The Hunger Games Wiki

"No one speaks. I can’t pretend I knew any of them well. But I’m thinking of those three kids hanging on to Cecelia when they took her away."
—Katniss Everdeen remembering Cecelia.[src]

Cecelia was the District 8 female tribute who participated in the 75th Hunger Games.[1] She was also the victor of an unspecified Hunger Games.


75th Hunger Games[]


Sometime after her victory, Cecelia had three children, who all ran up to her when she was reaped for the third Quarter Quell. Effie Trinket expressed dismay when she found out.[1]

Chariot rides[]

In the books, she wasn't described during the chariot rides. In The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, she could be seen wearing a long black dress with large white wires on her shoulders, standing behind the District 10 tributes when Finnick Odair came to talk to Katniss Everdeen.[2]


After lunch on the first day of training, Cecelia and her district partner Woof were joined by Katniss at the edible insect station. Katniss wished she could mention meeting Bonnie and Twill— two rebels from District 8— in the woods outside her home in District 12, but she couldn't figure out how to bring it up.[3]


Cecelia joined hands with the other twenty-three tributes in a display of rebellion at the end of the interviews.[4][2]


Cecelia was killed in the initial Cornucopia bloodbath, placing somewhere between 17th and 23rd. When Katniss learned of Cecelia's death that night, she grieved for her and remembered the sight of Cecelia's children at the reaping.[5]

At the end of Catching Fire, when Katniss was on the hovercraft to District 13, Haymitch Abernathy revealed that Cecelia, among others, had known about the rebellion and was a part of the alliance to save Katniss.[6]


Cecelia had three children by the time of the third Quarter Quell.[1] Their ages, genders, and fathers are unknown, as is Cecelia's relationship status.

Physical description[]

Cecelia was described as being around thirty or so, and she was one of the younger victors.[1] She was depicted with brown hair in the film.[2]


Cecelia's name comes from the Latin "caecus", meaning "blind", and the plebeian family name Caecilia. In Roman mythology, the founder of this family, Caeculus, was born from a spark.

Cecelia also could have been named in connection to Saint Cecilia, who was a Roman martyr sentenced to death for distributing her possessions to the poor. According to legend, attempts to burn her failed, so she was beheaded. After her death, she became the patron saint of musicians,[7] and she was also associated with songbirds.



  • Cecelia is the only known victor who had children before the abolition of the Hunger Games.[1]
    • Other victors were known to have had children who were then reaped to be tributes, but this was explained in a general statement without any specific examples being given.[8]
  • Cecelia's actress, Elena Sánchez, confirmed on Twitter that her character was killed by Enobaria.[9] Elena also commented on a fan's Instagram post to say that she was stabbed in the back.[10]
    • In a behind the scenes featurette, when Stephanie Leigh Schlund was being interviewed on set, Enobaria's actress Meta Golding could be seen practicing a fight with Elena Sánchez in the background.[11]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Catching Fire, Chapter 14
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  3. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 16
  4. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 18
  5. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 20
  6. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 27
  7. ↑
  8. ↑ Catching Fire, Chapter 4
  9. ↑
  10. ↑
  11. ↑ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Catching Fire's New Cast (behind the scenes featurette)
The Hunger Games trilogy
Novels The Hunger Games • Catching Fire • Mockingjay
Main Characters Katniss Everdeen • Peeta Mellark • Gale Hawthorne • Haymitch Abernathy • Effie Trinket
Supporting Characters Primrose Everdeen • President Snow • Cinna • Mrs. Everdeen • Mr. Everdeen • President Coin • Claudius Templesmith • Caesar Flickerman • Madge Undersee • Paylor • Plutarch Heavensbee • Seneca Crane
Tributes Marvel • Glimmer • Cato • Clove • Foxface • Thresh • Rue • Maysilee Donner • Titus
Past Victors Augustus Braun • Annie Cresta • Beetee Latier • Blight • Brutus • Cashmere • Cecelia • Chaff • Enobaria • Finnick Odair • Gloss • Johanna Mason • Lyme • Mags Flanagan • Morphlings • Porter Millicent Tripp • Seeder • Wiress • Woof
Groups Rebellion • Gamemakers • Prep team • Tributes • Victors
Locations Panem • The Capitol • District 1 • District 2 • District 3 • District 4 • District 5 • District 6 • District 7 • District 8 • District 9 • District 10 • District 11 • District 12 • District 13
Behind the Scenes Suzanne Collins • Gary Ross • Francis Lawrence
Films The Hunger Games (film) • Catching Fire (film) • Mockingjay - Part 1 • Mockingjay - Part 2