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Questions tagged [visibility]

Visibility is an attribute of an object. It may refer to the concept of having something visible (or not) on the graphical interface, or a symbol visibility in linkage. This tag should not be used in place of the more specific tags [memory-visibility] or [class-visibility].

-2 votes
1 answer

How do i make it so that if a key is pressed, an action is done permanently?

I've got into game development, and I decided to choose Godot as the game engine because C# was supported, and I knew the language. I've been working on a simple game, and at some point, I ran into a ...
George's user avatar
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1 answer

document.getElementById('facebook').style.visibility="hidden" not working

Even thought my variables are set in a way that should set the visibility to hidden (pulling the variables from firebase), they remain visible. My code no go. See Firebase Variable Values <html> ...
Jake Labate's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to hide the VS Code bar with file name, breadcrumbs, and action buttons?

I'd like to hide the toolbar visible in the screenshot: I can hide the menu bar by going into full-screen mode, but I haven't been able to get rid of the bar with the file name, run button, split, ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Why dllexport-ing a class with a method also exports the a symbol used by that method, even if it's not dllexport-ed itself?

Take a source file like this: namespace detail { inline int helper() { return 1; } } struct __declspec(dllexport) Foo { int fun() { return 2*detail::helper(); }; }; Without ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Android Studio If-statement make TextView visible if invisible and invisible if visible

I am trying to make a textView invisible when pressing a button. But, if the textView is already invisible I want it to become visible. Currently I am trying sonething like this: public void ...
FilleFrella44's user avatar
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How can I use a updated list in other if-else block?

I am a beginner and working with IntelijIDEA configurations first time. Conditions of a task is: When starting the program with the -c parameter, the program should add a person with the given ...
TheRedBaron43's user avatar
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Python class variable weird scope visibility rules

$ cat a = 'global' def myfunc(): a = 'myfunc' class myclass: print('myclass a =', a) # a = 'myclass' myfunc() $ python3.8 myclass a = myfunc $ cat a = 'global' ...
Doru Georgescu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hide a control with trigger on another

I have a <TextBlock x:Key="_tb1"/> and another <TextBlock x:Key="_tb2"/>. How to set visibility of _tb1 when for exemple IsMouseOver of _tb2 is true ?
Manta's user avatar
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4 votes
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JUnit 5 test visibility and typing

I'm currently studying a JUnit 5 book and I need assistance in understanding this line: A test method can be either protected or package protected. The preferred is to use package protected as that ...
divad's user avatar
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1 answer

auto redirect a page on visibilitystate with javascript

i'm working on a small sale website. i want to use visibilitystate to dictate when the user navigates to a new page, switches tabs, closes the tab, minimizes or closes the browser, or, on mobile, ...
TEE-JAY's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WPF - Virtualization does not work for items with collapsed visibility

I have performance problem with my listview. There is a WPF ListView with groupping and virtualisation. <ListView Name="ListOfEvents" SelectionMode="Extended" ...
Phant0m-X's user avatar
0 votes
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How to change location of Textview

I have a Linear Layout inside of Constraint Layout. The cardview visibility changes depending on the data. How to align start textview1 and textview2 if cardview visibility is invisible ?
k.kbr's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How do i make a widget visible only if the collection has docs in flutter?

I'm using firebase database and i want to show a certain widget if there was docs only. i tried this line but it's not the right one. Visibility( visible: controller.doc.isEmpty(),
rahaf aldrwish's user avatar
1 vote
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TreeViewItem IsVisible property always true

I have a TreeView control in my application that is populated (in the XAML) by binding its ItemsSource to an ObservableCollection of strings in my view model. There are many more nodes that can be ...
Nick's user avatar
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Identify first visible view inside viewgroup

I have several TextViews inside ConstraintLayout. The visibility of those TextViews are set at runtime based upon the data availability. I need to bold the text of the first visible TextView. I have ...
skafle's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check if element is fully uncovered

This is NOT the common cypress issue where you get a test failure because a fixed element is covered by another element. I have an expandable list toward the top of my page. When it expands, I want it ...
Reed M's user avatar
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1 answer

How to provide visibility to users based on field criteria?

How do I provide visibility to records for users based on field criteria? My demand is: When I have some specific object Files with some specific products the users that contact in this accounts that ...
Alexia Ribeiro's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Why is a function without self argument not visible to other functions in that class? [duplicate]

In Python, when I'm defining a function inside a class, I can include self as one of the arguments to access the member variables of that class, and I can also choose not include self as the argument ...
Chenfei Lou's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

visibility style does not change second time click in javascript and css

I'm trying to create a responsive navbar. When screen size is reduced I'm using media query to style visibility of #nav-items to hidden and display a menu icon. I have written a javascript code to ...
Praveen Rathi's user avatar
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3 answers

Content height is reduced with a smaller <div>

I have created a dropdown menu. The basic process has been: I put the dropdown link and submenus inside a div. Using flexbox I put all the links inline and the submenus in a column. With the ...
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button needs to be clicked twice to toggle layer visibility?

Using an example I found on this thread I have grouped multiple layers ...
Charlie's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Which is better answer about security? [closed]

We have the next source of a Java class and some possibilities to secure its variables: public class Foo { public static String ALPHA = "alpha"; protected String beta = "beta&...
Pete's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to dynamically check table is available ("waiting") using Selenium instead of having a fixed sleep

Code block: private void SelectRows() { var wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); // enabling the Rows this.Page.EnableRowsButton.Click(); wait.Until(_ => this....
Tin Nguyen's user avatar
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adding additional layers to existing toggle visibility buttons

I have pieced together the following code using examples on Mapbox... What I want to do now is add another raster layer but have its ...
Charlie's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

WPF change visibility based on Items in Observable-Collection

I have the Following Collection: ObservableCollection<CheckedFileObject> Files A CheckedFileObject contains a FileObject and a bool isChecked. Now when a user selects a File the isChecked Value ...
KSler's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a visibility problem with this initialization method?

Visibility problem: When multiple threads call method handle(), is the variable redisTemplate the initialized value, or is it null in some cases? Example here: public class InnerStaticClassExample { ...
TiaJiang's user avatar
0 votes
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visibility: hidden svg sibling side effect

So I have 2 identical SVG images following each other. When I apply style="visibility: hidden" attribute to first of it, both svg elements disappears. Can anyone explain why? <div ...
Andrew Chervyakov's user avatar
0 votes
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How to make a div overlap another while hovered

I wanted to make a div that contains some info about a product and when the user hovered the product that div that contains information pops up but the info div seems to be glitching somehow and isn't ...
JustAskingToKnow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Which visibility modifier has lesser visibility: Protected or Internal?

Which visibility modifier is more permissive: Protected or Internal? internal var num = 18 protected set // throws an error at 'protected' showing: Setter visibility must be the same or ...
Muhammad Hassaan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Click event triggered on element but failing to toggle the visibility of the section containing it

I need to toggle a section (called "newHexagon")'s visibility by alternatively clicking two different h2's, "seeHexagon" and "hideHexagon". The former is external, the ...
Stefano's user avatar
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1 answer

Flutter have one scaffold with same body and bottom navigation bar but different appbars and have a button on one of them which toggles its state

I have a Flutter app. On the main screen, it has an appbar, body, and bottomnavigation bar. On the bottom are four icons to flip through the different screens. One of the screens has an icon on the ...
Gregory Williams's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Appearing element disappears after animation

I need some help with the visibility property. I'm trying to make an element appear and once it has appeared keeps being visible. That's this last point that I'm trying to get. I made it appear, but ...
monCompte's user avatar
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Vaadin Flow: Best practise for hiding fields / change labels in FormLayout

What is the best practise for following code snippet... public class Panel { private final TextField textField1 = new TextField(); private final TextField textField2 = new TextField(); ...
peter's user avatar
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1 answer

Android app widget's visibility is not updated

I reduced a bigger portion of code to this easy to test AppWidgetProvider class and I still have this problem. Basically, I have a simple navigation part with a prev and next button. If the index is 0 ...
alexmro's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I do something on display or visibility change with jquery

I want to excecute an action on display or visibility change (really in display:block or visibility:visible) with jquery if posible or javascript, but I've researched a lot in this forum and I couldn'...
trying2code's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I referente all ImageView in android studio? (java)

I have 5 ImageViews, and i want to hide all. My code: findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(
Crypto World Cup's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I loop through and make these images disappear onclick?

I have a grid of images in divs. I want it to work like a checkbox where you press the image and it disappears press it again and it appears. I have some code that works but I can't figure out how to ...
jeffrey smith's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES warning from the play store even if that permission do not appears in the AndroidManifest.xml merged file

I am coding this android app and I was using the CometChat library to add chat functionality to my app. When I did that with newest or oldest version I had that permission that was automatically added ...
Xavier MAXIMIN's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

React: Image is not displayed

Im folgenden Code sieht man wie ich das bild darstellen möchte, das Bild wird aber nicht angzeigt, nur der text wird angezeigt. <div> <b> Test123 </b> <image src={require('../../...
user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Android: View Visibility set to View.VISIBLE but View is not Visible

In my app (general construction described below), I have a timer, which the user can start by clicking an in-app button. When the timer starts, a notification is shown. In the notification, there's a ...
Nitzan Daloomy's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Best practice for exposed fields in Kotlin

I have often the problem that I want to use a mutable class inside, but I don't want to expose the mutable interface. Here are two samples: class Sample { val listData: List<Any> = ...
rekire's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I fix a dropdown button (HTML)

Whenever I try to change the things in this code, I'm only changing the button and function parts, but either nothing shows, or the button dosent work, when I click the button, it should show ...
Tokyn Blast's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

WPF Change Visibility during design-time

My CustomControls UI element Visibility is bound through a BoolToVisibilityConverter, see code below : <cc:CustomFFU LabelText="FFUZoneF_2-1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" ...
AfronSall's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Javascript visiblity toggle with onscroll

var headPos = window.scrollY; window.onscroll = function(){ headPos = window.scrollY; } window.onscroll = visi; function visi(){ if(headPos < 1300){ document.getElementById("...
Ho0b's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio C# Get sheet visible property

I'm trying to fill a dictionary with name as key, and an array with codename and if sheet is visible. This is where I ran into a conversion issue with sheet.visible If I use == true I get this error: ...
Dumitru Daniel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android "visibility" doesn't change if next instruction take long time

I have following situation in my fragment. @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState:...
Claudio Merli's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Trying to display animation on click....not working (js, html, css)

I have a loading element that I want to display on the click of a certain button. I have tried various methods including updating the visibility and display, as well as adding a "show" ...
eluzzi's user avatar
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Conditional visibility in a react component

I have a react component that contains a div with a conditional visibility. The component represents the page of a specific product on an ecommerce. The users can give their opinions once. The div ...
Laura's user avatar
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1 answer

Android: Changing Views visibility on Activity start | Hide Notification panel on Notification Button click

My app has a Notification that holds a Button. When the user clicks the Button, the app should open (if it was closed) and show a custom dialog, which I've created by a bunch of views. Showing the ...
Nitzan Daloomy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to build google test with hidden visibility

When I build unit tests for a library (which is built with hidden visibility), I encounter about 400 warnings of this format: direct access in function 'testing::internal::SuiteApiResolver<...
no_name's user avatar
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