSpecification": "domainId" } ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:sm:script", "name": [ { "value": "tsdn:sm:script", "valueName": "name" } ], "_encapTopology": null, "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "_transferTiming": null, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 24 NE NENE
  • 26. Topology API Capture"_ownedNodeEdgePoint": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:sm:script::1", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "OGBE10-1-3-6" } ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:sm:script::1/" ] }, { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:sm:script::2", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "OGBE10-1-3-5" } ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:sm:script::2/" ] }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 25 NE NE
  • 27. Topology API Capture{ "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:sm:script::3", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "OGBE10-1-3-5" } ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ ] }, { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:sm:script::4", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "OGBE10-1-3-5",} ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ ] } ], "layerProtocolName": [ "OCH" ], "_transferCapacity": null, "_transferCost": null, "_aggregatedNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_transferIntegrity": null }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 26 NE NE
  • 28. Topology API Capture{ "_extensions": [ { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "adva" ], "extensionsSpecification": "vendor" }, { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "ADVA/00000000-a13d-0000-0000-000000000000" ], "extensionsSpecification": "domainId" } ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:adva:script", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "tsdn:adva:script" } ], "_encapTopology": null, "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "_transferTiming": null, "_ownedNodeEdgePoint": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:adva:script::1", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "",} ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:adva:script::1/" ] }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 27 NE NENE
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  • 31. Topology API Capture{ "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:adva:script::6", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "" } ], "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "direction": "BIDIRECTIONAL", "_layerProtocol": [ ], "_clientNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_mappedServiceEndPoint": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:adva:script::6/" ] } ], "layerProtocolName": [ "OCH" ], "_transferCapacity": null, "_transferCost": null, "_aggregatedNodeEdgePoint": [ ], "_transferIntegrity": null } ], NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 30 NE NE
  • 32. Topology API Capture"layerProtocolName": [ "OCH" ], "_link": [ { "_extensions": [ { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "0.0" ], "extensionsSpecification": "utilization" }, { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "10000.0" ], "extensionsSpecification": "bandwidth" } ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:adva:script::4--tsdn:sm:script::3", "name": [ { "valueName": "name“, "value": "tsdn:adva:script::4--tsdn:sm:script::3" } ], "direction": "UNIDIRECTIONAL", "layerProtocolName": [ ], "_validation": null, "_lpTransition": null, "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 31 NE NE
  • 33. Topology API Capture"_linkPort": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": "tsdn:adva:script::4", "name": [ ], "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:adva:script: :4/", "direction": "INPUT", "role": null }, { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": "tsdn:sm:script::3", "name": [ ], "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:sm:script::3/", "direction": "OUTPUT", "role": null } ], "_node": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/" ], "_transferCapacity": null, "_transferCost": null, "_riskParameter": null, "_transferTiming": null, "_transferIntegrity": null }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 32 NE NE
  • 34. Topology API Capture{ "_extensions": [ { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "0.0" ], "extensionsSpecification": "utilization" }, { "extensionsSpecTarget": [ "10000.0" ], "extensionsSpecification": "bandwidth" } ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "tsdn:adva:script::3--tsdn:sm:script::4", "name": [ { "valueName": "name", "value": "tsdn:adva:script::3--tsdn:sm:script::4" } ], "direction": "UNIDIRECTIONAL", "layerProtocolName": [ ], "_validation": null, "_lpTransition": null, "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, NE NE NENE NE NE Response continued on the next page 33 NE NE
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  • 39. Topology API Capture"_linkPort": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": "tsdn:sm:script::4", "name": [ ], "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:sm:script::4/", "direction": "INPUT", "role": null }, { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": "tsdn:adva:script::3", "name": [ ], "_nodeEdgePoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:adva:script: :3/", "direction": "OUTPUT", "role": null } ], "_node": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/" ], "_transferCapacity": null, "_transferCost": null, "_riskParameter": null, "_transferTiming": null, "_transferIntegrity": null } ] } NE NE NENE NE NE 38 NE NE
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  • 41. Service Invocation NE NE NENE NE NE HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 11:07:20 GMT { "_extensions": [ ], "label": [ ], "uuid": "7a656a07-9fd4-43bc-bba5-390b4cde2b22", "name": [ ], "_connection": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_connection/4a115665-8aac-40b8-95e9-1cd154c9b506/" ], "_servicePort": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": null, "name": [ ], "serviceLayer": null, "direction": "INPUT", "role": "ROOT", "_serviceEndPoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:sm:script::2/" }, { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": null, "name": [ ], "serviceLayer": null, "direction": "OUTPUT", "role": "LEAF", "_serviceEndPoint": "/restconf/config/Context/_serviceEndPoint/tsdn:adva:script::5/" } ], Response continued on the next page 40 NE NE
  • 42. Service Invocation NE NE NENE NE NE "direction": null, "layerProtocolName": null, "_schedule": null, "_state": { "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED", "operationalState": "ENABLED", "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED" }, "_connConstraint": { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": null, "name": [ ], "serviceType": "POINT_TO_POINT_CONNECTIVITY", "_includePath": [ { "_extensions": [ ], "localId": "0", "name": [ ], "_nodeEdgePoint": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:sm:script::4/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/_ownedNodeEdgePoint/tsdn:adva:script::3 /" ], "_node": [ "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:sm:script/", "/restconf/config/Context/_topology/TOP/_node/tsdn:adva:script/" ] } ], Response continued on the next page 41 NE NE
  • 43. Service Invocation NE NE NENE NE NE "requestedCapacity": { "committedInformationRate": null, "peakBurstSize": null, "totalSize": null, "committedBurstSize": null, "packetBwProfileType": null, "peakInformationRate": null, "couplingFlag": null, "colorAware": null }, "costCharacteristic": [ ], "_avoidTopology": [ ], "serviceLayer": [ ], "serviceLevel": null, "latencyCharacteristic": [ ], "_corouteInclusion": [ ], "_diversityExclusion": [ ], "_includeTopology": [ ], "_excludePath": [ ] } } 42 NE NE
  • 45. Findings ONF’s T-API provides functions necessary for multi-domain orchestration • Topology view • Connection establishment • Topology abstraction ONF’s T-API localizes interoperability to Orchestrator/Controller interface • GMPLS requires NEs in a sequence to have a consistent behavior in order to achieve interoperability ONF’s T-API supports multiple technologies • Ethernet • OTN • DWDM44
  • 46. Findings Controllers abstract the network in different ways • E.g. Unidirectional vs Bidirectional links Controllers provide/report different capabilities • E.g. Connectivity restrictions Division of responsibility between controllers unclear • E.g. Multi-domain Path Computation Maintaining RPC and REST styles is confusing • Not all implementations supported both styles 45
  • 47. Findings T-API needs to be validated for additional use cases • Use of topology interface for Path Computation • Service Management interface T-API evolution is needed to meet current Transport Network uses • Protected Services • Generalized Notification Service Based on demo feedback, ONF will align T-API with YANG Best Practices • Object ID format and lifecycle • Separation of Configuration, Operational Data 46
  • 48. Summary Demonstration shows: • Cooperation between 17 companies • 7 Carriers (5 Host, 2 Consulting) • 10 Vendors • 2 Research Institutions • Transport SDN is becoming real • ONF T-API Specification published, implemented and tested • Testing is a success • Identified strengths and areas for further activity Next step: • T-API 2.0 47
  • 49. 2016 SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration Accelerating Momentum on the Road to Next-Generation Architectures Open Networking Foundation