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Questions tagged [middleware]

Middleware is computer software that provides services to software applications beyond those available from the operating system. It can be described as "software glue".

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Combining Next-Intl and Supabase Middleware in Next JS Router

I have a NExt JS project using the app router with Supabase. I have a ROOT middleware.js file that contains some supabase code. I also need to integrate Next-Intl middleware into this too and i'm not ...
David Henry's user avatar
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Why does the UDP multicast receiver need to bind to the port which the sender sendto?

I created a multicast sender and receiver, where the sender sends messages to It works well. The receiver's steps are as follows: Create a socket Bind to Join the ...
Changkun's user avatar
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cannot enter the url manually after writing a middleware in nextjs14 (app router)

since i've added the middleware which i will provide to you, i cannot enter the urls manually and it errors out. i'm using "next-intl" internationalization and i created a middleware to ...
Nima Moradi's user avatar
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Not working middleware tests (maybe my middleware were bad)

It my first middleware to verify tokens. It looks like this: using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt; using baio_api.Infrastructure.Services.Interfaces; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace ...
Yardi's user avatar
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Error: Clerk: auth() was called but Clerk can't detect usage of clerkMiddleware() (or the deprecated authMiddleware())

I am following a YouTube Tutorial to build a next.js project with Clerk. However, I keep getting these error messages on the terminal everytime the site is loaded:- Error: Clerk: auth() was called ...
pompom's user avatar
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.NET 8 Middleware Unexpectedly Changes Status Code to 204 After _next(context)

I am working on a .NET 8 Webapp. I have implemented a middleware to log requests and responses, but I'm facing an issue where the status code is unexpectedly changing from 200 to 204 after calling ...
Asad's user avatar
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Scopes and middleware

When registering services, one can optionally wrap these in additional middleware. However, the only way I found to do so in separate and then aggregate was using the .scope function. I particularly ...
João Conde's user avatar
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Actix-Web JWT middleware

I'm building a web application using Actix-web and I'm trying to secure my endpoints with JWT (JSON Web Token) middleware. However, it seems that the middleware isn't working correctly, as my ...
EmmaWedi's user avatar
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Laravel 11 middleware not working it says it doesn't exist [closed]

Here is my bootstrap app middleware file: <?php use App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware; use App\Http\Middleware\RegistrarMiddleWare; use Illuminate\Foundation\Application; use Illuminate\...
Ivan Adrian Muñoz's user avatar
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How to append something to the request object in NextJS middleware?

In the NextJS middleware file I am trying to add the user property to the request object. But it's not working. I checked the NextJS middleware docs and found no mention of any hiccups when trying to ...
cooldude's user avatar
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Selenium Scraper Issue "WebDriver.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'executable_path'"

I am encountering an error when trying to use Selenium with Scrapy. The error message is: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'executable_path' I am using a custom middleware in ...
user24883689's user avatar
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How use nuxt middleware in client-side?

Please advise how to implement client-side middleware? //is deprecated :c process.client == true
MiyRon's user avatar
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traefik - Dynamic Config not working: ERR error=“field not found, node: middelwares” [closed]

I am running traefik 3.0.4 via docker compose and its is all working fine so far. I also use authentik to protect some applications (OAuth2), also working fine. Now I wanted to use authentik to ...
rattencreep's user avatar
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Honojs with Vercel Middleware for Backend API

How can we use Vercel Middlware ( in a backend API developed using Hono for Vercel ( ? I ...
pcrocks's user avatar
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Multi-Tenant Domains on NextJS (not Vercel)

What is the right way to assign a custom domain to a subdomain like assume I want to use as the custom domain Example: (Multi-Tenant) subdomain: * ( ...
tejas bhakta's user avatar

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