The Hunger Games Wiki
This article is about the Hunger Games tributes. For the addictive drug, see Morphling (drug).

"We seem particularly riveting to the pair from District 6, who are known morphling addicts. Both bone thin, with sagging yellowish skin. They can't tear their overlarge eyes away..."
—Katniss Everdeen on the morphlings.[src]

The morphlings were two tributes from District 6, one male and one female. They each won a previous unknown Hunger Games and participated in the 75th Hunger Games. As victors, they were likely given the responsibility of mentoring other tributes from District 6.


The morphlings won two unknown Hunger Games. These victors had turned to a narcotic pain killer called morphling to cope with the horrors of their previous Games and were thus in very poor physical condition.[1] The morphling had made their skin sag a bit and turn a vulgar, yellow color[2][1].

Third Quarter Quell[]

Morphlings reaping

The morphlings at the reaping.

The two of them were quite fascinated by painting, as they spent most of their time training in the camouflage station painting each other during the training days. This likely is what they used to present themselves to the Gamemakers. This left Peeta with very few supplies left over, and a colossal mess when it was his turn.[3] Before the Games, Haymitch approached Mags, Finnick, Johanna, Wiress, Beetee, Blight, Chaff, Seeder, Cecelia, Woof, and the morphlings to make an alliance and keep Katniss and Peeta alive[4], as he knew he could trust them. He did not tell either Katniss or Peeta about these previous alliances but sent them hidden messages[5]. They later joined hands with the rest of the tributes as a sign of strength and rebellion at the interviews[6].


At the start of the Games, the morphlings reached the Cornucopia shortly after Finnick and Katniss (because Mags swam to Katniss while Finnick was retrieving Peeta)[5]. During the bloodbath, the male was killed but the female escaped[7].

Morphling girl4

The female morphling dies in Peeta's arms.

Later when Peeta, Katniss and Finnick were attacked by monkey mutts, Peeta was about to be bitten by one when the female morphling jumped in front of him, and she took a lethal bite to the chest instead.[8].


Male morphling's death portrait.

After Peeta finished off the monkeys, he took her body to the beach where he comforted her by telling her to look at the colors of the sunrise. Katniss observed that she was shaking and didn't know whether it was the shock from the attack, or withdrawal from her morphling, and she soon died in Peeta's arms. After she bled to death, Peeta took her corpse to the water to let it drift off until a hovercraft came to take it away.[1] He later questioned why she sacrificed herself for him[4].


  • The female morphling's death was similar to Rue's[9] and Maysilee's[10], as all were comforted. All three received peaceful last moments due to a District 12 victor (Katniss[9], Haymitch[10] and Peeta[1]).
  • Despite the fact they are extremely disabled from years of morphling addiction, they must have been still capable enough for Haymitch Abernathy to trust them with the knowledge of the rebellion[11].



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Catching Fire, Chapter 22
  2. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 15
  3. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 16
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Catching Fire, Chapter 23
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 Catching Fire, Chapter 19
  6. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 18
  7. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 20
  8. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 21
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Hunger Games, Chapter 18
  10. ↑ 10.0 10.1 Catching Fire, Chapter 14
  11. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 27
The Hunger Games trilogy
Novels The Hunger Games • Catching Fire • Mockingjay
Main Characters Katniss Everdeen • Peeta Mellark • Gale Hawthorne • Haymitch Abernathy • Effie Trinket
Supporting Characters Primrose Everdeen • President Snow • Cinna • Mrs. Everdeen • Mr. Everdeen • President Coin • Claudius Templesmith • Caesar Flickerman • Madge Undersee • Paylor • Plutarch Heavensbee • Seneca Crane
Tributes Marvel • Glimmer • Cato • Clove • Foxface • Thresh • Rue • Maysilee Donner • Titus
Past Victors Augustus Braun • Annie Cresta • Beetee Latier • Blight • Brutus • Cashmere • Cecelia • Chaff • Enobaria • Finnick Odair • Gloss • Johanna Mason • Lyme • Mags Flanagan • Morphlings • Porter Millicent Tripp • Seeder • Wiress • Woof
Groups Rebellion • Gamemakers • Prep team • Tributes • Victors
Locations Panem • The Capitol • District 1 • District 2 • District 3 • District 4 • District 5 • District 6 • District 7 • District 8 • District 9 • District 10 • District 11 • District 12 • District 13
Behind the Scenes Suzanne Collins • Gary Ross • Francis Lawrence
Films The Hunger Games (film) • Catching Fire (film) • Mockingjay - Part 1 • Mockingjay - Part 2