Explained: What is Quiet mode in Instagram and how to use it

Instagram's Quiet mode silences notifications, sets a status, and helps manage time. Enable it by opening the app, going to your profile, accessing Settings, and toggling on "Quiet Mode" via the horizontal lines menu. Turn it off the same way or through the shortcut notification. Direct messages remain accessible.
Explained: What is Quiet mode in Instagram and how to use it
Quiet mode on Instagram is a feature designed to help you take a break from the app and focus on other things. When you enable it, Instagram helps you:
* Silence Notifications: You won't receive any notifications from Instagram, including likes, comments, or messages. This allows you to disconnect and be present in the moment without the constant ping of your phone.
* Set Boundaries: Your profile's activity status will change to "In Quiet Mode," letting others know you're currently unavailable on Instagram.

* Manage Your Time: Quiet mode discourages impulsive scrolling and mindless browsing, potentially helping you manage your screen time more effectively.
How to use Quiet mode on Instagram
Using Quiet mode is very straightforward:
1. Open the Instagram App: Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone.
2. Go to Your Profile: Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner to access your profile page.
3. Access Settings: Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to open the menu. Then, select "Settings."
4. Find "Quiet Mode": Within Settings, scroll down and locate the option "Quiet Mode."

5. Turn on Quiet Mode: Toggle the switch next to "Quiet Mode" to activate the feature.
Setting a Schedule (Optional):
Here's an additional feature:
* Schedule Quiet Mode: You can choose to schedule Quiet mode to turn on and off automatically at specific times each day. This can be helpful if you want to dedicate certain times for focused work or relaxation without distractions from Instagram.
Turning quiet mode off:
* To turn off Quiet mode, simply follow the same steps mentioned above and toggle the switch next to "Quiet Mode" to the "off" position. You can also access a shortcut to turn off Quiet mode directly from the notification you receive when the scheduled quiet time ends.pen_spark
Additional Notes:
* While in Quiet Mode, you can still access Instagram and use all its features if you choose to open the app directly.
* Although you won't see notifications for DMs, you can still access your direct messages within the app and respond to them if needed.pen_spark
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TOI Tech Desk

The TOI Tech Desk is a dedicated team of journalists committed to delivering the latest and most relevant news from the world of technology to readers of The Times of India. TOI Tech Desk’s news coverage spans a wide spectrum across gadget launches, gadget reviews, trends, in-depth analysis, exclusive reports and breaking stories that impact technology and the digital universe. Be it how-tos or the latest happenings in AI, cybersecurity, personal gadgets, platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and more; TOI Tech Desk brings the news with accuracy and authenticity.

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