I am using getssl (https://github.com/srvrco/getssl) to renew my ssl certificate. I get this message when I try to renew my domain:

Check all certificates
Registering account
Verify each domain
Verifying mydomain.org.au
copying challenge token to /home/www/mydomain/.well-known/acme-challenge/k_K<blah>
getssl: for some reason could not reach http://mydomain.org.au/.well-known/acme-challenge/k_K<blah> - please check it manually

If I paste the URL into my browser, it gets converted to


In other the words, the slash at the end of the domain name is removed.

Could this be a problem with handling of dots in URLs in my Apache config? I've tried this unsuccessfully:

<Directory /home/www/mydomain/.well-known>
Require all granted
  • Post the output from curl -I -L http://mydomain.org.au/.well-known/acme-challenge/k_K<blah>. If you include your domain, you can often get a fact-based answer quickly. If you hide that information, we have to guess. The <Directory> directive is not causing this problem. I will guess that you have a poorly formed redirection occurring. Post your <VirtualHost> and .htaccess details. Commented May 4, 2023 at 22:33

1 Answer 1


I found the offending line in vhosts.conf - have removed it:

Redirect permanent / https://mydomain.org.au

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