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Cooking Recipe with a timeline

I love cooking large menus whenever we have family or friends visiting us but I tend to struggle with my time management in terms of preparation for different courses. This is why I thought of ...
SignPadDeck's user avatar
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TikZ: collecting defined coordinates in a list

I want to collect previously defined coordinates in a list and print them later in a \foreach-loop for debugging purposes. The following MWE shows the list \points which ideally should be defined and ...
kaat0's user avatar
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Python from LaTeX: Strange Networkx/Graphviz error

It is hard to give a minimal example, because Python3 with some packages is needed. I want to call Python from LaTeX, here is an example how I want to do it (--shell-escape is needed): \documentclass[]...
Titanlord's user avatar
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Automated BFS drawing with Lua

I tried to learn Lua with TeX. To do so, I tried to implement BFS in such a way, that it can automatically create Tikz pictures. Here is a short example of what I did: \documentclass{article} \...
Titanlord's user avatar
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Automated Dijkstra Visualization

I want to visualize the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path. I am inspired by this post. Sadly, I am way too bad at LaTeX. My initial idea was doing it with LuaLaTeX using Lua and I was ...
Titanlord's user avatar
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Cross out a transition of automaton

I have the following automaton. \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex, >=stealth', auto, node distance=0.5cm and 1.5cm, semithick, initial text=] \node[state, initial] (q0) {$q_{0}$}; \node[state] (...
McDuck's user avatar
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How to draw a border around a subset of nodes?

I need diagrams like this: I've automated the "black" part but could not figure out how to do it with the red border; my current version is this: Here are latex ""code""...
Yang's user avatar
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Drawing line from point to automatically fitted linear regression [duplicate]

Hi I have the following code which produces the regression straight based on the points on the table. I suppose the red dots on the curve are the equivalent of each point but on the fitted straight. I ...
Rommy087's user avatar
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Is there a way to iterate over a list of couple in tikz?

I would like to draw a list of 2D points with tikz and additionally draw these points multiplied by a certain factor alpha. If the y-coordinate was a function of the x-coordinate, it would be easy to ...
pandamoniark's user avatar
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Automate drawing diagram parsed from input file

I want to automate the process of drawing simple diagrams based on values in an input file. I run simulations and often draw these kinds of diagrams to visualize the parameters. I have used the ...
mbertolino's user avatar
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How to modify the counter for tikzexternalize file names?

Many journals require the figures of a submission to be handed in separately, using sensible names. Tikz-external seems like the perfect fit for this job if the majority of figures are based on tikz/...
mrclng's user avatar
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Variable number of lines underneath the question

I was trying to create a booklet for an assessment. I have been required to put use a list (normal enumnerate environment) for the questions, but to write down, after each question lines up to the end ...
Logos's user avatar
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pgfplots/datatool: automatic standard error ellipse calculation and plotting

I am looking for a way to automate the process of calculating the standard error ellipse from tabular data in pgfplots. In some sense, this is a generalization of this question and this one I assume ...
bonanza's user avatar
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Make a holiday calendar with automatic "school week numbering" in tikz

I am trying to make a two sided holiday calendar (DIN A4, two pages for one school year). For this I started with an example from Robert Krause and tried to modify it. Here is how it looks so far: % ...
Julia's user avatar
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Misunderstanding tikz foreach loop

I have two diagrams (both are supposed to be the same), one with explicit draw and node commands, the other one with foreach loops. Obviously, I don't understand foreach loops, as I can only get one ...
thymaro's user avatar
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