As noted in list network shares from command prompt, in Command Prompt (cmd.exe), I can use the following command to list available network shares:

net view \\computer

In my case, this gives something like:

C:\Users\user> net view \\COMPUTERNAME
Shared resources at \\COMPUTERNAME


Share name             Type  Used as  Comment

archive                Disk           Fileserver
myfiles                Disk           Fileserver
MyShare                Disk  (UNC)

However, if you type net use and press enter, you should get a list of all network shares you're connected to currently. - and in my case, I get:

$ net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

OK                     \\COMPUTERNAME\MyShare      Microsoft Windows Network
OK                     \\COMPUTERNAME\IPC$         Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

Usually, whenever I want to access \\COMPUTERNAME and I am not authenticated, I need to authenticate with a login and password.

So, if the authentication dialog does not show, that means I am already logged in - but I cannot tell what username I am logged in as.

Is there any way to see from the command line, which login have I authenticated with, to gain access to a \\COMPUTERNAME share?

  • 1
    If you currently don't have access and are getting an auth prompt, doesn't that actually mean you're not authenticated to those shares at all? (Or, to the server as a whole, really.) Commented Aug 11, 2021 at 12:08
  • Thanks @user1686 - indeed, if I do get a prompt, that means I'm not authenticated; apologies, the post was a bit unclear, so I've edited it. My problem here is the opposite - I had logged in previously, so I do not get a dialog prompt asking me for username:password - but I had forgotten which username I had logged in as. So what could I use, to find out which username I had logged in as?
    – sdbbs
    Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 8:36
  • 2
    If you have saved your credentials then you can look them up in Windows Credential Manager
    – Robert
    Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 10:59
  • Thanks @Robert - I typically do not save my credential (so then, if I suspect I'm logged in under the wrong login, I at least have the option to reboot); however - good to keep Windows Credential Manager in mind.
    – sdbbs
    Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 11:24

1 Answer 1


You can use the PowerShell command Get-SmbConnection (local admin permissions required).

I have tested this command on a Windows 10 client and it shows all my network connections similar like the following sample output.

PS C:\>Get-SmbConnection
ServerName          ShareName           UserName             Credential           Dialect             NumOpens 
----------          ---------           --------             ----------           -------             -------- 
Contoso-FS1         VMS5                Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                1 
Contoso-FS1         VMS5                NT VIRTUAL MACHI...  Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                3 
Contoso-FS          VMS1                Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                1 
Contoso-FS          VMS1                NT VIRTUAL MACHI...  Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                5 
Contoso-SO          VMS3                Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                1 
Contoso-SO          VMS3                NT VIRTUAL MACHI...  Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                1 
Contoso-SO          VMS3                NT VIRTUAL MACHI...  Contoso\Contoso-HV1$ 3.00                2

Note: I recognized that this only works for shares where the credentials are not been saved. For shares where you have saved the credentials instead your current logged-in user-account is shown. Therefore for connections using saved connections you have to check Windows Credential Manager what username is used for establishing the connection. Tested on Windows 10 20H2 joined a Windows domain.

Sample copied from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/smbshare/get-smbconnection?view=windowsserver2019-ps

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