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Questions tagged [fixed-effects-model]

In biostatistics, fixed-effects may mean population-average effects. In econometrics, fixed-effects may represent the observed quantities in terms of explanatory variables that are treated as if the quantities were non-random.

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block bootstrap implementation for `gls` from `nlme`

I have several datasets of timeseries data (days) with an experimental intervention on some days, where some of the datasets cover multiple sites. I also have matching day-level and site-level ...
A. Donda's user avatar
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Compute marginal means and effect sizes with a fixed effect linear model with repeated measures

I am trying to better understand the relationship between linear models and ANOVA by doing it a bit more manually. To do this: I create a toy dataset, with two categorical variables, which I consider ...
Charly Marie's user avatar
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Date as random effect in mixed model strongly changes coefficient estimates

I am struggling with the structure of a mixed model that I run with lme4. I have measured a behaviour (let's say reaction time) and another variable that might impact it (let's call it "mood, ...
BRB's user avatar
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How can i make a simple visualization of my result from a two way fixed effects regression model?

I am trying to understand the effect of the variable x1 on the dependent variable y1, and for that i have panel data. I decided to use a two way fixed effects model to estimate the effect of variable ...
user413005's user avatar
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Grid-level spatial fixed effects (with time and seasonality)

I have panel data with reported human-wildlife conflicts with a date and grid cell location: I'm trying to isolate the impact that extreme precipitation and temperature have on conflict rates. I am ...
spes's user avatar
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Can I interpret the size of my regression coefficient when I only control for confounders and not non-confounding covariates?

I am very confused at the moment, for my bachelor's thesis I am performing a Panel Individual Fixed Effects analysis and have only controlled for confounders. I was under the assumption that when I ...
user418117's user avatar
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Standard error clustering with few clusters

I am trying to estimate the causal effect of police presence on crime rates using county-level crime data from 166 counties across three states. The treatment is assigned at the state level. For my ...
Schwa97's user avatar
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Interpretation of main effects under the presence of interaction terms in fixed-effect models and using plot_predictions

I would like to ask about the following. I am working with a T=2 panel data, and assuming a model of X1, X2, and X1*X2 estimated with the within estimator, which one would be the more appropriate ...
Shen Shen's user avatar
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How does the pvarfeols function from the R panelvar package handle fixed effects?

I have been using the pvarfeols function (Fixed Effects Estimator for PVAR Model) from the R panelvar package. It seems like the ...
catin's user avatar
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How to deal with competition for variance between a fixed and random effect?

I am performing an analysis on data in which there is a hypothesized relationship between X (predictor) and Y (the response) across a broad area, but random (no relationship) within groups of ...
Darren G's user avatar
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Random effect models: Understanding within, between and contextual effect

In my quest to better understand, and more effectively apply, random/fixed effects and clustered standard errors, I am struggeling with the terms "within", "between" and "...
Always_learning_new_things's user avatar
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Granular regression with repeating dependent variable within group

I am estimating a standard OLS regression model where the unit of observation is inventor-firm-year level. The dependent variable I am interested in is patent count (a measure of inventor productivity)...
kurofune's user avatar
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UPDATED: Very unstable model and mostly insignificant variables in fixed effects regression model

I have been trying to create a regression model for my master thesis for the last week and I am stuck with the following issue. Currently seeking any help I can get, so greatful for any input you ...
DataScience-Student's user avatar
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What happens to the data when entity- and time-fixed effects are applied?

Let us assume that the true data generating process is as follows: Y_it = beta_0 + beta_1 X_it + u_it What happens exactly when I apply both entity- and time-fixed ...
TFT's user avatar
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Fixed Effects model "within" "individual" adding time dummies

Currently I am writing my thesis about the influence of natural resource dependence on child health. I have an unbalanced panel dataset with 117 countries from 2002-2020. I use the code under the ...
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