On Unity documentation we can see there is a way to run a standalone player via command line without the graphics by typing -nographics

I'm using the following command on a mac terminal, but it is prompting the usual help message when we try to use 'open' with invalid flags.

open -nographics App.app/;

I would also like to perform the same command on a Linux server

1 Answer 1


For the open command, to specify arguments that should be passed to the application, you need to use the --args flag. Otherwise, the arguments will instead be passed to the open command, rather than to the application.

open App.app/ --args -nographics

If you prefer to not have to do this (or if you want to see the console output in your Terminal window, which won't show with open) you can also directly call the executable inside the application:

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -nographics &

(The ampersand is optional; it sets the application to run in the background so you can continue using your shell, similar to open.)

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