I've got a list that, after I sort it, looks like this:

rough list

I need a formula that will return the number of times each entry is listed and delete all the duplicates. Typically, I simply count the number with my eyes or highlight those that are identical and record the "count" calculated at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Then I go back through and delete all duplicates, which is a bit of a tedious process and I can't help but think that there is an easier way to do this.

I have tried using the filter feature to return entries that don't have a number in the adjacent column, but when I go to remove the duplicates, entries are shifted up so that the numbers I have already typed in by hand get mismatched. Truth be told, I have a feeling that there's a way to have Excel count and record the number of times each entry appears (without even having to sort through it first), but I'm weak on logical formulas and the searches I've done of the world wide web have resulted in related queries, but don't really help me figure out how to do this.

Currently I use a Microsoft 365 version of Excel.

Ultimately, I want the list to look like this:

finished list

but with less effort.

For those who want even more detail, read on for the bigger picture. As someone interested in eating for health, I track my consumption down to the micronutrient to ensure I'm getting adequate amounts and not exceeding any recommended limits. Once a week, I review this data and identify nutrients I'm not getting enough of. I have a master spreadsheet of sorts that lists the foods that are richest in various nutrients. It looks like this:

list of nutrients and the foods richest in them

As you can see, certain foods appear on more than one list, and because I can only eat so much food in a day, I want to concentrate on those that give me more bang for the buck because they appear on more than one list. Typically, I just copy and paste the columns for which deficiencies were identified into a single column and then sort it alphabetically to get a count. I add this detail because I have a feeling that a true SuperUser of Excel wouldn't even have to bother with the clunky copy and paste that I do and could just pull the number from this master spreadsheet of foods by nutrients.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me use Excel a bit more efficiently.

  • Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Mar 29 at 22:10
  • I appreciate the feedback, but I don't really know how to make it any more detailed than I already have. If you still really think this, could you be more specific on how I could be more specific?
    – Lisa Beck
    Commented Mar 29 at 22:21

2 Answers 2


My proposal regards only the first part (sorted list of products):
You can place your list in an Excel Table, e.g. Table1 and refer to this list as Table1[List].
In columns C and D you get a list of unicates with their counts.
Formula in C2 : =UNIQUE(Table1[List])
Formula in D2 : =COUNTIF(Table1[List],C2#)
As a next step you can sort these two columns as shown in columns F and G.
Formula in F2 : =SORT(HSTACK(C2#,D2#),2,-1)

  • Impressive answer and it looks to be a bit easier than the other provided, but I'm intrigued by both and look forward to trying them out tomorrow after a cup of coffee and a fresh mind. And thank you for even using my very own list as an example. Though I have since cleaned up the entries, I can see now that the one I initially provided included two different spellings of Cantharellus cibarius. To be fair to myself, note that the Latin uses an "a" in the second syllable and not an "e" (the correct spelling).
    – Lisa Beck
    Commented Mar 30 at 3:02
  • Your knowledge of Excel far exceeds my own and when I attempted to solve my problem with your answer, I felt as if I really had no idea what I was doing or if it would really work, but the answers I've gotten from Super User have never failed me yet, so I simply tried to be the best monkey I could be and execute what you laid out for me. I was simply amazed at how well this worked and how easy it was to actually execute. How did you get so good with Excel and what would you recommend I do to become better at it?
    – Lisa Beck
    Commented Apr 9 at 3:36
  • It's a bit like playing a musical instrument. You have to practice a lot. Only here, with the passage of time, the instrument gains more strings.
    – MGonet
    Commented Apr 9 at 9:44

If you have the following data and using MS365 then you can do the following methods:

Fiber Calcium Iron Magnesium Zinc Copper Manganese Iodine Selenium Fluoride
navy beans milk fortified cereals pumpkin seeds beef crab wheat germ baked potato Brazil nuts black tea
lentils yogurt wheat bran flakes almonds pumpkin seeds lobster sweet potatoes milk sunflower seeds shrimp
pinto beans parmesan grits spinach sunflower seeds shiitakes collard greens shrimp tuna raisins
chickpeas Swiss granola black beans lentils white buttons peas turkey salmon raspberries
lima beans cottage cheese shredded wheat salmon turkey portabellas pine nuts navy beans lobster cooked oatmeal
avocado spinach cream of rice yogurt eggs creminis hazelnuts eggs shrimp beer
pumpkin seeds collard greens beef milk shiitakes sweet potatoes pecans pork tenderloin red wine
sesame seeds turnip greens ground beef avocado turnip greens oats beef hard cider
almonds broccoli beef tenderloin bananas baked potato lima beans lamb grits
pistachios black-eyed peas buffalo sirloin spinach chickpeas chicken black bean soup
pecans navy beans ground bison sunflower seeds navy beans turkey baked potato
sunflower seeds salmon porterhouse pumpkin seeds lentils navy beans carrots
acorn squash acorn squash beef stew meat Brazil nuts spinach pinto beans spinach
hubbard squash lobster pork tenderloin walnuts pineapple lima beans cantaloupe

• Using GROUPBY() function applicable to MS365 --> Office Insiders only.

     _Data, A3:J16,
     _SingleCol, TOCOL(_Data,1),

Or, Using BYROW() or MMULT()

     _Data, A3:J16,
     _SingleCol, TOCOL(_Data,1),
     _Uniq, UNIQUE(_SingleCol),
     _Counts, MMULT(N(_Uniq=TOROW(_SingleCol)),SEQUENCE(ROWS(_SingleCol))^0),

     _Data, A3:J16,
     _SingleCol, TOCOL(_Data,1),
     _Uniq, UNIQUE(_SingleCol),
     _Counts, BYROW(_Uniq,LAMBDA(x,SUM(--(x=_SingleCol)))),

  • All the above formulas shown gives the number of counts for each unique records.
  • Using TOCOL() function to convert the multiple ranges data into single column array excluding the duplicates.
  • Method 1 --> In the first method, used GROUPBY() function which is designed to group, aggregate and sort as per the fields we specify. However, the said function is in Office-Insiders hence until and unless you have enabled the option, this wont work and show as #NAME! error.
  • Method 2 --> Also starts with the LET() function, which makes easier to read and reduces the uses of redundant ranges/formulas.
  • Like the first method, it first applies the TOCOL() function, then uses UNIQUE() function to return unique values, and lastly uses MMULT() function to return the counts which is the matrix product of the two given arrays.
  • Finally, using HSTACK() to combine both the arrays returned using UNIQUE() and MMULT() function to return the desired output.
  • Method 3 --> Starts with the same steps as above except it uses BYROW() function to get the matching counts of each items.

However, if you find these methods as complicated then also you use the simplest one shown below as :

enter image description here

  • Firstly, use TOCOL() & UNIQUE() function to return the multiple ranges into one array excluding the empties and duplicates. And place in a cell, lets say in L2


  • Finally, enter the following function to get the counts. Remember that i have taken the data range as A3:A16 which you may need to change as per your suit. The following doesn't needs to be filled down, as it will spill. Where L2 is the formula returned from above using TOCOL() and UNIQUE()


If you are still reluctant to follow the above, then you can use POWER QUERY which is available from Excel 2010+ onwards for ,available in Windows Excel 2010+ and Excel 365 (Windows or Mac)

enter image description here

To use Power Query follow the steps:

  • First convert the source ranges into a table and name it accordingly, for this example I have named it as Table1

  • Next, open a blank query from Data Tab --> Get & Transform Data --> Get Data --> From Other Sources --> Blank Query

  • The above lets the Power Query window opens, now from Home Tab --> Advanced Editor --> And paste the following M-Code by removing whatever you see, and press Done

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    #"Unpivoted Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {}, "Attribute", "Value"),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Unpivoted Columns",{"Attribute"}),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Removed Columns", {"Value"}, {{"Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}})
    #"Grouped Rows"

  • Lastly, to import it back to Excel --> Click on Close & Load or Close & Load To --> The first one which clicked shall create a New Sheet with the required output while the latter will prompt a window asking you where to place the result.

Note: Formula cannot delete duplicates, instead it extract values when placed in a cell following specific conditions. Like I have shown above. You basically need UNIQUE() , TOCOL() & COUNTIF() or COUNTIFS() function to get the desired output

With your Rough List simply place this formula in any blank cell, where List is the name of the Table:

enter image description here

     _Uniq, UNIQUE(List),
     _Output, SORT(HSTACK(_Uniq, COUNTIF(List,_Uniq)),2,-1),

It is easier with GROUPBY() function if applicable:


  • Can't wait to experiment with your suggestions, but this will have to wait until tomorrow after a cup of coffee. I must say, it is a rather impressive answer and I actually am a little intimidated to try it, but you've done all the hard work. All I have to do is try to emulate it. If both of these methods work — yours and the one from MGonet — I'll have to decide which of you should receive the green check mark. It looks as if it might be a tough decision.
    – Lisa Beck
    Commented Mar 30 at 3:09

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