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Questions tagged [packaging]

creating packages for software installation, such as .deb (Debian & derivatives), .rpm (RHEL/CentOS), .bff (AIX), Solaris pkg / pkgadd, etc. Do NOT use this tag for /software-installation or /package-management

9 votes
1 answer

How to build and publish binaries for multiple Debian/Ubuntu distributions?

For a proprietary piece of software I'd like to build and publish multiple versions of software for multiple distributions. E.g. 1.0, 1.1 and both versions for squeeze, wheezy and precise. The builds ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to request for a package to be added to the Fedora repositories?

I am a co-maintainer of an eyestrain prevention app called SafeEyes. The app is already available on many distributions, but not in Fedora. What is the procedure to add a new app to the official ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to request for a software package to be updated in OpenSUSE?

I am a maintainer of SafeEyes, which is a program to reduce eye strain by reminding the user to periodically blink their eyes/do eye excercises. OpenSUSE repositories host an older version of this ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I get a package (or a package version) that is available on modern Fedora (or other RH-oids) for Amazon Linux 2023?

I'm regularly asked how to get some software on Amazon Linux 2023. Usually, I find the software to be already available on Fedora or modern Alma Linux. What do I do to get a software package that's ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to install Python module dependencies from my RPM?

I have an application that I am packaging as an RPM and installing on CentOS 7. When I install the RPM I want it to install some compiled binaries as well as some Python modules with their ...
0 votes
1 answer

Put zenity to flatpak /usr/bin folder

I try to create a flatpak application for Instant meshes in particular the manifest is the following: id: org.flatpak.InstantMeshes runtime: org.gnome.Platform runtime-version: "44" sdk: org....
0 votes
1 answer

creating deb packages - is there an standard way to setup a suffix to the final deb packages?

I am learning how to create deb packages for a small project of mine. I have been able to create the deb package for the binary. So far so good. After the process is finished I can see this: $ dpkg -c ...
0 votes
0 answers

Best practices to install binaries inside nix-shell

I'm preparing a Nix derivation for tenv version manager. Steps nix-build and nix-shell work fine, I can run tenv inside the nix-shell. But the purpose of tenv is installing needed versions of binaries ...
3 votes
2 answers

Create binary package without ports?

I am trying to build a binary package on freebsd. All the guides which i am finding are saying basically to build binary package from already installed software using ports. What i am searching for a ...
5 votes
1 answer

Creating .deb with systemd service but without SysV init scripts

I'm trying to add a systemd service file to an existing Debian package. I followed, so I created debian/packagename.service. Because my debhelper is ...
15 votes
2 answers

How to generate the `Release` file on a local package repository?

CONTEXT With a local package repository, I'm able to provide my APT instances with a set of software packages and configurations from a server which I control, allowing any client to install this ...
0 votes
0 answers

Difference between +MANIFEST and +COMPACT_MANIFEST in FreeBSD .pkg

I have recently created a FreeBSD .pkg file using a custom script. A FreeBSD .pkg file is essentially a tar archive (optionally compressed) whose first two entries are manifest files, named +MANIFEST ...
1 vote
3 answers

Where to install custom software packages on FreeBSD?

In Linux, according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /opt is the designated location for add-on application software packages. Thus, when developing my own software package, which is not a ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I fix this spec file: it keeps giving me sed errors yet the only sed is long before the error occurs?

Here is my codelite.spec file. It compiles the sources fine, but then it gives this error (and yes I am including a few extra lines to give context): Processing files: codelite-10.0-1.fc25.x86_64 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Check for non-interactive mode in Debian package maintainer scripts

If I'm writing a Debian package maintainer script (such as a pre-install script) for a package I create, how can I make the script determine if it is supposed to be running in non-interactive mode (e....

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