I have a template list on Microsoft To do. I want to be able to copy a single task within this list into another task (duplicate) then move it to wherever I need it and rename. Currently I can duplicate the complete list and delete or add tasks manually but if I need a second instance of a single task or if I need that task to be copied into another existing list I have to manually copy the single task and its details then move it.

3 Answers 3


The answer from user1705387 was correct but poorly explained, so here it is:

To duplicate a task, you need to use the To Do browser app, click on the task with the left mouse button, and pick "Copy task to...". For some reason, the apps don't allow it (tested on Android and Windows 10 - Windows Store App) on 17-07-2022.

In the following example, you can see that you can copy the task in the browser (first image), but in the Windows App (second image), you can't.

Task options in the browser Task options in the Windows App

There is an idea for this in the Microsoft To Do feedback portal. The Microsoft Feedback Team created it, so maybe this post will become outdated soon. If this is a problem for you, upvote the idea :)

  • This definitely gets me closer to it but, I rather have the function on the desktop app because that's what I use constantly for many reasons. I will keep using the app Instead of using the site which I tend to stay away from for other Microsoft software. If I ever need to bulk copy template task into new lists I will jump on the site one. As of today this feature is not accessible on the MS windows desktop app nor on the apple app.
    – Juan Ojeda
    Commented Sep 8, 2022 at 15:06

The only way i've figured out how to duplicate tasks in To Do is to create and configure the "template task" then select "repeat." I chose 'daily' then I completed the task which automatically created a duplicate. I created as many duplicates as I needed then removed the 'repeat' and 'due date' on each one after. Now I have a template List with Tasks. Hope that helps

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Mar 1, 2022 at 3:01

You can only do this in the browser version (for some crazy reason). Here's a youtube video explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwBgDF65IT4&ab_channel=MeeTime

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 28, 2022 at 3:15
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