I installed PyCharm Professional from the Ubuntu Software Store. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 although I don't think that matters much here.

enter image description here

I can't use it in the command line. I can't happen to find where it's installed so that I can add the executable launcher to the path. It is working absolutely fine but I'm habituated to open apps from the command line so it would help if I could use something similar to subl . or code ..


2 Answers 2


Pycharm is installed as a snap in Ubuntu 20.04. Typing pycharm-professional from the cli should launch it. Otherwise you can launch using the full path:

$(mount | grep pycharm | awk '{ print $3 }')/bin/pycharm.sh

On my system the full path is /snap/pycharm-professional/198/bin/pycharm.sh. Yours will be slightly different and so use the command above.


one possible way to find is:

dpkg -l | grep app_name

If it's snap package, try:

snap find app_name

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