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  • Hulk Hogan allegedly fired Beer Brand Ambassador for being black

Hulk Hogan allegedly fired Beer Brand Ambassador for being black

Influencer Essence Jenai accuses Hulk Hogan of firing her due to her race, reigniting concerns over his past racist remarks. Hogan's reputation continues to suffer as he faces backlash for the alleged discrimination. The wrestling community awaits Hogan's response and the impact on his image.
Hulk Hogan allegedly fired Beer Brand Ambassador for being black
(Image via WWE)
WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan is facing fresh charges that might damage his reputation even more after being stained by earlier scandals and charges of bigotry. Influencer Essence Jenai claims that because of her race, Hogan fired her from her position as an ambassador for his "Real American Beer" business.
Jenai said that after learning that she is Black, Hogan sacked her the day after she was first hired as an ambassador.
She uploaded multiple images and detailed her unexpected firing on TikTok as she talked about her experience. Jenai claims that although Hogan terminated her contract after just one day of promotion on July 2, it was meant to endure for a week.

Jenai claimed that on July 3, 2024, other ambassadors – all of them white – succeeded her right away. She also disclosed a text message from Hogan's group saying that Hogan desired a complete cancellation of the activities. This was untrue, though, as Hogan carried on the festivities with the fresh white ambassadors.
Jenai said the following in her TikTok:
“My contract was for a week. After one day of promoting his brand, he canceled my contract because???…. I don’t know why but these are the new brand ambassadors he hired.”
Chats shared by Jenai

Hulk Hogan has had trouble redeeming his public image and with these new accusations, it is unlikely this WWE personality will make progress in this regard.
It is uncertain whether Hogan will address these latest accusations, but the situation appears increasingly detrimental to the wrestling legend. As the story develops, both the public and the wrestling community will be closely observing Hogan's response and the potential impact on his

Hulk Hogan’s past troubles and controversies surrounding racism

Hulk Hogan Fires Influencer "Because she is black"

Despite enjoying years of unparalleled success, Hulk Hogan’s reputation took a severe hit in 2015 when tapes surfaced revealing his racist remarks. The public release of these tapes sparked a significant scandal that Hogan has struggled to recover from fully. This incident led to a loss of respect from many people, including fellow wrestlers. Consequently, WWE terminated his contract and removed his Hall of Fame page from their official website.
In the wake of this controversy, Hulk Hogan issued an apology for his racist comments, attributing them to his upbringing. While several African American wrestlers, such as Booker T and Mark Henry, accepted his apology and expressed forgiveness, others, like Titus O’Neil, were not as forgiving. Despite this, Hogan and O’Neil co-hosted WrestleMania 37 together.
During a recent appearance on Busted Open Radio, Mark Henry conveyed a special message to Hulk Hogan. Mark Henry stated:
“I’ll stand right there next to him, and as long as he owns it and is truly sorry for what he is done… it’s not gonna go away. It don’t matter how long you wait. I just pray that before he meets The Maker, that he’s able to repent for that and get everybody to say, ‘You know what, man? Hulk Hogan had a hard time. He made mistakes, but man he fixed it’… We all have to be forgiven at some point, but to be forgiven you have to be remorseful and feel pain for what you did.”
When Hogan appeared at WrestleMania 37, he was met with boos from some fans in the audience, indicating that not everyone was ready to forgive and forget.

About the Author
Raunak Bose

As a passionate WWE content writer, Raunak craft engaging narratives that bring the thrilling world of wrestling to life, capturing the drama, excitement, and heroism of the ring. His work fuels the imagination of WWE fans, making every match and storyline unforgettable.

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