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Guilherme Marthe's user avatar
Guilherme Marthe
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
10 votes

Zero inflated distributions, what are they really?

7 votes

Why isn't bootstrapping done in the following manner?

6 votes

R: How does GLM deal with zeros in Poisson regresion?

5 votes

Why fitting a Poisson GLM in an over dispersed dataset underestimate the standard error of the regression parameter?

5 votes

Multi-level models and random effects: Still confused

5 votes

Detecting interactions in large logistic regression models

5 votes

What is the mathematical model formula to a gam model fit using two fixed effects and interactions?

4 votes

What is anova() really doing when comparing models?

4 votes

Why do we need Multi-Level Models when we have Logistic Regression?

3 votes

Is smoothing an appropriate solution to deal with model diagnostics in a GAMLSS?

3 votes

How does ACF & PACF identify the order of MA and AR terms?

3 votes

Interpretation of Square of Logarithm-transformed term in linear regression

2 votes

Assess temporary effect of treatment

2 votes

How to compare model coefficients from models with different distribution family and link functions

2 votes

When to use GLM instead of LM?

2 votes

Change in intensity for poisson variable

2 votes

What are the most and least likely samples in a bootstrap?

2 votes

Choosing a model for my unsupervised machine learning problem

2 votes

Why does Partial Pooling occur in Mixed Effects Regressions?

2 votes

In mixed-effects model, can a variable be both a grouping factor in a random intercept and a fixed effect?

1 vote

Interpretation of high p value of a coefficient in linear regression

1 vote

Which choice model to analyse my binary stated choice experiment data to estimate willingess-to-pay?

1 vote

Help with Interpretation of a logistic regression

1 vote

How does R understand a multi level model?

1 vote

Combining non-probabilistic models for higher quality predictions

1 vote

How to make predictions over time

1 vote

Statistical test for change in two continuous variables across two conditions

1 vote

Weighted linear regression with known weights

1 vote

How to properly write negative binomial regression?

1 vote

Can we use the overall F test from a regression to explain the effect of a categorical model?