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Questions tagged [packaging]

creating packages for software installation, such as .deb (Debian & derivatives), .rpm (RHEL/CentOS), .bff (AIX), Solaris pkg / pkgadd, etc. Do NOT use this tag for /software-installation or /package-management

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How do I get a package (or a package version) that is available on modern Fedora (or other RH-oids) for Amazon Linux 2023?

I'm regularly asked how to get some software on Amazon Linux 2023. Usually, I find the software to be already available on Fedora or modern Alma Linux. What do I do to get a software package that's ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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Put zenity to flatpak /usr/bin folder

I try to create a flatpak application for Instant meshes in particular the manifest is the following: id: org.flatpak.InstantMeshes runtime: org.gnome.Platform runtime-version: "44" sdk: org....
Nicola Landro's user avatar
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creating deb packages - is there an standard way to setup a suffix to the final deb packages?

I am learning how to create deb packages for a small project of mine. I have been able to create the deb package for the binary. So far so good. After the process is finished I can see this: $ dpkg -c ...
eftshift0's user avatar
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Best practices to install binaries inside nix-shell

I'm preparing a Nix derivation for tenv version manager. Steps nix-build and nix-shell work fine, I can run tenv inside the nix-shell. But the purpose of tenv is installing needed versions of binaries ...
nmishin's user avatar
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Difference between +MANIFEST and +COMPACT_MANIFEST in FreeBSD .pkg

I have recently created a FreeBSD .pkg file using a custom script. A FreeBSD .pkg file is essentially a tar archive (optionally compressed) whose first two entries are manifest files, named +MANIFEST ...
user149408's user avatar
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3 answers

Where to install custom software packages on FreeBSD?

In Linux, according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /opt is the designated location for add-on application software packages. Thus, when developing my own software package, which is not a ...
user149408's user avatar
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Check for non-interactive mode in Debian package maintainer scripts

If I'm writing a Debian package maintainer script (such as a pre-install script) for a package I create, how can I make the script determine if it is supposed to be running in non-interactive mode (e....
Jason C's user avatar
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Package maintainer pre-inst script `install` vs `upgrade`

According to the Debian package maintainer script documentation, the pre-install script can be called with either the install or the upgrade first argument: The preinst script may be called in the ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Recommended and alternate dependencies in FreeBSD .pkg

A FreeBSD package typically specifies dependencies in its manifest as follows: deps: # python39, version 3.9 or higher python39: {origin: lang/python39, version: 3.9} # bind-tools, any version ...
user149408's user avatar
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In Nix, how to make one derivation depend on another next to it?

I'm currently trying to package some closed-source software into Nix derivations. The app is distributed as a large pile of .deb files, and most of them contain libraries that the other parts of the ...
Danya02's user avatar
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Building debian package fails when destination is /usr/local/bin

I created a very simple C project and want to build a debian package from it. Manually building the C project via the Makefile works as expected, it build the binary and can be installed in /usr/local/...
Erik's user avatar
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Package installation failure and rollback options

I'm trying to understand how the creation of packages (rpm, deb, dpkg) work and what the architecture supports and doesn't. Right now I struggle figuring out what happens when the installation or ...
jrs's user avatar
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How do I best package a global configuration scheme?

I've been working on creating a Linux configuration scheme based on my own system configuration. It consists of A configuration of the Interception program Dual Function Keys. A custom keyboard ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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port ubuntu kernel to rhel

I need to port ubuntu kernel with HWE to RHEL 9. I have experience in fedora like systems but not in debian like systems. I have Downloaded the kernel source using apt source but don't know what to do ...
Hemant Kumar Meena's user avatar
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Is it possible to query versions of APT packages from not-my-current release without editing sources.list?

I've been learning about Linux package management recently (,
StoneThrow's user avatar
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