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Questions tagged [sufficient-statistics]

A sufficient statistic is a lower dimensional function of the data which contains all relevant information about a certain parameter in itself.

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Usage of Sufficient statistic for a Gamma distribution

I need some help to understand how to utilize sufficient statistic from a data. Suppose I observe some random process that produces $x\in X$, where all elements have a gamma distribution. As far as I ...
tessob's user avatar
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Find a two dimensional sufficient statistic for $\theta$

Let $\{X_i\}_{i=1}^n$ be conditional independent given $\theta$ with distribution $$p_{X_i | \theta} (x |\theta) = \frac{1}{2i\theta}, \ -i\theta<x<i\theta.$$ Find a two dimensional sufficient ...
Oskar's user avatar
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Likelihood principle and inference

I've been reading Casella and Berger's Statistical Inference. In section 6.3 the author stated the likelihood principle: if the likelihood functions from two samples are proportional, then the ...
INvisibLE's user avatar
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FInding a complete and sufficient statistic

I am attempting to learn how to find a complete and sufficient statistic. So, I am working on this problem for class: Let $X_1, \cdot\cdot\cdot,X_n$ be a random sample from the pdf $f(x_i|u)=e^{-(x-\...
Harry Lofi's user avatar
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Karlin-Rubin theorem: relationship between test statistic having the MLR property vs being sufficient

Let's suppose we are trying to compare two hypotheses for a single parameter $\theta$. The null hypothesis $H_0$ is that $\theta = \theta_0$, and the alternative is that $\theta ≥ \theta_0$. The ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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Sufficient statistic for the family of PERT distributions?

A beta distribution is one of the form $$ \text{constant}\times x^{\alpha-1} (1-x)^{\beta-1} \, dx \quad \text{ for } 0<x<1. $$ According to this Wikipedia article, the family of "PERT ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Unbiased estimator for parameter of random variables following a uniform distribution [duplicate]

Suppose $X_i$ are i.i.d. and have density $f_\theta(x) = \frac{1}{\theta}$ if $x \in (\theta, 2\theta)$ for positive $\theta$. $(\min_iX_i, \max_iX_i)$ is a sufficient statistic for $\theta$? To ...
johnsmith's user avatar
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Completeness of Gamma family

Let $X_1,...,X_n$ has a Gamma$(\alpha,\alpha)$ distribution. Find the minimal sufficient statistics. Is this a complete family? My attempt: I found the Minimal sufficient statistics is $T(x)=(\...
Cyno Benette's user avatar
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Likelihood ratio as minimal sufficient statistics in infinite parameter space

I just read a question from here (Likelihood ratio minimal sufficient) and have some thoughts. Let me restate the question first: Consider a family of density functions $f(x|\theta)$ where the ...
Cyno Benette's user avatar
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Showing that $X_{(1)}$ is sufficient for shifted exponential distribution

If the pdf of a random sample is $f(x)=e^{-(x-θ)}$ where $x \geq θ$, Show that $T=X_{(1)}$ is a sufficient statistic for $θ$. Can one show that $T$ is a sufficient statistic for $θ$ in the following ...
Wins94's user avatar
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Sufficient/complete statistic $\leftrightarrow$ injective/surjective map?

I can't understand the paragraph in Completeness (statistics) - Wikipedia: We have an identifiable model space parameterised by $\theta$, and a statistic $T$. Then consider the map $f:p_{\theta }\...
Y.D.X.'s user avatar
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How do I know which statistic is for which parameter when calculating joint sufficient statistics using factorization criteria?

For the normal distribution for example, after factorization we get $\mathcal{L} = (2 \pi \sigma^2)^{-\frac{n}{2}}\exp\left(-\frac{n\mu^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\left(\sum_{i=...
gununes132's user avatar
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Sufficient Statistic for a family of distributions consisting of Poisson family and Bernoulli family

Suppose $(X_1, . . . ,X_n)$ is an i.i.d. sample from the distribution $f_{\theta,k}(x)$, where $\theta \in (0, 1)$ and $k = 1, 2$. Assume that $$f_{\theta, k}(x)=\begin{cases} \text{Poisson($\theta)$},...
user671269's user avatar
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Sufficient Statistic for a finite family of Normal distributions

Suppose we have a finite family of normal distributions $P=\{N(0, 1), N(0, 2), N(1, 2), N(2, 2)\}$ and we want to find a sufficient statistic for this family. Intuitively it is clear that as the means ...
user671269's user avatar
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Show minimal sufficient statistic is not complete in normal distribution

Let $Z_i$ for $1 \leq i \leq n$ be a sample from the $N(ap, bp(1-p))$ density, where $a \gt 0, b \gt 0$ are known but $p \in (0,1)$ is an unknown parameter. I have shown that $T = (\sum^n_{i = 1} Z_i, ...
Oscar24680's user avatar

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