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Questions tagged [graphs]

Graphs are (1) graphs of functions or (2) sets of nodes and edges.

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How to slant the edges in the given graph?

I am unable to draw the following graph in tikz. I tried the following code in tikz but it is not producing the desired output. Can someone please help me out. \begin{figure} \centering ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Reproducing the lichess opening tree stat bar

Can LaTeX offer something like this or the like shapes with same info?
Wassim Saeed's user avatar
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Cell diagrams of projective resolutions

A really nice way to visualize resolutions of modules over small algebras is through cell diagrams. These are really useful, for instance, in algebraic topology, when one wants to compute Ext over a ...
categorically_stupid's user avatar
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Using TikZ to Plot the Fourier Transform with Magnitude and Argument Coloring

I would like to use TikZ to draw the function graph of the Fourier transform 𝐹(πœ”) of 𝑒^𝑑 sin(𝑑)𝑒(𝑑). The x-axis represents πœ”, the y-axis represents the magnitude of 𝐹(πœ”), and different ...
θ˜‡θ³’ζ™‰'s user avatar
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Connecting two trees with a line, with tikz

I have two trees one next to the other. Some of the nodes should be connected. The code for connection nodes is breaking compilation, and I don't get any lines connecting the nodes between the trees. \...
mm6643's user avatar
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LaTeX (on overleaf) keeps cutting off my polynomial plots

Here is the preamble and the code for the graph: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{enumerate} \...
Kelli A.'s user avatar
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Latex errors when the number of nodes of a graph is more than 26!

I do not need any counter, I am just trying to draw a graph with 35 nodes. However, it gives the following errors: counter too large! and missing \endcsname inserted! The problem, I guess, is ...
Jen's user avatar
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TikZ label at wrong path

I want to create an overview of definitions/theorems using a graph. As you can see the "Def" and "Thm 38" labels from (b) to (a) are not on the path. How can I fix this. Any other ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Control positioning of Tikz label of an edge

Here's my code: \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows} \tikzset{ ->, % makes the edges directed >=stealth, % makes the arrow heads bold node distance=3cm, % specifies ...
RatherAmusing's user avatar
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Tikzpicture Multi-Edge

I want to create a multigraph. It's correct so far, but I want to have 3 edges from A to the same node B. This is my latex code: \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=1.5cm, level 1/.style={sibling ...
VD3's user avatar
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Fine tuning: TikZ, pgfplots and Lennard-Jones potential

I'm trying to recreate a faithful copy of the graph shown here. I'm trying and trying again, but I would like to make the curve tend to infinity more quickly for x=0 and tend to 0 more quickly for x=...
user3204810's user avatar
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Plot the graph with labels

\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ title={Effect of Positive Checks on Population}, xlabel={Time}, ylabel={...
Botho Chinga's user avatar
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Is it possible to reduce the number of loops?

Below is a graph I drew using TikZ, which achieves the purpose. However, I feel that my code is still not concise enough because it uses four for-loops. Is there a more concise method? \documentclass{...
licheng's user avatar
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Calling TikZ code (speedometer) several time to plot the same graph multiple time

I wonder if there is a way to encapsulate the following tikz code in a function so that I can repeat that diagram several times on the same page. I wanted to be able to redraw the following chart ...
Kernel's user avatar
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Drawing surfaces with TikZ

As a complete TikZ novice, I want to create surfaces like the following handdrawn one with TikZ: Ideally, this should be coded bottom-up: First you draw the bident with xy-plane at height 0. Then you ...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar

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