Last week one of my domains stopped loading http content.
Domain pings, apache is active, I restarted apache. It looks like the reason is there is a problem with the SSL certificate.

Should I just do a new certificate using Certbot?


  • 1
    If you read the log (which you should add to this question, not place in pastebin) you'll see the last line is 20 redirections exceeded. Before that are multiple lines saying 301 Moved Permanently and [following]. Your web server is misconfigured and causing a redirect loop. Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 6:45

1 Answer 1


If you have been already using Certbot with this domain until now, then no. The bad certificate is not the main problem – it's an indicator of another problem.

Notice that the current certificate isn't from Let's Encrypt anymore (or even from any CA at all) – it is a self-signed certificate that was automatically generated by the server. That's a very different situation from merely having a certificate that's expired, it means the web server isn't even looking at the correct file.

It is possible that your Apache configuration lost its <VirtualHost> configuration for this domain, so it no longer knows what certificate to use – and also no longer knows what webpages to serve. Check whether ServerName orcaaccounting.com is still present in your httpd config.

(It's also possible that your DNS domain has been changed to point to a different server entirely...)

  • Got it! It was the IP of the A record was pointed to the wrong IP. This happened when my software had to regenerate DNS through GoDaddy API. So basic... Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 17:40

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