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How to report ANOVA results when comparing to negative binomial models?

I want to report the results of an ANOVA test used to compare two negative binomial models in R: anova(model1, model2, test = "Chi") I receive the ...
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Back transforming standard errors in a GLMM with a log-link

I'm using lme4 and have a GLMM with a log link and gaussian variance structure. I would like to report my fixed effect estimates with their standard errors, as well as the standard deviation of my ...
teeniv's user avatar
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What should we report in our manuscript for negative binomial regression, IRR or OR?

I have applied negative binomial regression analysis for my data in SPSS. However I am not sure what do I have to report. Is it called IRR and CI or odds ratio (OR) and CI like in logistic regression. ...
Manisha Hamal's user avatar
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What information from a glm summary do you include in your results

I ran a glm looking at population changes over years, and am unsure which results I need to include for a poster presentation. I understand the p value is important for significance but other than ...
Alex 's user avatar
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Interpret Generalized linear mixed model output

I've built a generalized linear mixed model due to non-normal data (no transformation will make it normal). I'm new to mixed models and I'm unsure how to report the output in a paper. Here is the ...
Vera Whitley's user avatar
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reporting results of a multivariate logistic regression using the glm function in R

I would like to use the glm() function in R to run a multivariate logistic regression. I have also run bi-variate statistics for each variable but want a test that controls for all variables at once (...
B.Kenobi's user avatar
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Interpreting glm intercept and estimates

First off I will state that I have looked at similar threads (such as this (referenced later) and this) yet I still don't fully understand. My situation is as follows, I am trying to report the ...
R. Iersel's user avatar
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How to report the results of a glm from R in a scientific paper

Say I have the following results from a glm (gaussian distribution) in R: ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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How to report negative binomial regression results from R

I have fit a negative binomial model in R, and would like to report the findings, but I'm unsure how (or if) I should convert the estimates to reportable coefficients. Here is my output: ...
MGy's user avatar
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Whether to bother reporting non-significant three-way interaction?

I'm just writing up a results section and the language is piling up a bit as it always does with interactions. Two of my two-ways are significant, one of the two-ways isn't, and the three-way isn't. ...
gladys_c_hugh's user avatar
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How to report the results of a GLM from R output

I am currently writing up my 4th year dissertation in Ecology having completed fieldwork and analysis on the effects of various environmental variables on Butterfly abundance. I have conductuded a ...
Alex Hammond's user avatar
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Variable is significant through stepwise regression but not in final model's summary; which should I report?

I used generalized linear mixed models (with the glmmADMB package) to identify environmental factors related to parasite abundance in rodents. I used stepwise ...
softkitty's user avatar
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How to report significance of factor levels shown in summary of glm?

The summary of my GLM shows day 12 of factor Date to be significant, but anova(model, test="Chisq") shows Date to be not significant overall. I know how to report the statistics from the Chisq table, ...
Lara's user avatar
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Graphic representation of data

I conducted exploratory analysis of my data and got Mean and standard deviation values from the original data and plotted the data using boxplots. I conducted regression models (GLM and GLMM) on the ...
Scientist's user avatar
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Report coefficients of a factor in a GLM [duplicate]

I have a GLM and my explanatory variables are a factor of 9 levels (X1) and a numeric variable (X2). If I have to report the formula: $Y = B_0 + B_1X_1 + B_2X_2$ I have 1 coefficient for the intercept ...
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