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MacOs equivalent of adding a user to the linux dialout group on for permissions setup for UART communication

I'm working on a project where I'm interfacing with some hardware and want to monitor the data from some sensors using a specific tool. The tool doesn't have official support for MacOS but I've ...
sobbingDev's user avatar
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switching window keyboard shortcut with screen window management on MacOS

all I used to be a linux user, now I am accessing a server from MacOS, Ventura. I have remapped my Mac Keyboard by switching the ctrol and command keys. However, I came across some problems with the ...
FewKey's user avatar
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Command Line decryption of aes-256-gcm no-longer working after OpenSSL updated

Late last year (2022) I encrypted a file using OpenSSL using terminal on my Mac with a very simple openssl enc command and was able to decrypt using this command: openssl enc -d -aes-256-gcm -in ...
bakslaash's user avatar
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running a multi-threaded script on a macPro to a smb-mount folder throws an error

We're trying to run a multi-threaded script from our macPro but we keep getting an error massage. The xml script contains parameters to run a specific tool, the paths to the raw data and other ...
Assa Yeroslaviz's user avatar
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How to source from stdout for both Linux and macOS?

On Linux I can do: source <(cat .env | grep ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK) But on macOS, this doesn't do anything (no error, and no source) What can I use for macOS? Is there a command that works both on ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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"echo $VAR | base64 -di > file" fail to execute on MacOS

On Linux I can do: echo ${ANDROID_KEYSTORE} | base64 -di > android/keystores/staging.keystore But on MacOS, the same commands gives: base64: option requires an argument -- i Usage: base64 [-hvDd] ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Open unity application via command line wih application's graphics off

On Unity documentation we can see there is a way to run a standalone player via command line without the graphics by typing -nographics I'm using the following command on a mac terminal, but it is ...
Jas's user avatar
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Unable to redirect `coproc` streams using FD 5 and 6, but not 3 and 4. Why?

On OSX, while attempting to expose a service implemented as a bash script, and started with coproc, to a client implemented as a bash script, by passing the IO streams of the service to the client, I ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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What does this rm -r command do in following usecase on mac terminal?

First I'm directing to the destination folder by below command cd /Users/myname/MyFolder/ Now I'm using below command here, what does this command will do? rm -r ../build ../dist rm command is for ...
Devender Kumar's user avatar
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What is the “-o” argument in find command?

I am currently running this command: find . \( -type d -name .git -prune \) -o -type f -name "*"` on my macos shell. I found the command in a Stack Overflow thread for another problem. I do not ...
Gaurav Srivastava's user avatar
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Replace files recursively

I have a deeply nested directory called MyProject which contains dozens of git repositories. Each of those repositories contains, somewhere, a directory called utils which contains a file called ...
j_d's user avatar
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Moving files to matching folders on linux command line

I would like to copy or move files in to matching folders. these are my filenames: 1-filename-aa.txt 2-filename-aa.txt 3-filename-aa.txt 1-filename-bb.txt 2-filename-bb.txt 3-filename-bb.txt these ...
cnknv's user avatar
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Anaconda stopped working when added DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to bashrc

I am using Anaconda Navigator version 1.9.7 on macOS Mojave 10.14.5. I found that most anaconda-navigator, pip, ... commands stopped working when I added the following command to .bashrc. export ...
Kernel's user avatar
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how can I get the yes command to force overwrite and to do so with new lines?

I would like cp to prompt before overwriting so I am using -i. (I might sometimes use an alias for cp, or similar, so cp always occurs with -i). I may want to say overwrite all. I know that's the ...
barlop's user avatar
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How to copy a nix-env profile using nix-copy-closure?

I am using nix-env with multiple channels and local overrides to install packages on macOS and Nixos Linux on multiple computers. Sometimes I exclude packages from updates, because of problems. All ...
jmg's user avatar
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