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Float if not larger than otherwise be page-breakable

In my thesis I am embedding a few pseudocode algorithms using the algpseudocode and the algorithm packages. Thus a typical example would look like \begin{algorithm} \caption{My caption} \label{alg:...
Raven's user avatar
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Safe footnotemarks and automatically call \footnotetext with tcolorbox

I am trying to use tcolorbox with tufte-book. The known problem is, that tufte's floating sidenotes are not working with tcolorx theorems. I have the following workaround: \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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Delete .eps and .pdf that are not used

I have been working on a paper for a long time. The paper has many figures and I have collected different versions of each figure overtime. These figures are in .eps and .pdf formats. Now, I would ...
Salivan's user avatar
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Automatically adjust float size and vertical space between elements to fit content into one page

I often find myself changing the size of figures or removing vertical space between elements (e.g., a paragraph and figure) with \vspace{} to fit certain the contents into one page. This is rather ...
jsb's user avatar
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Harmonize width of MusiXTex extracts automatically

An answer which is sufficient but not optimal has been found. Any improvements are welcome. Several MusiXTeX extracts are placed in a few floats as subfigures of a document. The width variation of ...
CampanIgnis's user avatar
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Automated rotation in twoside document

There is a problem with the MWE: A solution for the MWE was found. But this solution does not work for the actual project. So far, I could not work out the reason for this. Therefore, other solutions ...
CampanIgnis's user avatar
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Latex Page Details (Contents of a Individual Page)

Is it possible to get the details of a individual Page, say for example, what are all the figures and tables and figure citations and table citations present in Page number 3, which will in turn ...
user52124's user avatar
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Automatically determine numbers of pages with figures

I'd like to get a list of all the pages in my document that have figures on them. Specifically, the page numbers in the PDF file that is created from my LaTeX document. This would allow me to print ...
lethal-guitar's user avatar
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List of figures that have a certain "property" I set

Note: This question differs from other similar custom-list questions because each of my environments-of-interest can have multiple keywords, and I only want to generate a list pertaining to one ...
BMS's user avatar
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Optimal arrangement of pictures/boxes in a page

Does anybody come up with a way to automatically arrange a few figures or boxes in a larger rectangle or page? Here it is a real world example: One is producing a beamer presentation. One has 4 or 5 ...
alfC's user avatar
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Avoid repeating [hbt] and \centering for every table

In a document I'm writing, I'm using the familiar [hbt] option for my floating tables, and I center them. I'd like to avoid repeating that every time I'm creating a table. I assume it's easy to add ...
Sverre's user avatar
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Find optimal figure size to fit two images on one page

I often encounter a situation where I would like to fit two or three figures on one page. I define my figures as follows: \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.xx\...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Floats shortly after they have been \ref-erenced; Warn otherwise

In my thesis I have a many floating figures which I then reference using \ref. I use flafter to ensure that they do not appear before they are defined in the source code (See Force floats to be ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar