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sdbbs's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Editing the "Open with" menu in Windows 10

3 votes

File permissions/ownership on network share in MSYS2 vs Cygwin?

2 votes

Run Firefox automatically on logon - with usual profile

2 votes

Viewing Windows 10 event log in "follow" (real-time) mode in terminal?

2 votes

How to get Thunderbird to nicely format Markdown?

2 votes

How to restart the Remote Desktop service on Windows 10, in case of error 1053?

1 vote

How to disable OpenVPN Connect from running at startup on Windows 10?

1 vote

Connecting to Raspberry Pi 4 wayvnc server from Ubuntu (ssvncviewer, gvncviewer)?

1 vote

Is there a serial terminal program that allows filtering the messages?

1 vote

Route only specific traffic through VPN

1 vote

Is it possible in windows or microsoft teams to rotate the webcam feed 90 degrees?

1 vote

How do command line options work in xfreerdp 2.2.0?

0 votes

Cannot draw with Imagemagick (no images defined)?

0 votes

Windows 10: Wireshark sees DHCP DISCOVER, tftpd64 does not?