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Questions tagged [regularization]

Inclusion of additional constraints (typically a penalty for complexity) in the model fitting process. Used to prevent overfitting / enhance predictive accuracy.

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Reducing Variance with Regularization in LOOCV for Small Datasets

I have a small dataset and I am considering using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) to evaluate my model. I understand that cross-validation, in general, is a method to assess a model's ...
oriKAN's user avatar
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Would it be possible to use regularization methods as a feature selection method and then use machine learning models to analyses data?

My data is RNA-seq data with more than 14000 features and the problem is binary classification. Then the total sample is 50 and p>>n. When I use Elasticnet method with train and test data, the ...
Leila ali's user avatar
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difference between l2 penalty and l2 loss in SAE

I was reading this paper from Anthropic and in the paper loss is defined like this :$$ L = \mathbb{E}_x \left[ \| x - \hat{x} \|...
Mrnobody's user avatar
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Multi-task learning-Loss function

0 I am training a convolutional autoencoder with two velocity fields (2D array) as inputs and outputs. These fields represent wind velocities in both the x and y directions within a square domain. My ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Ask a coding problem for the equivalence of unconstrained Optimization with L1 Regularization

I recently read a statistics paper: DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning It has an unconstrained problem: $$\min_\theta F(\theta)+\lambda || \theta||_1$$, where $$F(\...
PiVoyager's user avatar
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why does LASSO regression return unstandardized coefficients [closed]

I have more general questions that does not refer to a coding issue. Why does LASSO regression require standardization of the predictors but return unstandardized coefficients (glmnet function - https:...
Simon's user avatar
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penalized package [closed]

Has anyone used penalized package? I was using it for lasso in Cox regression, with time-varying coefficients. The problem is when I made a plot with ...
Danny's user avatar
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How does a neural network differentiate between a neuron that outputs 0 and a dropped-out one?

How does a network differentiate between a neuron with output 0 and a dropped-out neuron (this neuron might output a non-zero value but due to dropout it outputs 0)?
ado sar's user avatar
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What is the boundary curve for $λ_1$ and $λ_2$ that give at least a 0 component in elastic net?

Define the elastic net estimate: $ \hat{\beta}^{\lambda_1, \lambda_2} = \arg \min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^p} \left( \frac{1}{2n} \| y - X\beta \|_2^2 + \lambda_1 \ \frac{1}{2} \|\beta \|_2^2 + \lambda_2 ...
george1994's user avatar
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how to approximate the eigendecomposition of a correlation matrix when the data have been standardized?

Context I am working to develop a penalized regression framework that will scale up to analyzing high dimensional data with a certain correlation structure. Let $X$ represent an $n \times p$ matrix of ...
Tabitha Peter's user avatar
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Is there any test I can apply to the data to tell whether the adaptive LASSO or the LASSO is likely to perform better in prediction?

Is there a. test I can perform on a sample that will tell me if coefficients estimated using the LASSO, the adaptive LASSO, or the relaxed adaptive LASSO are likely to give better (in the mean squared ...
andrewH's user avatar
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Confidence intervals ODE ridge regression

i want to find confidence intervals for a least squares loss which is L2 regularized. I have only found something for linear problems, but in my case i want to estimate ordinary differential equation ...
LH44Stat's user avatar
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Valid confidence intervals in GAM’s using shrinkage estimation

In this blog article: it states: “The frequentist paradigm does not provide confidence intervals or p-values when parameters are penalized”. I was ...
user167591's user avatar
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Testing difference between two models using WAIC and degrees of freedom of WAIC

I am conducting Bayesian penalised regression, horseshoe specifically, in R using the bayesreg package see here. One model is nested within the other, i.e. to the second model I have simply used all ...
llewmills's user avatar
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Is there a likelihood penalization or (im)proper prior to remove estimation bias for gamma parameters?

So I am learning that maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters for a gamma distribution are biased. As far as I understand there is no guarantee in general that there exists a prior (or base ...
Galen's user avatar
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