I am using nohup python -u nationalbiblioteket_logs.py --query 0 > log_q0.out & in my Ubuntu 16.04 machine as an administrator to run really time and memory consuming program.

I am already aware that nohup will still continue after closing down the terminal according to this post!

My question is, however, whether or not I could use nohup for running my scripts even after a complete system shutdown or sudo reboot?

If not, is there any alternative I could probably use instead for leaving the program running?


1 Answer 1


If you shutdown your system nothing is running there. So idea about nohup make no sense.

About reboot: you start a program and reboot the machine. And the process disappear because it was killed during reboot process. And nothing start it back.

  • Is there any alternative for nohup to run script even after shutdown or reboot?
    – doplano
    Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 12:43
  • Yes, there are alternatives. But this is another question: superuser.com/questions/ask Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 12:45

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