The Hunger Games Wiki

Alma Coin was the President of District 13 and a leader in the Second Rebellion.[1] She orchestrated the City Circle bombing, clearing the way for her to become the interim President of Panem,[2] before she was assassinated by Katniss Everdeen.[3]


Early life[]

Virtually nothing is known about Coin's early life. As a woman in her fifties in Mockingjay, she was presumably born in District 13 sometime around the 25th Hunger Games, and had likely lived in District 13's underground complex her whole life. Along with most of her fellow countrymen, she also presumably served in the armed forces of her nation for some period of time.

At some point, she became the district's president, likely through a democratic election as her district fought for freedom and republicanism during both the First and Second Rebellion.

Second Rebellion[]

"I told you we should have rescued the boy first."
—President Coin[src]

Coin and other rebel leaders like Plutarch Heavensbee arranged for Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair, and Beetee Latier to be extracted from the 75th Hunger Games arena.[4] She had evidently lobbied for Peeta Mellark to be rescued first, but priority was given to Katniss as a symbol for the rebellion, so Peeta was captured and used as a propaganda asset by the Capitol.[1] Several weeks after the rescue, just after Peeta's first interview aired, Katniss tried to leave Command and Coin called out that she had not been dismissed. Boggs, Coin's "right-hand lackey", reached out to stop Katniss, but Gale Hawthorne blocked the doorway. Coin then took back Gale's communicuff.[5]


Coin and Katniss in District 13.

The next day, Coin, Plutarch, and other officials listened as Katniss listed her conditions for the Mockingjay Deal. Coin asked questions about how they should present Gale in relation to Katniss in the propos, and she called national security assembly for that evening to publicly announce the terms to the district.[6] However, when Coin made her speech, she added her own condition: that if Katniss deviated from the rebels' mission for her as the Mockingjay, the deal would be considered broken. Then, District 13 law would decide the fates of both Katniss and the victors for whom she'd demanded immunity.[7]

After the first failed attempt to film a propo of Katniss, Coin and her people attended a large meeting, called by Haymitch Abernathy, to decide on a new approach. When Haymitch put forward the idea of sending Katniss into combat, Coin asked Katniss what help she would be to the rebels if she were killed, and Katniss replied that they could use footage of her death. Coin then agreed to send her into the "least dangerous situation that can evoke some spontaneity in [her]": a visit to District 8, which had been bombed heavily that morning.[8]

The morning after the District 8 bombing, a meeting was held in Command. When Katniss arrived, Coin and Gale were "in the midst of some exchange that [seemed] positively chummy". Soon after, Coin called the meeting to order to report on the first propaganda broadcast. They reviewed the footage, and after a round of applause and demands to watch it again, Coin indulged those assembled with a replay. After another bout of self-congratulation, Coin insisted they turn the topic to the subject of sending Katniss into actual combat, in light of the propo's promising results. Coin also asked about further plans for other propos, and greenlit the immediate production of a set honoring deceased Hunger Games tributes. Coin then sent everyone off to work.[9]

Bombing of District 13[]

Coin was present in Command for the airing of Peeta's third interview, this one aired live, where he warned District 13 about an impending aerial strike.[10] She explained to Haymitch why they had reason to doubt the veracity of Peeta's claims, but ultimately reasoned that it was possible, so she authorized a Level Five security drill and lockdown right away via computer. Coin's voice was projected to everyone inside the bunker, informing them that the first hit was a powerful, non-nuclear missile, with more to come. She ordered everyone to stay at their assigned bunks.[11]

Coin continued to give brief reports throughout the several-day assault, and once twenty-four hours had passed since the last hit, she announced that they could leave the bunker and be assigned new compartments. In a room virtually identical to Command in Special Defense, Coin and other officials appeared exhausted as they drank cups of coffee, but she gave Katniss, Gale, Finnick, and Boggs two hours to film a propo aboveground to show the damage, assert military dominance, and prove Katniss had survived. However, Katniss and Finnick broke down because they knew their actions might harm their captured loved ones. Plutarch— and presumably Coin, as District 13's chief military commander— then sent a team to carry out the infiltration of the Capitol, extracting the captured victors.[12]

Battle of District 2[]

During talks about bombing the Nut in District 2, Beetee suggested that they call District 13 to let Coin weigh in on the proposed plan. Katniss was not present to hear this call, but a decision was made, presumably with Coin's input, and carried out.[13] After this, all thirteen districts of Panem were unified against the Capitol.[14]

Districts unified[]

Coin and Plutarch went back and forth arguing over the details of Finnick and Annie's wedding, which would serve as an entertainment propo. Coin vetoed a dinner, entertainment, and alcohol, and she and her people held reservations that the event would be too extravagant.[14]

Katniss later barged into one of Coin's war meetings to demand that she be allowed to fight in the Battle of the Capitol. Coin assured Katniss that her goal of uniting the districts had been achieved, and that the Mockingjay would be flown in for the surrender. Katniss protested that Gale was allowed to go, and Coin countered that Gale had been attending regular training, while Katniss had not. Coin asked why Katniss had to go, and when Katniss replied that it was because of the bombing of District 12, Coin said Katniss's case could be reviewed if she attended the next three weeks of training leading up to the battle.[15]

Battle of the Capitol[]

"Dead or alive, Katniss Everdeen will remain the face of this rebellion. If you ever waver in your resolve, think of the Mockingjay, and in her you will find the strength you need to rid Panem of its oppressors."
—President Coin addressing Panem[src]

Coin and Plutarch were reportedly "unhappy" with the uninspiring propo footage shot by Squad 451.[16] She personally assigned Peeta to join the squad despite the fact that his hijacking had brainwashed him into trying to kill Katniss. This was presumably an attempt on Coin's part to dispose of the girl amid the battle,[17] making her a martyr and preventing her from becoming a threat to Coin's authority after the war.[16] When Squad 451 was presumed dead, Coin interrupted a broadcast by Panem's President Coriolanus Snow in order to introduce herself to the nation as the head of the rebellion and to eulogize Katniss.[18]

City Circle bombing[]
Main article: City Circle bombing

Several days later, Snow announced that he was opening up his mansion to refugees, though he was really using Capitol children as a human shield outside. Coin ordered[2] that hovercraft falsely marked with the Capitol seal drop parachutes into the City Circle. Children in Panem were primed to recognize these parachutes as offering aid, like the sponsor gifts tributes received during the Hunger Games, so they eagerly reached out to claim them. However, these were actually bombs. When Peacekeepers and medics rushed in to help, they were killed by the remaining parachutes that hadn't detonated with the first round.[19] Believing that Snow had massacred his city's own children in order to kill rebels, any remaining supporters he had turned against him, and the war came to an end.[2]

Katniss's younger sister, Primrose Everdeen, was one of the medics killed that day.[2] She was not yet fourteen years old, the age when District 13 citizens gain the rank of soldier, so her presence in the Capitol was probably approved by President Coin herself. Katniss wondered if it was an attempt to unhinge her, or at least place her firmly on Coin's side.[3]



Coin after being shot in the heart by Katniss in Mockingjay - Part 2.

After Snow's arrest, Coin became the interim President of Panem. Snow was tried and sentenced to death for his crimes, and his collaborators also awaited trial. To divert calls for an outright genocide against Capitol citizens, Coin and her colleagues debated a proposal for a 76th Hunger Games featuring the children of Capitol officials. On the day of Snow's execution, she brought the proposal before the seven remaining victors and put it to a vote. The motion passed 4-3, but was never carried out. Katniss voted in favor of another Games to gain Coin's trust. At the execution, Coin positioned herself on a balcony above everyone else. Rather than killing Snow, her intended target, Katniss turned her weapon against Coin, who collapsed over the side of the balcony and plummeted to the ground, dead.[3]

Physical description[]

President Alma Coin

A simple promotional portrait of Alma Coin.

Katniss described Coin as being about 50 years old. She had gray hair that fell in an "unbroken sheet" down to her shoulders, lacking any visible flaws like wisps or split ends. Its unnatural perfection made Katniss wonder if it was a wig. Coin's eyes were also gray, though they were pale and devoid of color like "slush that you wish would melt away."[1]

In The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 and much of Part 2, Coin's hair fell below her collarbone. Near the end of the last film, Coin got a haircut— evidently in anticipation of her appearance at Snow's execution. She had it trimmed into a medium bob, falling just above her shoulders.[20]

Personality and traits[]


Coin at the meeting with the remaining victors.

On the surface, Coin appeared to have a calm and collected demeanor, but towards the end of the war, Katniss Everdeen realized how ruthless she could be in her pursuit of power. She was highly efficient, a charismatic leader, and a remarkably subtle manipulator, having positioned Katniss and every powerful player in Panem into the proper place on her chessboard in order to seize political victory, even outmaneuvering President Coriolanus Snow.

She was a noticeably less heavy-handed leader than Snow, and she was remarkably patient, waiting years before the right moment came to seize power. While she was strict about enforcing the laws of District 13 and its strict daily regimens, she was able to give off the illusion of equality by providing all citizens with the essentials.


Coin as interim President

However, for all her intelligence and clever strategy, Coin was not above being fooled. She believed she had won the Mockingjay over to her side with the death of Prim, and she arrogantly underestimated Katniss's intelligence, assuming that the girl would never figure out what she had done. She also overplayed her hand becoming interim president. This cast suspicion on her character and motives.

In the films, Coin appeared more sympathetic, relating to Katniss on a personal level and even comforting her in Mockingjay - Part 1.[21] However, this could be a front meant to disarm and manipulate Katniss further.



In Mockingjay - Part 1, Prim mentioned to Katniss that Coin lost her husband and daughter years earlier during the district's unspecified pox epidemic. Her cold, controlled nature could be due, at least in part, to the loss of her family.[21]

Plutarch Heavensbee[]

Coin + Heavensbee in Mockingjay

Coin and Plutarch

Coin and Plutarch often did not see eye to eye, owing to cultural differences between District 13 and the Capitol; for example, Capitol rebels like Plutarch saw no issue in letting Katniss's family keep their pet cat, but the District 13 rebels pointed out a number of issues it would pose.[6] They also notably argued over the specifics of Finnick and Annie's wedding, riling Plutarch up to the point where he shouted at Coin.[14]

In the films, Plutarch sometimes attempted to overstep his boundaries as a guest in District 13, trying to maneuver Coin like he had maneuvered Snow in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, but Coin swiftly, firmly, yet diplomatically shut him down. She did not tolerate having her authority undermined.[21]


Coin's given name, Alma, has a number of possible meanings. Given the series' classical influences, the most likely and relevant one is the feminine form of the Latin "almus", meaning nourishing, kind, or favorable. It is commonly used in the phrase "alma mater" (literally "nourishing mother"), which could be construed here as a reference to her authority and calm demeanor.

Her surname might be related to the saying "two sides of the same coin", since she is superficially different from Snow, but the two presidents are fundamentally similar in their ruthless pursuit of power.


  • In order to get Squad 451 to follow her, Katniss claimed she had a special mission from Coin to infiltrate Snow's mansion and assassinate him.[22]
  • Coin was the series' first known female elected official. All known mayors have been men, as well as her two predecessors as President of Panem, Snow and President Ravinstill before him, were both male.
    • Coin was succeeded as Panem's president by another woman, Paylor.[23]
  • After the release of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, people have speculated that Coin could be related to Lucy Gray Baird, often her daughter, under the assumption that Lucy Gray ended up finding District 13.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mockingjay, Chapter 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Mockingjay, Chapter 25
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Mockingjay, Chapter 26
  4. Catching Fire, Chapter 27
  5. Mockingjay, Chapter 2
  6. 6.0 6.1 Mockingjay, Chapter 3
  7. Mockingjay, Chapter 4
  8. Mockingjay, Chapter 6
  9. Mockingjay, Chapter 8
  10. Mockingjay, Chapter 9
  11. Mockingjay, Chapter 10
  12. Mockingjay, Chapter 11
  13. Mockingjay, Chapter 15
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Mockingjay, Chapter 16
  15. Mockingjay, Chapter 17
  16. 16.0 16.1 Mockingjay, Chapter 19
  17. Mockingjay, Chapter 18
  18. Mockingjay, Chapter 21
  19. Mockingjay, Chapter 24
  20. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
  22. Mockingjay, Chapter 20
  23. Mockingjay, Chapter 27
The Hunger Games trilogy
Novels The Hunger GamesCatching FireMockingjay
Main Characters Katniss EverdeenPeeta MellarkGale HawthorneHaymitch AbernathyEffie Trinket
Supporting Characters Primrose EverdeenPresident SnowCinnaMrs. EverdeenMr. EverdeenPresident CoinClaudius TemplesmithCaesar FlickermanMadge UnderseePaylorPlutarch HeavensbeeSeneca Crane
Tributes MarvelGlimmerCatoCloveFoxfaceThreshRueMaysilee DonnerTitus
Past Victors Augustus BraunAnnie CrestaBeetee LatierBlightBrutusCashmereCeceliaChaffEnobariaFinnick OdairGlossJohanna MasonLymeMags FlanaganMorphlingsPorter Millicent TrippSeederWiressWoof
Groups RebellionGamemakersPrep teamTributesVictors
Locations PanemThe CapitolDistrict 1District 2District 3District 4District 5District 6District 7District 8District 9District 10District 11District 12District 13
Behind the Scenes Suzanne CollinsGary RossFrancis Lawrence
Films The Hunger Games (film)Catching Fire (film)Mockingjay - Part 1Mockingjay - Part 2