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Questions tagged [webdriverwait]

WebDriverWait : WebDriverWait which extends FluentWait<WebDriver> is a specialization of Class FluentWait<T> that uses WebDriver instances.

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Python Selenium - How to Iterate through a table column, visit URLS and scrape content on inner pages

Long story short: I am trying to write a function that will go through a table column, and as soon as it hits an exact match to a number I give it, it will start visiting the URL on each row after the ...
Daniel M's user avatar
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1 answer

WebDriverWait is getting the title, but javascript, or something is changing the browser's title after the page has loaded

I'm using selenium to rename and sort the medium to a folder based on the title of the page, but the page is still loading content in the background and the title of the page changes after firefox has ...
phpjunkie's user avatar
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3 answers

Selenium XPath: How do I click on the Load More button

I'm trying to scrape job listings on a career page. I'm trying to click the load more button, but cant seem to figure it out. i was wondering if someone could help me out -- I keep getting an error ...
redhorse's user avatar
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NoSuchElementException even though locator used is working in Chrome

I am getting NoSuchElementException for an element and because of which my regression suite is failing. I have used XPATH, CSS selector and when searched in Chrome using those locators, I am able to ...
user25207304's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unable to click the Explore text in Google Trends site using Selenium Python

I need to get Google Trends data for past 30 days, past 12 months like that for the purpose of my current project. I'm able to get daily data using Google Trends API. The package has another API ...
Rahim T.S's user avatar
-1 votes
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Selenium Explicit Wait fails to wait for clickability

I am having an issue with selenium explicit wait for a button to be clickable. When the button webelement is returned by self.driver_wait.until( expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable(...
rumpel360's user avatar
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Not able to user WebDriverWait class

I am new to Java with Selenium and I am not being able to use WebDriverWait class. I have added dependencies for selenium and webdriver manager and also imported the class on the java class but still ...
user23393524's user avatar
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Selenium Python Trying to Better Understand WebDriverWait and Splash/Transition Screens

I'm coding for a website that uses the transition screen below in between each data screen, including when you first connect to the site. So this screen appears before the initial login screen. My ...
Jimmy Genslinger's user avatar
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Selenium webdriver skipping some links while iterating through df - python

I'm trying to scrape some data from around 1800 webpages with a similar table format using selenium python. I have a dataframe full of the links to each of the necessary pages. However, when I use ...
VSherr's user avatar
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Selenium Issues With Waiting Until Multiple Dropdowns Populate

I am having a great amount of trouble working with python selenium on a multi-dropdown url retrieval algorithm. In short, I'd like my program to go the the link (
VSherr's user avatar
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Python Selenium submit works only in debug mode

My python program with selenium has a strange behavior : it works very good when I start it in debug mode but not in normal mode. The FromDate is not taken into account in normal mode. I thought it ...
Jean Marc Canon's user avatar
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How to replace Thread.sleep with WebDriverWait to avoid StaleElementReferenceException

Problem 1: I am using demo page to practice automation tests and I encountered the following problem. When I am using Javascript Executor .scrollIntoView, afterwards my ...
nerull7's user avatar
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How to find the correct wait command for a dynamic table element?

The website is Here is my code: driver.get(""); try { wait....
rusty's user avatar
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Using WebDriverWait to only check till timeout, without exception

I am trying to use WebDriverWait for condition to be true. If it's not true after timeout, continue - instead of timeout exception. new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .pollingEvery(Duration.ofSeconds(1)...
golu's user avatar
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Issue selecting button tag with text using Selenium WebDriverWait

I can´t select a button with a specific text (hence can´t do click on it). This is a image of the button: and this is its html code: When using WebDriverWait and the text 'Confirm payment', the ...
Claytor's user avatar
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