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Questions tagged [management]

For questions about the tools and practices of management, including business management, project management, performance management and other management disciplines in the workplace.

3 votes
5 answers

Whom should I go to if I have a complaint about the assistant director of the company I work for?

I’m a in home caregiver. I work for an agency that assigns me my clients. We have had a tremendous turnover in our office support staff. I have not met or been introduced to any of the staff now in ...
Traci Wilson Welsh's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How to get past the lack of trust? [closed]

So I just started a job doing what I have been doing for 7 years, fronted react-redux development work and doing pretty good I might add, out of the ton of tickets this company put together, like 16 ...
Daniel's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

How can I state to junior engineers to not work a ticket unless he / she can own the task without demoralizing?

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division where I work. I have been a manager for the past five years and am well respected in the division. Our team is responsible for security engineering and ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 vote
6 answers

Is what I said to my boss (director) excessive?

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division of the company I work in. I have been in management for about 5 years and am well respected by my colleagues. This week, one of the cybersecurity engineers ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Fired due to change in/limited availability (returning to school)?

I live in California and in I was hired at a restaurant in August 2023. During the interview, I submitted availability for Thursday- Saturday. I was hired. 2 months in, my availability changed to ...
Hope143's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Manager implied that I should be pushing a colleague to get work done faster. Do I tell the colleague?

Same manager as my previous post. My colleague and I are working on the same project, and we are at the same level in the org chart (in fact, we are in the same role), but he is newer to the ...
work572's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Popularize high priority initiative with senior folks from other departments

If I wish to popularize a high priority initiative of my department with senior folks from other departments, then what should I do? My manager is not keen on me reaching out and holding meetings with ...
Sant N's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Please advise on how to navigate upcoming 1:1 meeting with boss, given circumstances? [closed]

I have documented my difficult work situation in this question and this question Where things stand is that I am actively looking for a completely different group to be on in the large company I am a ...
zee's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Should I Ask for a Lead Title if I Expect to be Manager?

Background This year, I was transferred to a struggling software project as a developer. My time with the team has been difficult due in large part to shortcomings with management. During my time with ...
Groger's user avatar
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19 votes
12 answers

Giving constructive criticism to my boss' boss

I work at a bank in the United States. Every month we have a two hour department meeting and the head of Loan Operations talks first and gives a run down of the past few weeks activities. What bothers ...
DiligentWorker25's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Bosses are simultaneously demanding I document my work, and also trying to prevent me from doing any work

My bosses are simultaneously demanding I document my work while preventing me from doing any work. I assume they are trying to somehow get around my 3 month notice period. They demand I enter details ...
Duzii2's user avatar
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107 votes
15 answers

Is this fraud? And if so, to what extent am I responsible?

I am the most senior technical employee at a small company providing software as a service to other businesses. The company only has about 10 employees, so one of the directors does a lot of the sales ...
Louis's user avatar
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-5 votes
3 answers

Manager did not give clear answer when I asked for a day off

I recently started a new job. I asked my manager if I could take a day off next week for a family obligation. He said I hadn't been with the company long enough to use my vacation time. I found this a ...
ClanLatin's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Made in China Syndrome [closed]

I have stated some reliability and safety concerns about a product that so happens to be made in China. Sure I have proper engineering reasons for this and dont want anybody in the building to be ...
Autistic's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to successfully transition from an engineering tech lead role to a director/strategic role

I recently joined a new company, a fintech startup, as a data engineering manager. My previous experience was in tech lead roles. As I led engineering teams multiple times, I don't think I lack ...
Blue Moon's user avatar
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