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How to automatically create multiple versions of a document with different paper sizes & reflecting this in the generated PDF filename?

I am using the moderncv class to prepare my resume for applying to jobs in the US (where the standard paper size is letter), and in UK (where the standard paper size is A4). Here is a MWE file called ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
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output_dir from latexmk breaks makeglossaries

I've got a problem with a custom latexMK.rc file and makeglossaries using xindy. The document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[nomain,acronym,xindy]{glossaries-extra} \makeglossaries \...
Ruehrfisch's user avatar
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Make latexmk just run pdflatex once

As far as I know latexmk automatically defines what to do when running it. So compile it several times that all references are correct. However this takes a loooong time when I just want to check my ...
SRel's user avatar
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latexmk location of PDF output

I am using latexmk and have the $out_dir set to ./build in my .latexmkrc configuration file. This is working as it should. But is there any way of having the generated PDF file put in the main ...
mjb's user avatar
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Is there a way to make latexmk automatically switch between pdflatex and xelatex?

Assume I have some projects to be compiled with pdflatex, some with xelatex. For now I'm just passing an appropriate key to latexmk command in console, e.g. latexmk -pdf ToBeCompiledWithPdflatex.tex ...
andselisk's user avatar
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Why does latexmk call PdfLatex for lualatex documents? [closed]

I prepared a .latexmkrc config $lualatex='lualatex -synctex=1 %O %B'; $pdf_mode = 4; $aux_dir = "temp/"; $out_dir = "out/"; $success_cmd = "rm %R.pdf && mv out/*.pdf tex/"; add_cus_dep('glo',...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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Create a service using Automator to compile .tex file in Mac

I'm using Mac OS 10.9.3, TeXLive-2013 and Scrivener to write my papers. I'd like to use Apple's Automator in order to create a service (available from the Finder's right-click menu over a file) called ...
LuCouto's user avatar
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latexmk endless loop when non-PDF outputs are specified

My source file is based on the standalone package. The \documentclass command specifically looks like this: \documentclass[preview, convert={density=300}]{standalone} If the source file is named ...
Kit's user avatar
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Ultrafast PDFLaTeX with precompiling

I try to improve the time pdflatex needs to compile my book. Really working example book.tex %&preamble \begin{document} Hi \end{document} and preamble.tex \documentclass{article} I run the ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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texify or latexmk?

MiKTeX 2.9 comes with both and they apparently do the same thing. I was wondering what the difference between them is (if any) and which one is preferable for large documents.
Per's user avatar
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Latexmk can't see a dependency on a .fmt format file

I'm using latex on a small netbook, and with average-sized files (~150 pages at the moment) compilation is already pretty slow. So I am looking for every way to speed up the compilation. In this ...
T. Verron's user avatar
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latexmk -pvc option breaks when compiling beamer class

latexmk is the tool I'm using to compile my documents, and the -pvc option is the one which is normally on. In this setting, when I save a file which produces a compilation error, then latexmk informs ...
Dror's user avatar
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Automatically start the necessary pdflatex runs if .tex has changed (MacOS X)?

I read about Latex Daemon, which seems to automatically start a new latex run, when the source document (.tex) has changed. Can somebody recommend me a similar solution for MacOS X (as Latex daemon ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
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How to make Latexmk use makeglossaries?

Is there a way to make Latexmk invoke makeglossaries (part of the glossaries package)? Specifically I want to use latexmk to compile a LaTeX document that uses the glossaries package to produce a ...
Giel's user avatar
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