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Questions tagged [automation]

{automation} is about automating certain tasks when creating a (La)TeX document, e.g., with the help of {packages}, custom {macros} or {tools} for {compiling}.

5 votes
2 answers

Writing a tex package for better auto brackets

The automatic brackets sizing provided by \left ... \right really often produces too large brackets. I want some package that for a given formula finds the right bracket size selected from \big, \Big, ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Automated labelling and references in enumerate list

I am preparing a syllabus book containing a number of courses. For each course, I have an enumerated list of course objectives. Then I have units/modules under the course that addresses those ...
Subhajit Paul's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Generate the hyphenation of a given list of words

I'm new to LaTeX; is there a way to tell the TeX engine to generate the hyphenation of a given list of words as a text output file? For example: abdomen abduction aberrance ... What I want is ...
giofrida's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I make the brackets $\{\}$ appear automatically in a function that I personally defined?

I'm currently writing a big paper and I defined a lot of function to save time, most function are in the math mode (I don't really know if that's important). My question, that while using overleaf, ...
HitMan01's user avatar
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Enumerate Environment with Item Numbers in Left Margin and Item Textwidth = Page Textwidth

MWE--- \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{enumitem,lipsum} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \lipsum[3] \begin{enumerate}[wide,labelwidth=6pt,labelindent=-15pt] \item \lipsum[13] \item \...
DDS's user avatar
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Automated BFS drawing with Lua

I tried to learn Lua with TeX. To do so, I tried to implement BFS in such a way, that it can automatically create Tikz pictures. Here is a short example of what I did: \documentclass{article} \...
Titanlord's user avatar
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Automated Dijkstra Visualization

I want to visualize the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path. I am inspired by this post. Sadly, I am way too bad at LaTeX. My initial idea was doing it with LuaLaTeX using Lua and I was ...
Titanlord's user avatar
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Automatically detect acronyms without \ac or \gls around them

My Situation: I am using glossaries package to manage my acronyms. They are all neatly defined in one file with a list generated automatically. But I have to confess: I was very inconsistent in using \...
Paul Smith's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Automatically Display the First Word of Every Quotation in Small Caps

Consider the code \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[sfdefault]{cabin} \newcommand{\longemdash}{{\fontfamily{cmss}\selectfont---}} \newcommand{\emdash}{\nobreak---\...
DDS's user avatar
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Numerical precision issues within PFGplotstable

I am creating a table which automatically generates outputs of various quantities of interest for compressible flow. The first column contains Mach numbers, which are used to calculate the quantities ...
aeroben's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Cross out a transition of automaton

I have the following automaton. \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex, >=stealth', auto, node distance=0.5cm and 1.5cm, semithick, initial text=] \node[state, initial] (q0) {$q_{0}$}; \node[state] (...
McDuck's user avatar
  • 63
0 votes
1 answer

Automatically customizing the front cover of different memoirs

I need to create several memoirs with the same format. For each document I want to customize several features of the front cover, for example the background color. I'm trying to automate the ...
Tonechas's user avatar
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postscript hyperlink url auto-open

I'm trying to add a hyperlink to a PDF by modifying the PostScript. Any possible to open this action link automated or opening postscript or pdf. it will be executed the link. [/Rect [ 0 425 295 445 ] ...
alex's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to draw a border around a subset of nodes?

I need diagrams like this: I've automated the "black" part but could not figure out how to do it with the red border; my current version is this: Here are latex ""code""...
Yang's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Auto-capitalise lone "i" in LaTeX

Is there a package or pre-amble command which would auto-capitalise all lone 'i's within the text of a LaTeX document (i use overleaf to compile)? I find it easier to write text without manually ...
Robert Sandler's user avatar

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