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Questions tagged [webassembly]

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

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Why use WASI if WASM supported languages have their own standard libraries?

I might have a fundamental misunderstanding about WASM, tried to google it and read some of the docs, but it is not clear to me yet. As far as I understand, WASI is an language agnostic API for many ...
Matheus de Moraes Peixoto's user avatar
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Dynamic code evaluation is not available in Middlewares or Edge API Routes

./node_modules\mongoose\dist\browser.umd.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Learn More:
M.A.Rahman's user avatar
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I keep getting a deadlock error any time i attempt to make an api call in golang compiled to wasm

As the title describes i am trying to make an api call in golang that is compiled to wasm it works fine when it is run on a machine but returns a deadlock error all go routines asleep whenever i run ...
Crowbin's user avatar
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Stuck on black screen when converting my Pygame project to web using webassembly/wasm | pygbag [duplicate]

So i've created a game called rapid math racing where you do math to win races but as I finished the game, I wanted to convert it to web using wasm so other people can use it. But i encountered an ...
Night Squad's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds in Blazor WebAssembly with SQLite

I'm developing a Blazor WebAssembly application that uses SQLite for local storage. I've encountered a RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds error in the browser console. This error seems to occur ...
Niranjan Chigulla's user avatar
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How do I import a golang compiled WASM function into js and use it?

I am trying to import a function from my golang WASM file to use in javascript but anytime i try and use the function i get a undefined error. But if i import my WASM file and then use the console i ...
Crowbin's user avatar
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Cannot find global type 'Promise'

I tried to import functions in index.ts. My codes const functions = await import("./avs-directory/index").then( (m) => { return m; } ); I got errors like tsc -p tsconfig....
Chengcheng Pei's user avatar
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How do I work with a large (~3gb) file in web assembly

A bit of background: I would like to avoid using stdweb, because it seems to be unmaintained. use web_sys::{File as WebFile}; // What I get pub fn process_emails(file: WebFile, json_file_path: &...
Jacob Marshall's user avatar
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how do I import my webassembly into nextjs

as you can see in the picture I copied the contents of pkg to the public nextjs projects folder. The nextjs app is initialized inside my rust lib project. [package] name = "chess" version = &...
hacker man's user avatar
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fixing a blazor wasm System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Cannot wait on monitors on this runtime [duplicate]

foreach (var user in userIdentifiers) { var response = await client.sendMsgAsync( accesscode: paswoord, userIdentifier: user, ...
Ioannes Arkhipov's user avatar
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What is the purpose of a Wasm Declarative Element Segment?

The Wasm spec defines 3 kinds of element segments: passive, active, and declarative. Passive element segments can be used to set the values of a Table at runtime, and Active element segments ...
zstewart's user avatar
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How to Deploy a Kotlin Multiplatform WebAssembly Project on a Web Server?

After building the project using JetBrains' official Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard and selecting only the Web option, I tried to deploy it on the server but only encountered a white screen. What I Did ...
Ojav's user avatar
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blazor wasm: Nuget package inheritance

Is it possible to create a nuget package of a Blazor WASM standalone that has some generic logic inside of it like; authentication, dependency injection etca. That way when I make a package of it and ...
Rick Huisman's user avatar
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How to compile a wasm via rust to access the Global Val?

Currently, I am working on a project which uses the wasmtime (a wasm runtime implemented by rust) to load and initiate some wasm modules. And I would like a wasm module to access the global val. So I ...
jiangNan langzi's user avatar
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WebAssembly wait & notify not working across wasi threads

I'm trying to make a thread_join function in WebAssembly by setting a mutex to 1 in the main thread, and then launching a thread. the thread unlocks its mutex before exiting. the main thread can get ...
Ali Qanbari's user avatar
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