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I don't think this is conditional dependence, so what is it?

I am looking for the name of the following phenomenon. There are three random variables, $X,Y,Z$. We have $P(X,Y) \neq P(X)P(Y)$ and $P(Y,Z) \neq P(Y)P(Z)$. In other words, $X$ and $Y$ are dependent, ...
Wapiti's user avatar
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I would like some insight into what I have been working on here

I work in roofing sales which involves door-knocking at the entry level. Our daily numbers are printed in our GroupMe chat for our branch. I took it upon myself to do some analysis on those numbers. ...
therealchriswoodward's user avatar
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Derive the expectation and variance of squared sample correlation: delta-method or else?

I would like to obtain the expectation and variance of the squared Pearson sample correlation ($\operatorname{E}(R_{lk}^2)$ and $V(R_{lk}^2)$) between two random variables $l$ and $k$ following a ...
CafféSospeso's user avatar
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Sign of Correlation between $X$ and $f(X)$ for strictly monotonic $f$

This question is a follow up to this question. Suppose $f$ is strictly increasing. Can we say $$\text{Cov}(X,f(X))\geq 0?$$ Ben's answer on the aforementioned linked post can be extended to show the ...
Golden_Ratio's user avatar
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Sign of Correlation between $X$ and $\log X$

Suppose $\text{supp}(X)\subseteq \mathbb{R}_{\geq 1}.$ Can we say $$\text{Cov}(X,\log X)\geq 0?$$ On one hand, we can say by monotonicity of log and Jensen's inequality that $$X\geq E[X]\implies \log ...
Golden_Ratio's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the manifest correlation between ranked variables and the latent, continuous correlation?

Suppose you draw n pairs of observations from a real-valued bivariate distribution. You then convert each observation to its ascending rank order. Given the population correlation for the real-valued ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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assessing which random sample agrees more with a preferred ranking

I am not a mathematician or a statistician. But, I think the question I have is related to statistics. I will start with a made up example. If I can grade apples into,say four grades from 1 to 4, one ...
Ajith's user avatar
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Expectation of the product of multiple correlated 1-D normal variables [duplicate]

First question: is it possible to have a set of $k$ random variables $\left\{X_i\right\}$ s.t. each $X_i \sim N(0,1)$ individually, and $\text{Corr}(X_i,X_j)=\rho$, $∀i\neq j$? If those conditions are ...
whoknowsnot's user avatar
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Correlation and expected values

Consider two random variables, $x$ and $y$. Denote the correlation between them by $\rho$. Assume that $E[x]$ is also a function of some parameter $\pi$ and is increasing in $\pi$. So if we increase $\...
Dmlawton's user avatar
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Finding correlation coefficient of $X$ and $XY$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent random variables with nonzero variances. I'm looking to find the correlation coefficient $\rho$ of $Z=XY$ and $X$ in terms of the means and variances of $X$ and $Y$, i.e....
jstaxlin's user avatar
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The expected value of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-r}}$ where $r$ is Pearson correlation

I am looking to unbias the sample statistic $\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-r}}$ where $r$ is a Pearson correlation. The population is assumued binormal with equal variance $\sigma$ and with true correlation $\rho$....
Denis Cousineau's user avatar
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Observed frequency vs. expected frequency plot interpretation

I'm trying to understand the output of a plot that considers the observed frequency and expected frequency. More or less I've thought that plotting the observed values against the expected values will ...
bioinformatics_student's user avatar
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If $cov(x_i,T_i)>0$ can I show $\mathbb{E}[\frac{T'x}{T'T}] > 0$?

x,T are vectors with $cov(x_i,T_i)>0$. Without specifying f(x,T), is it possible to determine the sign of $\mathbb{E}[\frac{T'x}{T'T}]$?
LucasMation's user avatar
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"Associative" Correlation

For 3 random variables, $X,Y,Z$ all with zero mean If $E[XY]\ne0$,$E[YZ]\ne0$ then can we say $$E[XZ]\ne0$$ Alternatively $E[XY]=0$,$E[YZ]=0$ then can we say $$E[XZ]=0$$ Or even $E[XY]=0$,$E[YZ]...
Colin Hicks's user avatar
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Correlation coefficient of x and y

If we have $$ X\sim Poisson(\lambda), Y|X = x\sim Binomial(x+1,p) $$ What is the correlation coefficient of X and Y? So I used $$\rho=\frac{Cov(X,Y)}{\sqrt{Var(x)Var(Y)}} = \frac{E[X[E[Y|X]]-E[X]E[...
Immanuel Kunt's user avatar

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