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Questions tagged [android-view]

Questions regarding Views in Android. Views may be defined in Android Layout XML or in Java code. Questions using this tag involve general View practices or advice. With regard to specific Views, refer to the info for this tag. For questions regarding layout, use the [android-layout] tag.

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Login button is invisible on Samsung Galaxy A52 5G

I'm experiencing an issue with the login page of my Android application. The problem occurs only on Samsung Galaxy A52 5G devices. Users have reported that the login button is not visible when they ...
Jakub Mroziński's user avatar
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Dirty item view being used twice in my custom implementation of BaseAdapter

In my custom implementation of BaseAdapter I have views being hidden and overwritten on the basis of their position. One such condition is based on the last element(The ID will always be -1): if(...
Prajjwal Srivastav's user avatar
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PreferenceFragment Activity toolbar

In a Compose application, I implemented the Settings screen as a new AppCompatActivity containing my PreferenceFragment. In order to navigate between screens in Compose and the Preference Activity, I ...
perissf's user avatar
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Android WebView flickers in HorizontalPager

Today I encountered a strange behavior when I tried to display a WebView using an AndroidView in a HorizontalPager. When the page is changed it looks like the view increases its height for a short ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Any Chart View in Jetpack Compose

I'm currently working on project that uses AnyChart available at and I structured my app using jetpack compose. AnyChart uses a xml view: <com.anychart....
Afonso Silva's user avatar
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Finding view in jetpack compose activities

This is probably a stupid question but i have to ask it anyway. In activities that are created solely by composables, is it still possible to use activity.findViewById( to find ...
AsafK's user avatar
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Android Studio pinch scaling - ScaleGestureDetector - doesn't work in a custom View

I have a custom view and I want to make the ability for a user to zoom in and out with pinching (like an image), but it doesn't work. I added the functions from here
user23903156's user avatar
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Android - infinite ruler/slider to change int value

Does anyone know a library that adds a similar slider to an application to change the value of a number? I need an element that allows itself to scroll indefinitely and change the value up/down (...
jose4ka's user avatar
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Make image overlap its parent view in Jetpack Compose

what i want is to make image overlap top edge of its parent view. without fixating any of view sizes image 1 expected i tried to use Box with image inside set to .wrapContentHeight(align = Alignment....
pipiskin's user avatar
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Kotlin obsever not executing changes on view, after re-entering the fragment

So im trying to set an observer and update fragment views depending on the response. The thing is when i first enter the fragment all works good, but if go back to other fragment, and re-enter the ...
rafael silva's user avatar
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How does onInterceptTouchEvent work for two overlapping ViewGroup?

I may misunderstand the concept of onInterceptTouchEvent and need you to help. So if I have the ViewGroup A and ViewGroup B which is overlapping with ViewGroup A, I want to know how ...
owen33519's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose WebView: Softkeyboard Enter Key behaves differently based on number of input fields

I'm encountering behavior in Jetpack Compose WebView where pressing the Enter key acts differently depending on the number of input fields on the loaded webpage. Here's the issue: Single Input Field: ...
Rhythm Khatri's user avatar
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Click a PopupMenu button with Espresso?

Is there a way to click an item in an inflated PopupMenu anchored to a ListView item? I have a PopupMenu that is created by clicking a button inside a ListView. I need to click an item inside the ...
cj-'s user avatar
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How to change arcgis map for kotlin locationDisplay mode in jetpack compose?

I successfully integrated an ArcGIS MapView within a composable layout, and the map rendered flawlessly. Subsequently, I activated the location display mode, which functioned as expected. val ...
Dodge_X's user avatar
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Android Views in Jetpack Compose

var adRequested by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } if (AdEventManager.isInternetAvailable() && !adRequested && isNativeAdVisible && !App.isAppPremium) { ...
Muhammad Awais's user avatar

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