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Questions tagged [spinner]

Spinner is a widget that allows the user to select an item from a group, like a dropdown list.

-1 votes
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Android Spinner Should Open New Screen For Selecting Spinner Items [closed]

Here's the image showing what I wish to do basically I'm making a currency converter and I want a new screen to open for selecting currencies instead of a dropdown meanu can anyone help me with the ...
Saurabh Singh's user avatar
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Simple Bi-Weekly Data Input Sheet with Spin Button

I am trying to create an excel sheet to track my hours at work. I would like to have a simple sheet that will display 14 days where I can input my hours for those days. I am trying to have this data ...
Cooper Vance's user avatar
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Fetch SQLite database Table Orderby condition in android java

How to conditionally retrieve the data of any table in the SQLite database? I want to extract condition wise data from a table in the database which I have not been able to successfully for the last 2 ...
Maria's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add spinner animation code in the code and stop after finishing to load the page

I am trying to add Spinner in below code. I have tried many ways but not succussed. I have included various position the spinner code but sometimes it runs but does not stop. Or some time never run. ...
Ohidul Islam's user avatar
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Add spinner to right of checkbox on layout

I have the following layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:...
Prescott Chartier's user avatar
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1 answer

Null pointer exception with spinner on kotlin

I am encountering an issue with my Kotlin Android code while implementing a Spinner with an onItemSelectedListener. I am trying to populate the Spinner with data retrieved from a SQLite database, but ...
ilovekotlin's user avatar
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How to make MatDialog transparent and center its item

I am copying example from Angular Material Progress Spinner: display as overlay The dialog component, app/progress-spinner-dialog.component.html: <mat-spinner align="'center" [color]=&...
xymzh's user avatar
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ngx-spinner error Property '"bdColor"' is incompatible with index signature

I was trying to add spinner to my angular project but got weird error: my ngx-spinner-component.d.ts line with error: ngOnDestroy(): void; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NgxSpinnerComponent, [...
Антон Олег's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to vertically center a CircularProgressIndicator in a Button?

I want to create a Button that while disabled, shows a CircularProgressIndicator (use case: user clicks the button, a network request is made and during this the button is disabled with a nice spinner ...'s user avatar
  • 16.7k
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add Items (FILES) from Directory to Spinner List

i´m trying to add files from a directory to spinner list, but i got nothing, (spinner list is empty) hoyever the folder countains 3 files in it. i checked whether the folder exists or not, (the folder ...
Anthony Magerera's user avatar
1 vote
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Populating a spinner with data obtained from a spinner in a different activity

how do I populate a spinner to depend on spinner data in a different activity?In android studio using java and also with sqlite db. I already have both spinners but I am struggling to make the second ...
Lornah Ombati's user avatar
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Trying to update API link based on what the user selects on a spinner

I'm working with an API that gets a list of holidays "". I have a spinner with 5 items that are countries abbreviated. Ideally, when the ...
Rebja A.'s user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get my Android Spinner to work correctly

Per something I found on the internet I have created a SpinnerPopup to display a spinner for long running tasks. The spinner is there and will come up eventually, but not when I want it to pretty much....
Steve H's user avatar
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Using Kivy, how do I pass the result of a spinner widget as a variable across classes

I have a simple program with a spinner widget to select a direction. I need to pass that direction as a variable that can be used in other classes. In the code below, I just want to print the ...
Kevin Hopkins's user avatar
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implement spinner , spinner adapter and

I make a android web browser and i add spinner to dropdown tabs groups with title as top , middle tabs group name with delete and rename icon, footer as add new tabs groups and close buttons. How can ...
Bibek Poudel's user avatar

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