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Questions tagged [webassembly]

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

1,187 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
11 votes
3 answers

What's a better way to deal with closures in WebAssembly with Rust instead of using forget and leaking memory?

When providing callbacks to JavaScript using Closures, what's a better way to deal with avoiding freeing them? The wasm-bindgen guide suggests using .forget, but admits that that is essentially ...
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Reduce footprint of .NET compiled to Wasm

I am using Mono to compile C# to Wasm in order to use it in the browser. Running the following commands procuces a bunch of DLLs, a wasm file, and some JS files. csc /target:library -out:regex101....
Firas Dib's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I include a wasm file compiled by golang in a chrome extension?

I've tried everything in here: Golang to wasm compilation And I can't get past: WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {wasi_snapshot_preview1: ""}) WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {go: {debug: &...
Andrew Arrow's user avatar
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Generate DWARF debug info in wasm binary from go?

I'm trying to generate a wasm binary with DWARF debugging info via (non-Tiny) Go. Despite many iterations with the build, gimli/dwarfdump keeps showing empty debug data sections (though it shows non-...
BobHy's user avatar
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Alternative to ctor/inventory for when compiling to wasm?

The ctor crate doesn't support web assembly currently, although there is active discussion about how to fix this. Although I am well aware of the issues associated with static initialization coming ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing and compiling a module with wasm into webpack

I'm trying to import a module for use within a library which is compiled through webpack. Although the javascript API from the module is loaded, the accompanying .wasm file is not and causes any ...
Vinh's user avatar
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Rollup: bundling/embedding wasm code from an external module

Using rollup, I'm trying to bundle a typescript library that imports and calls an npm module that contains a wasm file. Only the resulting bundle contains no trace of the wasm file contents. How can ...
Nicolas Marshall's user avatar
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Keep WKWebView page active in the background

I have a toy iOS app that's just for me. It's a native wrapper of a web-based WebAssembly-heavy game. It's one of those where you set a task, and then wait for it to complete. Great for desktop ...
MikeyWard's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get `cmake` work in JetBrains CLion to compile Emscripten/WebAssembly?

I am trying to properly setup JetBrains CLion 2019.1 to build WebAssembly from C source code. I've tried almost everything, however, nothing works. I do not get any WebAssembly build. All I get is: ...
Pinke Helga's user avatar
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9 votes
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Debugging WebAssembly in Chrome

I'm a relative newbie to WebAssembly, but I've been working with it and Emscripten for about a month now, and have a decent familiarity with the minimal build kits. When it comes to debugging, I am ...
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8 votes
0 answers

Why is passing DOM objects as `exnternref`s *slower* than passing through the JS value table?

I made a benchmark to measure how fast it is to call DOM APIs by passing DOM objects as exnternrefs to a Wasm function. This is the function to measure (written in Rust and compiled by rustc 1.55.0): #...
YAMAMOTO Yuji's user avatar
8 votes
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How to use Webassembly/wasm modules with Vite and Vue 3?

I am trying to import a wasm module into a vite vue 3 project. <script> import init, { parse } from "markdown-wasm"; export default { async ...
Fanna1119's user avatar
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How to make coroutines in Wasm?

I'm trying to allow users to call "main" in C and have "main" wait for wait for a requestAnimationFrame to continue execution. I.e. main could have a while(1) loop, and in main, ...
Charles Lohr's user avatar
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Python in browser with WebAssembly without recompilation

I've looked at Compiling Python to WebAssembly, and its various answers, various projects (EmPython, EmCPython, cpython-emscripten, Pyodide, etc.) but most of the time, it requires recompilation or ...
Basj's user avatar
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compiling cpp wasm module using skia library face to an error

I'm trying to use SKIA lib in my WASM solution. first I Compiled Skia to wasm bitcode using bellow config: /bin/gn gen ./out/Build-wasm-Release/Release --args="cc=\"emcc\" extra_cflags_cc=[\"-frtti\",...
masoud mazarei's user avatar

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